We define a new UC functionality (DL-extractable commitment scheme) that allows committer to open a commitment to a group element \(g^x\); however, the simulator will be able to extract its discrete logarithm x. Such functionality is useful in situations where the secrecy of x is important since the knowledge of x enables to break privacy while the simulator needs to know x to be able to simulate the corrupted committer. Based on Fujisaki’s UC-secure commitment scheme and the Damgård-Fujisaki integer commitment scheme, we propose an efficient commitment scheme that realizes the new functionality. As another novelty, we construct the new scheme in the weaker RPK (registered public key) model instead of the CRS model used by Fujisaki.
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1 Introduction
A commitment scheme is one of the most basic primitives in cryptography. Essentially, it implements a digital safe: in the commitment phase, the committer puts her message to the safe, locks it, and hands it to the receiver. In the open phase, the committer uses her key to open the safe. Thus, a commitment scheme satisfies at least the following two properties: it is binding (the committer cannot change the committed message) and hiding (before the opening, the receiver does not know which message was committed to).
In many applications, commitment schemes must satisfy stronger properties. In the case of UC-security [8], one first defines an ideal functionality (e.g., the functionality of the commitment scheme) and then constructs a protocol that UC-realizes this functionality. Such protocol is said to be UC-secure. Due to Canetti’s composition theorem [8], a UC-secure protocol enjoys secure composability with arbitrary protocols, without the need to reprove its security. Importantly, UC-secure protocols do not have to be modified to be secure in a specific software environment and thus can be used as a black-box by practitioners. As such, UC is the recommended best practice in cryptographic engineering.
The first UC-commitment scheme was proposed by Canetti and Fischlin [9]. A UC-commitment scheme was shown to be complete for the construction of UC-secure zero knowledge protocols [9, 14] and two-party and multi-party computations [10]. UC-commitment schemes have to satisfy the properties of extractability (the simulator can unambiguously extract the committed message) and equivocability (the simulator can open a commitment to an arbitrary value) at the same time, and thus they cannot be constructed without an additional setup assumption [9]. The most widely known setup assumption is the common reference string (CRS, [6]) model that allows for a universally trusted entity that generates the CRS from the correct distribution without revealing its trapdoor.
Many different CRS-model UC-commitment schemes are known, starting with [7, 9, 10, 14]. Lindell [21] proposed the first efficient scheme based on an ordinary prime-order group. Blazy et al. [5] corrected a bug in Lindell’s scheme and proposed a new scheme with additional optimizations. Fujisaki [16] further optimized the scheme of Blazy et al., obtaining the most efficient currently known UC-commitment scheme \(\mathsf {Fuj}\) in an ordinary prime-order group.
The main idea of the UC-commitment schemes of [5, 16, 21] is that the committer \(\mathsf {C}\) encrypts a message m. During the open phase, \(\mathsf {C}\) outputs m together with an interactive proof (a \(\varSigma \)-protocol) that she encrypted m. She also erases the used randomizer (hence, these commitments schemes assume secure erasure). The UC simulator simulates the \(\varSigma \)-protocol using the CRS trapdoor; to achieve UC-security, the \(\varSigma \)-protocol has to be straight-line extractable. Due to the use of a \(\varSigma \)-protocol, [5, 16, 21] have either an interactive commit phase (resulting in adaptive security) or an interactive open phase (resulting in static security). Within this paper, we will concentrate on adaptively secure variants. Fischlin, Libert, and Manulis [15] used a Groth-Sahai proof [19] instead of a \(\varSigma \)-protocol to construct a non-interactive adaptive UC-commitment scheme; however, their scheme is computationally less efficient and uses bilinear pairings.
An important question, often asked by practitioners, is how to implement the CRS model. More precisely, how can one guarantee the existence of a single party that can be trusted by everybody to choose the CRS from the correct distribution without leaking its trapdoors? Fortunately, weaker setup models are known. Barak, Canetti, Nielsen, and Pass [2] introduced the weaker registered public key (RPK) model where it is essentially required that each party must trust some key registration authority who registers his key. The authorities can coincide or be different, depending on the application. They do not need to trust each other. In particular, the CRS model is a very strong case of the RPK model where there is only one authority whom all parties have to trust. Barak et al. [2] proposed a UC-commitment scheme that is secure in the RPK model: in fact, they used the property of a known UC-commitment scheme in the CRS model that its CRS can be divided into two parts: a binding part (trusted by the receiver \(\mathsf {R}\)) and a hiding part (trusted by the committer \(\mathsf {C}\)). Thus, the binding part can be registered by the authority of \(\mathsf {R}\) and the hiding part can be registered by the authority of \(\mathsf {C}\). Unfortunately, their scheme is quite inefficient.
Moreover, the functionality of UC-commitments is not always sufficient. E.g., consider the following generic class of (UC-secure) pairing-based multiplicative public key generation protocols. (This protocol is motivated by a non-UC-secure CRS-generation protocol for SNARKs [17, 18, 22] from [4] that can be used also to generate the CRS of UC-secure SNARKs like [20].) Let be an (asymmetric) prime-order bilinear group where \(g_i\) is a generator of \(\mathbb {G}_i\). Different parties , \(i \in [1 \, .. \, \nu ]\), sample their one-time public keys \((g_{1}^{\sigma _i}, g_{2}^{\sigma _i})\), for secret key \(\sigma _i\), and UC-commit to them. After all parties have committed, everybody opens commitments to their public keys. Next, they enact a sequential protocol where the ith party computes \(g_{1}^{\sigma ^*_i} := g_{1}^{\prod _{j = 1}^i \sigma _j}\) as \(g_{1}^{\sigma ^*_i} \leftarrow \left( g_{1}^{\sigma ^*_{i - 1}}\right) ^{\sigma _i}\), by using a public group element \(g_{1}^{\sigma ^*_{i - 1}}\) and a secret integer \(\sigma _i\). Under the minimal assumption that at least one is honest, it is required that the joint public key \(g_{1}^{\sigma ^*_{\nu }}\) is uniformly random and that no coalition of less than \(\nu \) knows the corresponding secret key \(\sigma ^*_{\nu }\). Due to this, \(\sigma _i\) should not be leaked while opening to \(g_{2}^{\sigma _i}\) is needed for public verification of the correctness of the operation of . Namely, for this, one needs to check that \(\hat{e}(g_{1}^{\sigma ^*_i}, g_{2}) = \hat{e}(g_{1}^{\sigma ^*_{i - 1}}, g_{2}^{\sigma _i})\); thus, avoiding the use of costly zero-knowledge protocols.
On the other hand, in the security proof, the UC simulator needs to recover \(\sigma _i\) (and not only \((g_{1}^{\sigma _i}, g_{2}^{\sigma _i})\)) to be able to simulate the operation of a corrupted party. Hence, we have arrived to the requirement that after the committer commits to a message m, it should be opened to \((g_{1}^{m}, g_{2}^{m})\) while the simulator must be able to extract m from the functionality.
Similar functionality is needed to achieve security in other UC protocols, especially in the setting where one uses a DL-based cryptosystem (or a commitment scheme) to encrypt the witness yet needs to extract the witness for simulation purposes. It can be implemented by encrypting the witness (that has to be extractable) bitwise, and then giving a NIZK argument that each ciphertext encrypts a Boolean value . Protocols using such a technique have obviously huge communication.
Finally, non-falsifiable assumptions (e.g., knowledge assumptions [12, 23]) are usually used to (i) extract a unique long message from a succinct commitment, one can avoid such use of non-falsifiable assumptions by having a linearly-long commitment (as done, say, in [20]), and (ii) extract the exponent from a group element, for example, in the case one uses the Groth-Sahai commitment scheme for scalars [19]. To avoid using non-falsifiable assumptions in this case, one can use a DL-extractable commitment scheme that we define in the current paper.
Our Contributions. Let \(\mathbb {G}\) be a prime-order group with generator g. We will define the new ideal functionality \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {mcomdl}}\) of a DL-extractable commitment scheme. Intuitively, the main difference between \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {mcomdl}}\) and the standard functionality \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {mcom}}\) of UC-commitment schemes [9] is that in \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {mcomdl}}\), the committer sends m to the functionality who stores m. When opening the commitment, the functionality \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {mcomdl}}\) only sends \(g^m \in \mathbb {G}\) (while \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {mcom}}\) sends m itself) to the receiver. Since the functionality stores m, it means that after the committer is corrupted, the UC simulator will get to know m.
We seem to be the first to formalize \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {mcomdl}}\) as a separate functionality (see Remark 1 in Sect. 3 for a comparison to the notion of P-extractability of Belenkiy et al. [3]); such a formalization creates a common language and enables other researchers to use our implementation of \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {mcomdl}}\) as a black-box. At this moment it is even difficult to search for papers that implicitly use this functionality due to lack of agreed-upon language and notation. We expect there to be more applications after the current work establishes the common language.
After that, we construct a commitment scheme \(\mathsf {\Gamma }_{\mathsf {dl}}\) that UC-realizes \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {mcomdl}}\) in the \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {rpk}}\)-hybrid model, i.e., assuming availability of a UC-secure realization of the RPK model. Essentially, \(\mathsf {\Gamma }_{\mathsf {dl}}\) is based on Fujisaki’s CRS-model UC-commitment scheme \(\mathsf {Fuj}\) [16] with the following important modifications. First, [5, 16, 21] all work in the CRS model. We crucially observe that the commitment key of \(\mathsf {Fuj}\) consists of two independent parts, one guaranteeing hiding and another one guaranteeing binding. Relying on this separation, we will lift \(\mathsf {Fuj}\) (and also its DL-extractable version) to the weaker RPK model. Since the RPK model seems to be relatively unknown in the community, reintroducing it and constructing an efficient commitment scheme in this model can be seen as another major contribution of the current work.
Second, to guarantee DL-extractability, we proceed as follows. One of the optimizations of Fujisaki compared to [5, 21] is the use of the efficient IND-PCA secure Short Cramer-Shoup (SCS, [1]) public-key cryptosystem. We couple an SCS encryption of \(g^m\) with an additively homomorphic Paillier encryption [24] of m, an integer commitment [13] to m, and a straight-line extractable \(\varSigma \)-protocol showing that these three encryptions/commitments of m are mutually consistent. The UC simulator uses the Paillier encryption (importantly, the simulator does not rewind the \(\varSigma \)-protocol) to extract m from a corrupted committer. Thus, the Paillier encryption is needed for extraction while the integer commitment is needed to prove that the SCS plaintext \(g^{m_1}\) and the Paillier plaintext \(m_2\) satisfy \(m_1 \equiv m_2 \pmod {p}\) where p is the order of \(\mathbb {G}\).
The construction of \(\mathsf {\Gamma }_{\mathsf {dl}}\) and its security proof are somewhat subtle due to the use of three different algebraic/number-theoretic settings (prime-order bilinear groups, Paillier encryption modulo \(N = P Q\), and an integer commitment scheme). However, most of this subtlety is needed to construct the \(\varSigma \)-protocol and to prove its security.
Finally, the functionality of a DL-extractable commitment scheme can be straightforwardly generalized to that of a preimage-extractable commitment scheme where the map \(m \mapsto g^m\) is replaced by \(m \mapsto F (m)\) for any one-way permutation F. We leave study of such a generalization to the future work.
2 Preliminaries
Let PPT denote probabilistic polynomial-time. Let be the information-theoretic security parameter, in practice, e.g., . All adversaries will be stateful. For an algorithm , let denote the random tape of , and let denote sampling of a randomizer r of sufficient length for ’s needs. By we denote that , given an input x and a randomizer r, outputs y. We denote by an arbitrary negligible function, and by an arbitrary polynomial function. \(\mathcal {D}_1 \approx _c \mathcal {D}_2\) means that the distributions \(\mathcal {D}_1\) and \(\mathcal {D}_2\) are computationally indistinguishable.
UC Security. We work in the standard universal composability framework of Canetti [8] with static corruptions of parties. For consistency, we use the definition of computational indistinguishability, denoted by \(\approx _c\), from that work. The UC framework defines a PPT environment machine \(\mathcal {Z}\) that oversees the execution of a protocol in one of two worlds. The “ideal world” execution involves “dummy parties” (some of whom may be corrupted by an ideal adversary/simulator ) interacting with a functionality \(\mathcal {F}\). The “real world” execution involves PPT parties (some of whom may be corrupted by a PPT real world adversary ) interacting only with each other in some protocol \(\pi \). We refer to [8] for a detailed description of the executions, and a definition of the real world ensemble and the ideal world ensemble .
A protocol \(\pi \) UC-securely computes \(\mathcal {F}\) if there exists a PPT such that for every non-uniform PPT \(\mathcal {Z}\) and PPT , .
The importance of this definition is a composition theorem that states that any protocol that is universally composable is secure when run concurrently with many other arbitrary protocols; see [8, 10] for discussions and definitions.
In the registered public key (RPK, [2]) model, it is assumed that each party trusts some key-registration authority and has registered her key with . (The same can be used by several parties, or each party can choose to trust a separate authority.) If is honest, then the secret key exists and the public key comes from correct distribution (in this case, the public key is said to be “safe”). If is dishonest, the secret key still exists (and the public key has been computed from it honestly) but there is no guarantee about its distribution (in this case, the public key is said to be “well-formed”). See Fig. 1 for the description of the functionality of the key registration from [2].
Several different variants (most importantly, the “traditional proof-of-knowledge” version where the secret key and the public key are generated by who then sends the public key to and proves the knowledge of the secret key to by using a stand-alone zero-knowledge proof) of the RPK model are known. The new commitment can be implemented in any of such variants of the RPK model; in particular the definition of the \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {rpk}}\)-hybrid model does not depend on the variant. We assume that each party knows the identities of all other parties and their key-registration authorities, see [2] for discussion.
In the CRS model [6], there is a single, universally trusted, third party (TTP) that picks a common reference string \(\mathsf {crs}\) from a well-defined probability distribution and makes it available to all parties. An ideal functionality realizing the CRS model is presented on Fig. 1. In a usual implementation, \(\mathsf {crs}\) comes with a secret trapdoor \(\mathsf {td}\), such that \(\mathsf {td}\) is sampled from a well-defined distribution \(\mathcal {D}_{\mathsf {td}}\), and for some public function f, we have \(\mathsf {crs}\leftarrow f (\mathsf {td})\). In the case of a NIZK argument system, the knowledge of \(\mathsf {td}\) allows the simulator to prove statements outside of the language. Here, it is assumed that TTP only provides \(\mathsf {td}\) to the simulator but not to the adversary. The CRS model can be seen as a very strong version of the RPK model where all parties trust the same TTP .
We denote an execution of \(\pi \) in the RPK-hybrid (the CRS-hybrid case is similar) model by . A protocol \(\pi \) UC-securely computes \(\mathcal {F}\) in the \(\mathcal {F}^f_{\mathsf {rpk}}\)-hybrid model if there exists a PPT such that every non-uniform PPT \(\mathcal {Z}\) and PPT , .
Root Assumption. An integer is -smooth if all its prime factors are at most , and -rough [13] if all its prime factors are larger than .
Let \(\tilde{\mathbb {G}}= \mathbb {U}\times \mathbb {H}\) be a multiplicative abelian group such that \(\mathbb {H}\) has order divisible only by large primes. That is, let and be two functions from to , such that is superpolynomial and is polynomial. Let \(2^B\) be an efficiently computable upperbound on \(|\tilde{\mathbb {G}}|\), \(2^B \ge {\text {ord}}(\tilde{\mathbb {G}})\). Denote \(l_{\tilde{\mathbb {G}}} := {\text {ord}}(\mathbb {U})\). We assume , the description \({\text {descr}}(\tilde{\mathbb {G}})\) of \(\tilde{\mathbb {G}}\) includes \(l_{\tilde{\mathbb {G}}}\), and that it is easy to verify whether some bitstring represents an element of \(\tilde{\mathbb {G}}\). Let generate \({\text {descr}}(\tilde{\mathbb {G}})\) that has the mentioned properties. In the following instantiation, the root assumption is the same as the well-known Strong RSA assumption. (Another known instantiation [13] is based on class groups.)
Note that if \(\tilde{\mathbb {G}}= \mathbb {U}\times \mathbb {H}\) is the multiplicative group modulo \(N = P Q\) where \(P = 2 P' + 1\) and \(Q = 2 Q' + 1\) are safe primes, then \({\text {ord}}(\tilde{\mathbb {G}}) = \varphi (N) = 4 P' Q'\). (This setting is often recommended if one uses the RSA or the Paillier cryptosystem [24].) In this case, is a group of order \(l_{\tilde{\mathbb {G}}} = 4\) and \(\mathbb {H}\) is a group of order \(P' Q'\). Here, \({\text {descr}}(\tilde{\mathbb {G}}) = \{N, l_{\tilde{\mathbb {G}}}\}\).
Consider the following experiment:
The root assumption [13] holds relative to \(\mathcal {G}\), if for all and PPT , .
Commitment Schemes. A commitment scheme is defined by three PPT algorithms: (i) generates a public key (CRS) \(\mathsf {\Gamma }.\mathsf {ck}\) and a secret key (trapdoor) \(\mathsf {\Gamma }.\mathsf {td}\); (ii) \(\mathsf {\Gamma }.\mathsf {Com}(\mathsf {\Gamma }.\mathsf {ck}; m; r)\) commits to \(m\) under the CRS \(\mathsf {ck}\), using the random coins r. It outputs commitment \(\mathsf {c}\) and opening information \(\mathsf {op}\); (iii) verifies that \(\mathsf {c}\) is a commitment to \(m\).
It is required that for any (where \(\mathsf {\Gamma }.\mathsf {td}\) is unused unless \(\mathsf {\Gamma }\) has a trapdoor property), message \(m\), randomizer r, and \((\mathsf {c}, \mathsf {op}) \leftarrow \mathsf {\Gamma }.\mathsf {Com}(\mathsf {\Gamma }.\mathsf {ck}; m; r)\), it holds that . \(\mathsf {\Gamma }\) is statistically hiding, if the distributions of commitment \(\mathsf {c}\), corresponding to any two values of \(m\), are statistically indistinguishable. \(\mathsf {\Gamma }\) is computationally binding, if given \(\mathsf {ck}\) and \(\mathsf {c}\), no PPT adversary can create two different messages \(m_i\) with corresponding openings \(\mathsf {op}_i\), such that with a non-negligible probability.
A commitment scheme \(\mathsf {\Gamma }\) is trapdoor if there exists a PPT algorithm \(\mathsf {\Gamma }.\mathsf {tdOpen}\), such that given the trapdoor \(\mathsf {\Gamma }.\mathsf {td}\) (corresponding to commitment key \(\mathsf {\Gamma }.\mathsf {ck}\)), two messages \(m_1\) (with opening \(\mathsf {op}_1\)) and \(m_2\), and any commitment \(\mathsf {c}\): if then \(\mathsf {\Gamma }.\mathsf {tdOpen}(\mathsf {\Gamma }.\mathsf {td}; m_1, \mathsf {op}_1, m_2) = \mathsf {op}_2\), such that . The Pedersen trapdoor commitment scheme [25] in cyclic group \(\mathbb {G}\), with generator \(g\), is defined as follows:
: sample , set \(h \leftarrow g^{\mathsf {td}}\), and output \((\mathsf {Ped}.\mathsf {ck}= (g, h), \mathsf {Ped}.\mathsf {td}\leftarrow \mathsf {td})\).
\(\mathsf {Ped}.\mathsf {Com}(\mathsf {Ped}.\mathsf {ck}; m; r)\) for , : output \((\mathsf {c}, \mathsf {op}) = (g^mh^r, r)\).
: output 1 if \(\mathsf {c}= g^mh^r\) and 0 otherwise.
\(\mathsf {Ped}.\mathsf {tdOpen}(\mathsf {Ped}.\mathsf {td}; m_1, \mathsf {op}_1 = r_1, m_2)\): output \(\mathsf {op}_2 = r_2 \leftarrow (m_1 - m_2)/\mathsf {td} + r_1\).
It is well-known that \(\mathsf {Ped}\) is perfectly hiding, computationally binding under the discrete logarithm assumption, and trapdoor.
A commitment scheme is an ICS if the messages come from domain . Thus, statistical hiding means that it is intractable to compute two different integers and corresponding openings \(\mathsf {op}_1\) and \(\mathsf {op}_2\), such that . In the case of Pedersen, \(m\) and \(m+ p\) have the same commitments and thus \(\mathsf {Ped}\) is not an ICS. Let \(\tilde{\mathbb {G}}\) be a group where the root assumption holds. The Damgård-Fujisaki ICS [13] over \(\tilde{\mathbb {G}}\) works as follows:
: chooses an \(\tilde{h}\in \tilde{\mathbb {G}}\) s.t. \({\text {ord}}(\tilde{h})\) is -rough, and sets \(\tilde{g}\leftarrow \tilde{h}^\alpha \) where . sends to and proves that \(\tilde{g}\in \langle \tilde{h}\rangle \).
for , : output , \(\mathsf {op}= (1, r)\).
: check that and \(\mu ^{l_{\tilde{\mathbb {G}}}} = 1\).
See [13] for a discussion on \(\mu \) and other details. As proven in [13], \(\mathsf {DF}\) is statistically hiding and computationally binding under the root assumption.
A (multi-use) UC-commitment scheme [9] implements the functionality \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {mcom}}\) (see Fig. 2). The \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {mcom}}\) functionality takes as an additional input another unique “commitment identifier” \(\mathsf {cid}\), which is used if a sender commits to the same receiver multiple times within a session. We assume that the combination of \((\mathsf {sid}, \mathsf {cid})\) is globally unique, [9]. UC-commitment schemes have to satisfy the properties of extractability (the simulator can unambiguously extract the committed message) and equivocability (the simulator can open a commitment to an arbitrary value) at the same time, and thus they cannot be constructed without an additional setup assumption [9].
Cryptosystems. A labelled public-key cryptosystem \(\varPi \) is defined by three PPT algorithms: (i) generates a public key and a secret key ; (ii) encrypts the message \(m\) under the key with label \(\mathsf {lbl}\), using the random coins r; (iii) decrypts the ciphertext \(\mathsf {c}\), using the secret key with label \(\mathsf {lbl}\). It is required that for all , all labels \(\mathsf {lbl}\), all random coins r and all messages \(m\), .
IND-CPA (indistinguishability under the chosen plaintext attack) and IND-PCA (indistinguishability under the plaintext checking attacks, [1]) are defined by using the following experiments:
The experiment-dependent oracle is defined as follows: (i) in , \(\mathcal {O} (\cdot , \cdot , \cdot )\) returns always 0. (ii) in , \(\mathcal {O} (\mathsf {lbl}, \mathsf {c}, m)\) adds \((\mathsf {lbl}, \mathsf {c})\) to \(\mathcal {Q}\). It returns 1 if the decryption of \(\mathsf {c}\) under the label \(\mathsf {lbl}\) is \(m\). Otherwise, it returns 0.
\(\varPi \) is IND-CPA secure if for any PPT adversary , . \(\varPi \) is IND-PCA secure if for any PPT adversary , .
The IND-PCA-secure Short Cramer-Shoup (SCS) labelled cryptosystem [1] works as follows:
: ; ; \(h \leftarrow g^z\), \(c \leftarrow g^{x_1} h^{x_2}\), \(d \leftarrow g^{y_1} h^{y_2}\). Choose \(\mathsf {H}\) from a collision-resistant hash function family \(\mathcal {H}\). Return and .
: sample ; set \((u, e, v) \leftarrow (g^r, g^{m} h^r, (c d^\tau )^r)\), where . Return the ciphertext \((u, e, v)^\top \).
: set \(\tau \leftarrow \mathsf {H}(\mathsf {lbl}, u, e)\), \(g^m \leftarrow e/u^z\); if \(u^{x_1 + y_1 \tau } (e/g^{m})^{x_2 + y_2 \tau } \ne v\) then abort. Otherwise, output \(g^m\).
Abdalla et al. [1] proved that SCS is IND-PCA secure given \(\mathcal {H}\) is a collision-resistant hash function family and DDH is hard in \(\mathbb {G}\).
An additively homomorphic public-key cryptosystem has plaintext space equal to for integer N, s.t. the product of two ciphertexts decrypts to the sum of the two corresponding plaintexts. We will use the Paillier cryptosystem \(\mathsf {Pai}\) [24]. It encrypts plaintexts from , where N is a well-chosen RSA modulus, and outputs ciphertexts from : . See [24] for more details, including the decryption algorithm. \(\mathsf {Pai}\) is IND-CPA secure under the DCRA assumption [24].
\(\varSigma \)-Protocols [11] in the RPK Model. Let \(\mathbf {R}= \{\mathsf {x}, \mathsf {w}\}\) be an NP-relation. A \(\varSigma \)-protocol is a three-round protocol between the prover and the verifier , such that the first and the third messages are by the prover, and the second message is by the verifier. Let be the public key of the verifier. has input and has input . The first message is denoted as , where is sampled from the randomizer space of the protocol. The second message e is chosen uniformly at random from , . The third message is denoted as . The verifier accepts iff .
A \(\varSigma \)-protocol is complete for \(\mathbf {R}\) if an honest verifier always accepts an honest prover. A \(\varSigma \)-protocol is specially sound for \(\mathbf {R}\) if given an input \(\mathsf {x}\) and two acceptable views \((a, e_1, z_1)\) and \((a, e_2, z_2)\), \(e_1 \ne e_2\), one can efficiently extract a witness \(\mathsf {w}\), such that \((\mathsf {x}, \mathsf {w}) \in \mathbf {R}\). A \(\varSigma \)-protocol is statistically special honest-verifier zero-knowledge (SSHVZK) for \(\mathbf {R}\) if for any , \(\mathsf {x}\) and e, can first choose a z and then a, such that the simulated view (a, e, z) and the real view, given the same e, have negligible statistical distance.
3 New Functionality \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {mcomdl}}\) and Instantiation
In a DL-extractable UC-commitment scheme, one commits to an integer m from but the opening is to a group element \(g^m \in \mathbb {G}\). (In particular, m should stay secret from other participants even after the opening.) Nevertheless, we require that there exists an efficient extraction algorithm that can retrieve the discrete logarithm (i.e., the committed integer) of \(g^m\). That is, while opening returns \(g^m\), the extraction returns m. See Fig. 3 for the corresponding functionality \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {mcomdl}}\) that is parametrized by and \(\mathbb {G}\) (this means that and \(\mathbb {G}\) are “hard-coded” into the functionality). We formalize our goal by letting parties to commit to an integer m (which will be stored by the functionality and thus can be extracted) but opening the commitment to \(g^m\). Hence, any commitment scheme that implements \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {mcomdl}}\) must necessarily be DL-extractable.
Remark 1
Belenkiy et al. [3] defined P-extractable commitment scheme, for an efficient function P, as a commitment scheme where one commits to m and opens to m but where the extractor is able to extract P(m). DL-extractable commitment is a variant of P-extractable commitment for \(P = \text {DL}\) being an intractable function. If \(P (m) = g^m =: \exp _g(m)\) then one obtains a functionality, dual to \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {mcomdl}}\). (However, [3] did not consider UC-security and thus did not use the language of functionalities.) Compared to DL-extractability, \(\exp _g\)-extractability is trivial to implement: indeed, the notion of \(\exp _g\)-extractability was motivated by the fact that well-known commitment schemes like the Groth-Sahai commitment scheme for scalars [19] had this property. (The extractor of this commitment scheme obtains \(g^m\) by Elgamal-decrypting the commitment. Since computing DL is intractable, one arrives to the notion of a \(\exp _g\)-extractable commitment.) Obtaining DL-extractability is non-trivial since DL is a hard function and thus one has to take special care about making the DL of a message extractable. \(\square \)
The functionality \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {mcomdl}}\) can be straightforwardly generalized to the functionality \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {mcom}\text {-}F^{-1}}\) for an arbitrary one-way permutation F, where the opening message includes \(y \leftarrow F (m)\) instead of \(y \leftarrow g^m\). Since we are interested in the applications of \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {mcomdl}}\), we will omit further discussion.
We implement \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {mcomdl}}\) as follows: for , we encrypt the group element \(g^m\) by using the Short Cramer-Shoup encryption [1], encrypt the integer m by using the Paillier [24] additively homomorphic public-key cryptosystem, and finally commit to the integer m by using the Damgård-Fujisaki [13] ICS. We add a \(\varSigma \)-protocol proving the knowledge of m that was used in all cases; importantly, only \(g^m\) can be extracted from and in particular, m will remain secret. Since UC-security does not permit to use rewinding to retrieve m, we use straight-line extraction techniques from [16]. The \(\varSigma \)-protocol is started during the commit phase, and after that the committer \(\mathsf {C}\) erases the used random coins. In the open phase, \(\mathsf {C}\) opens the commitment to \(g^m\) by finishing . When simulating an honest committer, the UC simulator first commits to 0; uses the properties of a trapdoor commitment scheme and the SSHVZK property to simulate . (This guarantees equivocability.) If \(\mathsf {C}\) is corrupted then uses the knowledge of the Paillier secret key to decrypt the Paillier encryption of m and thus obtains m. (This guarantees extractability.) Thus, we obtain a DL-extractable commitment scheme.
3.1 \(\varSigma \)-Protocol
Let \(\mathsf {SCS}\) be the SCS cryptosystem and \(\mathsf {Pai}\) be the Paillier cryptosystem. Recall that the plaintext space of \(\mathsf {SCS}\) is \(\mathbb {G}\) (of order \(p\)) and the plaintext space of \(\mathsf {Pai}\) is for an \(N > p\). (The case \(N = p\) is straightforward to handle.) Let
where . Let \(\mathsf {\mathbf {L}_{eq}}= \{\mathsf {x}: \exists \mathsf {w}, (\mathsf {x}, \mathsf {w}) \in \mathsf {\mathbf {R}_{eq}}\}\) be the corresponding language. Thus, \(\mathsf {x}\in \mathsf {\mathbf {L}_{eq}}\) iff the two ciphertexts encrypt \(g^m\) and \(m'\) respectively, such that \(m \equiv m' \pmod {p}\). Note that \(g^m\) is public while m is not; this corresponds to the use of \(g^m\) in the new DL-extractable UC-commitment scheme.
The proof of the following theorem uses ideas from the proof given in Sect. 5.1 of [13]. Note that in the next theorem, we actually do not need the public key to be registered. We will assume it here for the sake of convenience since registration is needed in the new DL-extractable UC-commitment scheme.
Theorem 1
(Security of ). Let \(\mathsf {H}\) be sampled from a collision-resistant hash function family, \(\mathsf {SCS}\) be the SCS cryptosystem, \(\mathsf {Pai}\) be the Paillier cryptosystem, and \(\mathsf {DF}\) be the Damgård-Fujisaki ICS. Assume has registered her public key . Let T be a public constant such that \(m < T\), e.g. \(T = p\); let and let \(2^B\) be a close upperbound on \({\text {ord}}(\tilde{\mathbb {G}})\). Assume . The \(\varSigma \)-protocol in Fig. 4 (where will be defined in the SSHVZK proof) is complete and SSHVZK for \(\mathsf {\mathbf {R}_{eq}}\). The protocol is computationally specially sound under the root assumption in \(\tilde{\mathbb {G}}\).
consider two accepting views \((a, e, \mathbf {z})\) and \((a, e', \mathbf {z}')\) with \(e \ne e'\). Let \(m^* \leftarrow (z_2' - z_2)/(e' - e) \mod p\) and \(r^* \leftarrow (z_1' - z_1)/(e' - e) \mod p\). We get from the first four verification equations respectively that
For example, from (b) we get \(g^{e m} \cdot a_3 = g^{z_2}\) and \(g^{e m'} \cdot a_3 = g^{z_2'}\). It follows that \(g^{(e' - e) m} = g^{z_2 - z_2'}\) and thus \(g^{m} = g^{(z_2 - z_2') / (e' - e)} = g^{m^*}\).
(2). Since \(\tilde{g}= \tilde{h}^\alpha \), \(\tilde{a}_1^{e' - e} = \tilde{h}^\delta \) for \(\delta := \alpha (z_2' - z_2) + (z_4' - z_4)\). We will next consider three possible cases. Let be the event that we either have the case (i) or the case (ii).
(i) \((e' - e) \not \mid \delta \) as an integer.
Write \(\gamma = \gcd (\delta , e' - e)\). By the Extended Euclidean algorithm, there exist i and j (where ), such that \(j \delta + i (e' - e) = \gamma \). Thus, \(\tilde{h}^\gamma = \tilde{h}^{j \delta + i (e' - e)} = \tilde{a}_1^{j (e' - e)} \tilde{h}^{i (e' - e)} = (\tilde{a}_1^j \tilde{h}^i)^{e' - e} \). Set now \(\mu \leftarrow (\tilde{a}_1^j \tilde{h}^i)^{(e' - e)/\gamma }/\tilde{h}\). Thus, \(\mu ^\gamma = 1\). Since , \({\text {ord}}(\mu )\) is -smooth and thus \(\mu ^{l_{\tilde{\mathbb {G}}}} = 1\). Since \(\tilde{h}= \mu ^{-1} (\tilde{a}_1^j \tilde{h}^i)^{(e' - e)/\gamma }\), \(((e' - e)/\gamma , \tilde{a}_1^j \tilde{h}^i, \mu ^{-1})\) is a solution to the root problem.
(ii) \((e' - e) \mid \delta \) as an integer, but either \((e' - e) \not \mid (z_2' - z_2)\) or \((e' - e) \not \mid (z_4' - z_4)\).
Let q be a prime factor of \(e' - e\), such that \(q^j\) is the highest power of q dividing \(e' - e\) and at least one of \(z_2' - z_2\) or \(z_4' - z_4\) is non-zero modulo \(q^j\) (such q exists due to the assumption of non-divisibility). If \(q^j \mid (z_2' - z_2)\) then (due to the definition of \(\delta \) and \(q^j\)) also \(q^j \mid (z_4' - z_4)\), a contradiction. Thus, \(z_2' - z_2 \not \equiv 0 \pmod {q^j}\).
Write \(\alpha = a + b \cdot {\text {ord}}(\tilde{h})\) for some \(a < {\text {ord}}(\tilde{h})\) and b. The adversary only has information about \(\alpha \) via the value \(\tilde{g}\); moreover, \(\tilde{g}\) completely determines a while it contains no information about b. Since \(q^j \mid \delta \),
Because q is a prime factor of \(e' - e\) and , and thus \({\text {ord}}(\tilde{h}) \not \equiv 0 \pmod {q}\). From the adversary’s viewpoint, b is chosen uniformly at random from a set of at least values, and it must satisfy Eq. (3) for to be true. Equation (3) has at most \(\eta := \gcd ((z_2' - z_2) \cdot {\text {ord}}(\tilde{h}), q^j)\) solutions. Clearly, \(\eta \) is a power of q but it is at most \(q^{j - 1}\). Since , the distribution of \(b \mod q^j\) is statistically close to uniform in , with the probability that b satisfies Eq. (3) being at most . Thus, given the event , the case (i), where we can solve the root problem, happens with high probability.
(iii) \((e' - e) \mid (z_2' - z_2)\) and \((e' - e) \mid (z_4' - z_4)\) as an integer.
Let and . Let \(\mu \leftarrow \tilde{g}^{m^\dagger } \tilde{h}^{r^\dagger }/\tilde{a}_1\). W.l.o.g., assume \(e' > e\). By Eq. (2), \(\mu ^{e' - e} = (\tilde{g}^{m^\dagger } \tilde{h}^{r^\dagger }/\tilde{a}_1)^{e' - e} = \tilde{g}^{z_2' - z_2} \tilde{h}^{z_4' - z_4}/\tilde{a}_1^{e' - e} = 1\). Since then \({\text {ord}}(\mu )\) is -smooth and hence \(\mu ^{l_{\tilde{\mathbb {G}}}} = 1\). Thus, we can open \(\tilde{a}_1\) to \((m^\dagger , r^\dagger , \mu )\).
Since by the last verification equation (Item 4e), we get that .
(1). Since N and are coprime, there exist integers \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \), such that \(\alpha N + \beta (e' - e) = 1\). Let \(r_2 \leftarrow \mathsf {c}_2^\alpha (z_3'/z_3)^\beta \mod N^2\). Thus, due to Eq. (1), \( \mathsf {c}_2^{1 - \alpha N} = \mathsf {c}_2^{\beta (e' - e)} \equiv (1 + N)^{\beta (z_2' - z_2)} (z_3'/z_3)^{\beta N} \pmod {N^2} \), and thus \( \mathsf {c}_2 \equiv (1 + N)^{\beta (z_2' - z_2)} r_2^N \pmod {N^2} \). Clearly, \(\beta (z_2' - z_2) = \beta (e' - e) m^\dagger \) as an integer. Thus, due to the definition of \(\beta \), \( \beta (z_2' - z_2) = \beta (e' - e) m^\dagger = (1 - \alpha N) m^\dagger \equiv m^\dagger \pmod {N} \) and thus \(\mathsf {c}_2 \equiv (1 + N)^{m^\dagger } r_2^N \pmod {N^2}\). Since directly by the definition of \(m^*\) and \(m^\dagger \), \(m^* \equiv m^\dagger \pmod {p}\), we get that \(\mathbf {\mathsf {c}}_1\) and \(\mathsf {c}_2\) encrypt the same element \(m^*\) modulo \(p\).
sets , , , (thus, is statistically but not perfectly zero knowledge), , \(z_4 \leftarrow s_1 e + s_5\), (this is indistinguishable from a commitment to m since \(\mathsf {DF}\) is statistical hiding), \(\mathbf {a}_2 \leftarrow ((g^{z_1}, g^{e m} h^{z_1}, (c d^\tau )^{z_1}) / \mathbf {\mathsf {c}}_1)^\top \), \(a_3 \leftarrow g^{z_2 - e m}\), \(a_4 \leftarrow (1 + z_2 N) z_3^N \mathsf {c}_2^{-e} \mod N^2\), \(\tilde{a}_5 \leftarrow \tilde{g}^{z_2} \tilde{h}^{z_4} \tilde{a}_1^{-e}\). The simulator outputs \((a, \mathbf {z})\). The claim follows. \(\square \)
3.2 New DL-Extractable UC-Commitment Scheme
The following DL-extractable UC-commitment scheme \(\mathsf {\Gamma }_{\mathsf {dl}}\) (see Fig. 5) is similar to Fujisaki’s UC-commitment scheme \(\mathsf {Fuj}\) [16], with the following two key differences. (i) Based on our observation that the CRS of \(\mathsf {Fuj}\) can be divided into two parts, one guaranteeing binding and the second one guaranteeing hiding, we redefine it in the (weaker) RPK model instead of the CRS model. Importantly, the RPK model can also be used after the modification in the next step. (ii) We replace the \(\varSigma \)-protocol (a proof of the knowledge of the \(\mathsf {SCS}\)-encrypted message \(g^m\)) from [16] with , interpreted as the proof of knowledge of the discrete logarithm m of the \(\mathsf {SCS}\) -encrypted message. As explained above, achieves this by additionally encrypting m by using \(\mathsf {Pai}\); hence, the UC simulator, knowing the secret key , decrypts \(\mathsf {c}_2\) to get m, and returns \(m \bmod p\). (See the beginning of Sect. 3 for a longer intuition behind the construction of \(\mathsf {\Gamma }_{\mathsf {dl}}\).)
Due to this, if one assumes the security of then the security proof of \(\mathsf {\Gamma }_{\mathsf {dl}}\) is similar to that given in [16]. Hence, we refer the reader to [16] for any additional intuition about Fujisaki’s commitment scheme. While the description of \(\mathsf {\Gamma }_{\mathsf {dl}}\) in Fig. 5 looks long, it is mainly so because of the use of three different encryptions/commitments which means that certain steps in the Fujisaki’s commitment scheme are tripled.
We divide the public key \(\mathsf {rpk}_{i}\) of in \(\mathsf {\Gamma }_{\mathsf {dl}}\) into the binding part (used when acts as the receiver \(\mathsf {R}\)) and the hiding part (used when acts as the committer \(\mathsf {C}\)). \(\mathsf {C}\) and \(\mathsf {R}\) use from \(\mathsf {C}\)’s public key \(\mathsf {rpk}_\mathsf {C}\) and \(\mathsf {rpk}^{\mathsf {b}}_\mathsf {R}= (\mathsf {Ped}.\mathsf {ck}_\mathsf {R}, \mathsf {DF}.\mathsf {ck}_\mathsf {R}, \mathsf {H}^{\mathsf {b}}_\mathsf {R})\) from \(\mathsf {R}\)’s public key \(\mathsf {rpk}_\mathsf {R}\). Obviously, \(\mathsf {C}\) knows \(\mathsf {rpk}_\mathsf {C}\) while she has to retrieve \(\mathsf {rpk}_\mathsf {R}\) from .
See Fig. 5 for the full description of \(\mathsf {\Gamma }_{\mathsf {dl}}\). Here, \(\mathsf {\Gamma }_{\mathsf {dl}}.\mathsf {Gen}\) for party is executed by the key registration authority as usual in the RPK model, \(\mathsf {\Gamma }_{\mathsf {dl}}.\mathsf {Com}\) and \(\mathsf {\Gamma }_{\mathsf {dl}}.\mathsf {Open}\) are executed by \(\mathsf {C}\), and is executed by \(\mathsf {R}\). The algorithms \(\mathsf {\Gamma }_{\mathsf {dl}}.\mathsf {tdOpen}\) and are only executed within the security proof. To get straight-line simulation, we use the same method as [16]. Finally, note we have included \((\mathsf {lbl}, \mathsf {c}_3, e)\) to \(\mathsf {op}\) mainly to simplify the notation.
Theorem 2
Assume that \(\mathsf {SCS}\) is an IND-PCA secure and \(\mathsf {Pai}\) is an IND-CPA secure additively homomorphic cryptosystem, \(\mathsf {Ped}\) is a computationally binding and perfectly hiding trapdoor commitment scheme and \(\mathsf {DF}\) is a computationally binding and statistically hiding ICS. Assume secure erasure. Then \(\mathsf {\Gamma }_{\mathsf {dl}}\) from Fig. 5 UC-realizes \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {mcomdl}}\) in the \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {rpk}}\)-hybrid model against adaptive attackers, i.e., it is a secure DL-extractable UC-commitment scheme in the RPK model.
The proof of Theorem 2 follows closely the security proof of Fujisaki’s UC-commitment scheme [16], with a few notable differences (the use of the RPK model instead of the CRS model, and the use of a different \(\varSigma \)-protocol, which causes us to use one more game to handle Paillier encryption).
As usual, we consider a sequence of hybrid games in which we change the rules of games step by step. We denote the changes by using .
This is the real world game in the RPK model (\(\textsc {Hybrid}^{\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {rpk}}}\)). In \(\mathsf {Game}_{0}\), the real protocol is executed between the committer \(\mathsf {C}\) and the receiver \(\mathsf {R}\). The environment \(\mathcal {Z}\) adaptively chooses the input for honest committer \(\mathsf {C}\) and receives the output of honest parties. Adversary attacks the real protocol in the real world, i.e., she can see the interactions between the honest parties or interact with the honest parties as playing the role of some parties after they are corrupted. When a party is corrupted, can read her current inner state and also fully controls her. \(\mathcal {Z}\) can control and see the inside of the execution of the protocol (the interactions between the honest parties or between the honest parties and the adversary) via the view of .
In \(\mathsf {Game}_{1}\), simulates the authorities generating the registered public keys \(\mathsf {rpk}_\mathsf {C}\) and \(\mathsf {rpk}_\mathsf {R}\) used by \(\mathsf {C}\) and \(\mathsf {R}\). stores \(\mathsf {td}_{\mathsf {C}\mathsf {R}} = (\mathsf {td}^{\mathsf {h}}_\mathsf {C}, \mathsf {td}^{\mathsf {b}}_\mathsf {R})\). simulates honest parties as in \(\mathsf {Game}_{0}\), except for the case where \(\mathsf {R}\) is honest but \(\mathsf {C}\) is corrupted. After obtaining \((\mathsf {lbl}, \mathsf {c}_3; e; \mathsf {c})\) from the view of the protocol between \(\mathsf {C}\) and \(\mathsf {R}\) in the commit phase, where \(\mathsf {lbl}= (\mathsf {sid}, \mathsf {cid}, \mathsf {C}, \mathsf {R})\), stores as a part of the state. In the open phase, when \(\mathsf {C}\) successfully opens to \(g^m\), sends to \(\mathcal {Z}\).
In the case of adaptive corruption of \(\mathsf {R}\) before the open phase, simply reveals to . Honest \(\mathsf {R}\) has no secret.
Lemma 1
If is specially sound, \(\mathsf {Ped}\) is computationally binding, and \(\mathsf {H}^{\mathsf {b}}_{\mathsf {R}}\) is collision-resistant then \(\mathcal {Z}\) distinguishes \(\mathsf {Game}_{0}\) and \(\mathsf {Game}_{1}\) with a negligible probability.
(Proof of Lemma 1). The only difference from \(\mathsf {Game}_{0}\) is that in \(\mathsf {Game}_{1}\), (playing as honest \(\mathsf {R}\)) outputs \(g^{m^*}\) instead of \(g^m\) at the open phase. opens \(g^{m^*}\) after \(\mathsf {C}\) decommits to \(g^m\) in a verifiable way. If not, outputs nothing. Denote by the event that \(m^* \not \equiv m \pmod {p}\) where \(g^m\) is the value successfully opened by \(\mathsf {C}\). We claim that occurs only with a negligible probability; otherwise, either the soundness of , the binding of \(\mathsf {Ped}\), or the collision resistance of \(\mathsf {H}^{\mathsf {b}}_\mathsf {R}\) is broken.
Assume that \(m^* \not \equiv m \pmod {p}\) at least in one of such executions. In the first such execution, we rewind the adversary at the step (*) in the commit phase and send a new random challenge \(e'\). Assume, by contradiction, that \(\mathsf {C}\) returns \(\mathsf {c}' = (\mathbf {\mathsf {c}}_1', \mathsf {c}_2')\) such that \(\mathsf {c}' \ne \mathsf {c}\) but still successfully decommits to some value \(m'\) with \(a'\). Then it implies breaking of the binding of \(\mathsf {Ped}\) or the collision-resistancy of \(\mathsf {H}^{\mathsf {b}}_\mathsf {R}\), because we can simulate it without knowing the trapdoor key. For the same reason, \(\mathsf {x}' = \mathsf {x}\) (and thus \(m' = m\)) holds except with a negligible probability. Thus, rewinding the commit phase, \(\mathsf {C}\) outputs the same \(\mathsf {st}_\mathsf {C}= (\mathsf {c}, g^m, \mathsf {op})\) except with a negligible probability when it can successfully decommit. Note that \(m^* \not \equiv m \pmod {p}\) implies that \(\mathsf {x}\not \in \mathsf {\mathbf {L}_{eq}}\). Since \(\mathsf {x}\) (and thus m) is now fixed with an overwhelming probability, \(\mathsf {C}\) can convince \(\mathsf {R}\) on false instance \(\mathsf {x}\) only with probability (this follows from the special soundness of ), which is negligible in . Hence, occurs only with a negligible probability and the views of \(\mathcal {Z}\) in the two games are computationally indistinguishable. We stress that we rewind just in the proof of binding, but not in the simulation. \(\square \)
identical to \(\mathsf {Game}_{1}\) except following cases.
Honest \(\mathsf {C}\): In the open phase, upon receiving \((\mathtt {open}, \mathsf {sid}, \mathsf {cid})\) from \(\mathcal {Z}\), sets and sends to \(\mathsf {R}\); Importantly, in the simulation of honest \(\mathsf {C}\)in the open phase, does not have to know \(\mathsf {w}\).
\(\mathsf {C}\) was adaptively corrupted before receiving e: in the commit phase, sets and then reveals the current secret state to \(\mathcal {Z}\).
\(\mathsf {C}\) was adaptively corrupted after receiving e but before the open phase: simulates \(\mathsf {C}\) honestly. Note that \((\mathsf {w}, \mathbf {s})\) is supposed to be erased by honest \(\mathsf {C}\) before sending \(\mathsf {c}\), and thus, does not need to reveal it. The proof of the following lemma is straightforward.
Lemma 2
If is SHVZK and \(\mathsf {Ped}\) is trapdoor, then \(\mathcal {Z}\) distinguishes \(\mathsf {Game}_{1}\) and \(\mathsf {Game}_{2}\) with negligible probability.
In this game, we do the following changes.
Honest \(\mathsf {C}\): In the commit phase, after receiving \((\mathtt {commit}, \mathsf {lbl}, m)\) from \(\mathcal {Z}\), when it receives e, computes and sends to \(\mathsf {R}\). In the open phase, upon receiving input \((\mathtt {open}, \mathsf {sid}, \mathsf {cid})\) from \(\mathcal {Z}\), first sets where because .
In the case of adaptive corruption of \(\mathsf {C}\): simulates \(\mathsf {C}\) as in \(\mathsf {Game}_{2}\).
Security analysis. The only difference from the previous game is that in \(\mathsf {Game}_{3}\), the simulator (playing as honest \(\mathsf {C}\)) computes encrypting \(1\) instead of \(g^m\). As in [16], we run the (multi-message) IND-PCA game to show this game is indistinguishable from the previous game. Denote by the event in \(\mathsf {Game}_{i}\) that \(m^* \not \equiv m \pmod {p}\) where m is the value successfully opened by \(\mathsf {C}\). As analysed above, . In addition, \(\mathsf {Game}_{1}\) is statistically close to \(\mathsf {Game}_{2}\) and so, . We use this fact to prove the following lemma.
Lemma 3
If \(\mathsf {SCS}\) is IND-PCA secure then \(\mathcal {Z}\) distinguishes \(\mathsf {Game}_{2}\) and \(\mathsf {Game}_{3}\) with only a negligible probability.
(Proof of Lemma 3). The proof is a variant of the proof in [16], App. A. We define the multi-message IND-PCA security for a public-key cryptosystem \(\varPi \). Let be the following experiment:
Here, the oracles are defined as follows:
rejects it if . Otherwise, it adds \(\mathsf {lbl}^*\) to and returns .
rejects it if . Otherwise, it adds \(\mathsf {lbl}\) to , and returns 1 iff \(\mathbf {\mathsf {c}}\) is a proper ciphertext of \(g^m\) on label \(\mathsf {lbl}\).
\(\varPi \) is multi-message indistinguishable against the plaintext checkable attacks (mIND-PCA secure) if for all non-uniform PPT .
By using the standard hybrid argument, for any mIND-PCA adversary against \(\varPi \) with at most queries to the encryption oracle, there exists an IND-PCA adversary against \(\varPi \), s.t. , where the running time of is roughly bounded by the running time of plus \(q-1\) encryption operations. We construct mIND-PCA adversary using \(\mathcal {Z}\) and the adversary as follows. W.l.o.g., assume that , where is the random variable assigning the output bit of the environment \(\mathcal {Z}\) in \(\mathsf {Game}_{i}\). is given as an instance in the mIND-CPA game. sets up \(\mathsf {rpk}_\mathsf {C}\) and \(\mathsf {rpk}_\mathsf {R}\) by picking the remaining parameters. Here, she knows \(\mathsf {Ped}.\mathsf {td}_\mathsf {R}\) but does not know . runs \(\mathcal {Z}\) and and plays the role of simulator as in \(\mathsf {Game}_{2}\) (or \(\mathsf {Game}_{3}\)), except for the following two cases:
If \(\mathsf {C}\) is honest and receives \((\mathsf {lbl}, \mathsf {c}_3)\) from \(\mathcal {Z}\), submits \((\mathsf {lbl}, g^m, 1)\) to the oracle and receives \(\mathbf {\mathsf {c}}\). Then, plays the role of the simulator in \(\mathsf {Game}_{2}\) (or equivalently, in \(\mathsf {Game}_{3})\).
If \(\mathsf {R}\) is honest but \(\mathsf {C}\) is corrupted, after receiving all three messages in the commit phase with \(\mathsf {C}\), simply stores it. In the open phase, when \(\mathsf {C}\) successfully decommits to \(g^m\), submits \((\mathsf {lbl}, g^m, \mathbf {\mathsf {c}}_1)\) to the oracle and receives the answer bit. If the answer bit is 1, then outputs \((\mathtt {open}, \mathsf {lbl}, g^m)\) to the environment. Otherwise, she halts and outputs 1 (break point).
If such an event does not occur, proceeds the game with \(\mathcal {Z}\) and as playing the role of . When \(\mathcal {Z}\) outputs a bit \(b'\), outputs \(b'\) in the mIND-PCA game.
Security Analysis. Above, perfectly simulates \(\mathsf {Game}_{2}\) when \(b = 0\) just before the break point. Recall that denotes the event in \(\mathsf {Game}_{i}\) that \(m^* \not \equiv m \pmod {p}\) where \(g^m\) is the value successfully decommitted to by corrupted \(\mathsf {C}\). The probability that the break occurs is equal to the probability that occurs, which is negligible. Similarly, perfectly simulates \(\mathsf {Game}_{3}\) when \(b = 1\) just before the break point. We do not know . However, since , we can conclude \(b = 1\) if the break happens. If the break never happens, perfectly simulates either \(\mathsf {Game}_{2}\) or \(\mathsf {Game}_{3}\) according to b. Thus, the difference of the output of \(\mathcal {Z}\) is bounded by the advantage of : . Thus, . \(\square \)
In this game, enacts the following changes compared to \(\mathsf {Game}_{3}\).
If \(\mathsf {C}\) is honest: upon receiving input \((\mathtt {commit}, \mathsf {lbl}, m)\) from \(\mathcal {Z}\), after receiving e, computes and returns to \(\mathsf {R}\).
In the open phase, upon receiving input \((\mathtt {open}, \mathsf {sid}, \mathsf {cid})\) from \(\mathcal {Z}\), first sets where \(\mathsf {x}\not \in \mathsf {\mathbf {L}_{eq}}\) because and .
If \(\mathsf {C}\) is adaptively corrupted: simulates \(\mathsf {C}\) identically as in \(\mathsf {Game}_{3}\).
Security Analysis. The only difference from \(\mathsf {Game}_{3}\) is that in \(\mathsf {Game}_{4}\), the simulator (playing as honest ) computes instead of . We run the (multi-message) IND-CPA game to show \(\mathsf {Game}_{4}\) is indistinguishable from \(\mathsf {Game}_{3}\).
Lemma 4
If \(\mathsf {Pai}\) is IND-CPA secure then \(\mathcal {Z}\) distinguishes \(\mathsf {Game}_{3}\) and \(\mathsf {Game}_{4}\) with only a negligible probability.
The proof is a variation of the proof of Lemma 3. We now analyse \(\mathsf {Pai}\), and define CPA-related security games (like mIND-CPA) instead of PCA-related security games. \(\square \)
In the ideal world, there additionally exists an ideal functionality \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {mcomdl}}\) and the task of the honest parties in the ideal world is simply to convey inputs from \(\mathcal {Z}\) to the ideal functionalities and vice versa (the ideal honest parties communicate only with \(\mathcal {Z}\) and the ideal functionalities).
By construction, this game is identical to the previous game. \(\square \)
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The authors were supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 780477 (project PRIViLEDGE), and by the Estonian Research Council grant PRG49. The work was done while Zając was working at the University of Tartu.
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Abdolmaleki, B., Baghery, K., Lipmaa, H., Siim, J., Zając, M. (2019). DL-Extractable UC-Commitment Schemes. In: Deng, R., Gauthier-Umaña, V., Ochoa, M., Yung, M. (eds) Applied Cryptography and Network Security. ACNS 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 11464. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-21568-2_19
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-21568-2_19
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-030-21567-5
Online ISBN: 978-3-030-21568-2
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