1 Introduction

Being a lazy learning methodology, a Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) system will try to generalize its cases at the time a query is made to the system. And a typical CBR retrieval algorithm ends up calculating the similarity of the query to all of the cases in the case base (CB). While a CB grows larger by time as new experiences are incorporated as cases, especially the time spent at the retrieval phase in reasoning episodes is likely to become a performance issue. Computationally expensive distance calculations in the search of nearest neighbors (NNs) eventually leads to the utility problem (a.k.a. swamping problem) which is commonly known within the CBR community. Indeed, the utility problem has proved to be one of the most studied subfields to be able to overcome the issues faced in real world implementations of CBR systems [3, 4, 7]. Two major approaches to cope with this problem have been smart indexing of the cases and reducing the size of the case base in terms of competence [8, 10]. We should note that efficiency in NN search has not been only a problem of the CBR community, and there has been considerable work on finding approximate NNs instead of exact NNs in large-scale high dimensional spaces (for a survey see [12]).

Health sciences are increasingly becoming one of the major focuses for CBR research (for a survey of applications see [1]). A medical CBR system where health records of patients constitute the CB is expected to grow considerably over time and hence, it is prone to face the utility problem if extra care is not taken at the retrieval process.

In such a domain, a new problem is typically an incremental update to its predecessor case in the CB. By saying incremental, we mean that it comprises (partially or completely) the information of its sequentially related predecessors. In the above mentioned medical CBR system, after the initial session for a patient, consecutive sessions would be updates to previous sessions. These sessions would altogether form a sequence of cases, i.e. the case history of the patient (see Fig. 1 for a visual representation of such a CB). A query to find patients with similar health records should take into account these sequences of cases for the patients in the CB. As the cases are appended, the sequence grows longer by time and the incremental difference introduced by the new problem becomes minimal compared to the shared long history between the latest cases of the sequence. Then, it is intuitive to think that a new problem’s NNs are very likely to be similar to those of its predecessor case. The basic assumption of CBR that “similar problems have similar solutions” also confirms this thought. Following this intuition, while we are calculating the NNs of a new problem, it makes sense to start from the ranked neighbors of the predecessor. These two suggestions lead us to the thought that if we could have an oracle that showed us to what extent we should be doing the similarity calculations (i.e. making sure that we could not find a nearer neighbor than the last one we have calculated), we could save invaluable time at the retrieval phase, especially if the CB is subject to substantial growth over time as it is in this example and/or the distance calculation is expensive for the domain.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

A visual representation of a case base where a new problem is typically an incremental update of its predecessor case. In a health care CBR system where patient sessions form the cases, each sequence would represent the case history of a different patient. For e.g., \(P_{4}^{2}\) would be the new query for the patient with \(id = 4\) for her upcoming third consecutive session. This query would bear implicitly and/or explicitly the information of the prior session’s case \(C_{4}^{1}\), which in its own right was an update to the initial case \(C_{4}^{0}\).

In this work, we introduce a new approach to limit the number of cases assessed in the search of exact NNs in domains where a case is sequentially related to another and where the distance measures are metrics. The method leverages the triangle inequality as a cutoff to calculate the NNs of a new problem based on its distance to its predecessor case. In the sense of reducing the number of cases to assess in retrieval, our method bears resemblance to the “Fish and Shrink” strategy [6] which also exploits the triangle inequality to set bounds on similarities between cases. “Fish and Shrink” assumes that “if a case does not fit the actual query, then this may reduce the possible usefulness of its neighbors” and it uses similarity bounds to successively eliminate (shrink) similarity regions. However, our method is unique in its incremental approach to use similarities between sequentially related cases to determine the cutoff point in the search of exact NNs.

Specifically, we describe how to implement an oracle that indicates the cutoff points in NN search in metric spaces and how to use it in a Lazy KNN search algorithm in Sect. 2. Next, in Sect. 3 we describe the experiments conducted in synthetic domains of different problem feature characteristics and different cluster diversity and we report the results in which we can observe the gain in terms of avoided similarity calculations by our algorithm. Finally, in Sect. 4 we conclude with discussion and future work.

2 Lazy Retrieval

In a CB of n cases, for a problem sequence S which has had u updates so far including the initial problem, a standard linear kNN search algorithm would have to make a total number of \(u \times n\) similarity calculations to assess the kNNs of the updates of S throughout its evolution, assuming the CB does not change during these u updates. Our aim here is to try to reduce the number of calculations when a new query arrives as an update to S by using the knowledge we have acquired from the calculations made for prior updates.

Our approach to accomplish this objective is to find an oracle in such a domain that can help us carry out as few similarity (or distance) calculations as possible during the assessment of the kNNs. For a new query, if this oracle indicates a point in the CB, onward from which it is useless to search a nearer neighbor (since it guarantees that there is none ahead), we could hope to save some precious time spent for calculations.

In the following subsection, we propose such an oracle which leverages the triangle inequality in metric spaces and then we introduce our algorithm for the lazy assessment of the kNNs using this oracle.

2.1 Leveraging the Triangle Inequality in kNN Assessment

The most popular metric space used by CBR systems is the Euclidean space and being a metric space, distance metrics used in this space should satisfy the triangle inequality among other axioms [2]. When we already know the similarity of a case to a previous update of a given problem sequence, we show how we exploit this property to calculate the upper-bound of the similarity of this case to the current update of that problem.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Using the triangle inequality to estimate the distance (as well as the similarity) of two sequential problems to an existing case. Where \(P^\prime \) is the incremental update of the problem P, and \(P^{\prime \prime }\) is the incremental update of the problem \(P^\prime \), C is any case in the CB, and d is the distance metric; we have \(d(P, C) \le d(P^\prime , C) + \varDelta ^\prime \) and \(d(P, C) \le d(P^{\prime \prime }, C) + \varDelta ^\prime + \varDelta ^{\prime \prime }\).

Let us use Fig. 2 to illustrate the triangle inequality property. Given three points in the problem space \(\langle P, P^\prime , C \rangle \), \(P^\prime \) being the incremental update of the problem P, and C any case in the CB, and given d as a distance metric, the three points will satisfy the following triangle inequality:

$$d(P, C) \le d(P, P^\prime ) + d(P^\prime , C)$$

This property also holds for \(P^{\prime \prime }\) which is the incremental update of the problem \(P^\prime \). Thus, new distances \(d(P^\prime , C)\) and \(d(P^{\prime \prime }, C)\) are conditioned by the distances among the incremental updates of the problem.Footnote 1

Finally, since we already know d(PC), and we may calculate \(d(P, P^\prime )\) and \(d(P^\prime , P^{\prime \prime })\), using the triangle inequality we may obtain the upper limits of similarity of two sequences to a case C, namely \(sim(P^\prime , C)\) and \(sim(P^{\prime \prime }, C)\) without the need to actually calculate them in the following way:

The triangle inequality allows us to write the following two inequalities:

$$\begin{aligned} d(P, C)&\le \overbrace{d(P, P^\prime )}^{\varDelta ^\prime } + d(P^\prime , C)\\ d(P^\prime , C)&\le \overbrace{d(P^\prime , P^{\prime \prime })}^{\varDelta ^{\prime \prime }} + d(P^{\prime \prime }, C)\nonumber \end{aligned}$$

Then, using the latter inequality in the former (1), we get:

$$\begin{aligned} d(P, C)&\le d(P^{\prime \prime }, C) + \varDelta ^\prime + \varDelta ^{\prime \prime } \end{aligned}$$

Because we are more interested in similarities rather than distances, we can transform above inequalities into similarity inequalities. When all the distances d are normalized values into the range of [0, 1] in accordance with the common, and most of the times necessary, practice in CBR systems to compare distances and/or similarities in a CB, the inequalities (1) and (2) can be written in terms of similarity as follows where \(sim(x, y) = 1 - d(x, y)\):

Following the inequality (1):

$$\begin{aligned} \underbrace{1 - d(P, C)}&\ge \underbrace{1 - d(P^\prime , C)} - \varDelta ^\prime \\ sim(P, C)&\ge sim(P^\prime , C) - \varDelta ^\prime \end{aligned}$$

which leads to:

$$\begin{aligned} sim(P^\prime , C)&\le sim(P, C) + \varDelta ^\prime \end{aligned}$$

Following the inequality (2):

$$\begin{aligned} \underbrace{1 - d(P, C)}&\ge \underbrace{1 - d(P^{\prime \prime }, C)} - \varDelta ^\prime - \varDelta ^{\prime \prime } \\ sim(P, C)&\ge sim(P^{\prime \prime }, C) - \varDelta ^\prime - \varDelta ^{\prime \prime } \end{aligned}$$

which leads to:

$$\begin{aligned} sim(P^{\prime \prime }, C)&\le sim(P, C) + \varDelta ^\prime + \varDelta ^{\prime \prime } \end{aligned}$$

The inequality (3) gives us the oracle we need. Just by calculating \(\varDelta ^\prime \), we know that a new update \(P^\prime \) can be more similar to any case C than its predecessor P is to C, at best by a degree of \(\varDelta ^\prime \). We see it important to reemphasize the word “any” here, because note that \(\varDelta ^\prime \) calculation does not involve any case but only the problem P and its update \(P^\prime \).

Consecutively, a following update \(P^{\prime \prime }\) can be more similar to any case C in the CB than P is to it, at best by a degree of \(\varDelta ^\prime + \varDelta ^{\prime \prime }\) as shown in the inequality (4).

Intuitively if we generalize the inequality (4), we have:

$$\begin{aligned} sim(P^i, C) \le sim(P^j, C) + \sum _{s=j+1}^{i}\varDelta _P^s \end{aligned}$$


$$\varDelta _P^s = d(P^{s-1}, P^s)$$

Now, we can say that any update \(P^i\) of a problem P can get more similar to any case C in the CB, than a prior update \(P^j\) is to it, at best by a degree of the sum of \(\varDelta \)s calculated between updates \(j+1\) and i (both inclusive).

In the following subsection, we explain how we leverage this knowledge as a cutoff in the search of exact kNNs of the problem updates.

2.2 Lazy Assessment of the kNNs

The working hypotheses are that i) any problem P will be updated many times, ii) the CBR system will have to provide the k-nearest neighbors for each update of P, and iii) we are interested in reducing the retrieval effort as much as possible. As a consequence, the CBR system should keep some information (state) regarding previous calculations in the retrieval step. The simplest state is a ranked list of similarities between a problem and all the cases in the case base.

The first time a new problem P is presented to the system, the retrieval step will be performed as usual: calculating the similarity of the new problem to all cases in the case baseFootnote 2. Beside providing the k-nearest cases, the retrieval step will keep this rank (\(RANK_{P}\)) for future calculations.

Later, each time the problem P is amended with an update \(P^\prime \), the CBR system will exploit the inequality presented in (3) to try to minimize similarity calculations adopting the following strategy:

  1. 1.

    updating the similarities between the current problem \(P^\prime \) and, previously calculated k-nearest neighbors in rank \(RANK_{P}\);

  2. 2.

    calculating an upper bound \(\varDelta ^{\prime }\) to determine the best possible improvement in similarity, by computing the similarity between the current problem \(P^{\prime }\) and its previous update (i.e. the initial problem P);

  3. 3.

    adding the \(\varDelta ^{\prime }\) upper bound to all the rest (i.e. starting from the \(k+1^{th}\) neighbor) of similarities previously stored in rank \(RANK_{P}\) to find their “optimistic” similarity values to the current problem;

  4. 4.

    calculating the actual similarity of \(P^\prime \) to any such case whose “optimistic” similarity to the current problem surpasses the \(k^{th}\) neighbor’s calculated similarity (in the first step above) to it.

Remembering that \(RANK_{P}\) is a ranked list, the CBR system may iterate the list from the top and stop at a position l when the “optimistic” similarity of case \(C_{l}\) does not beat the similarity calculated for the \(k^{th}\) neighbor in \(RANK_{P}\). And this would mean that starting from \(C_{l}\), the remaining cases ahead in \(RANK_{P}\) certainly cannot beat the \(k^{th}\) neighbor in \(RANK_{P}\) either.

The second observation is that, since \(\varDelta ^{\prime }\) depends only on the distance between the current problem \(P^{\prime }\) and its predecessor P, the procedure described above can be improved by delaying the calculation of “optimistic” similarities as much as possible. As presented in (5), when we know the similarities of a group of cases to the problem sequence \(P^j\), we can calculate their “optimistic” similarities to the current problem sequence \(P^i\) by adding the sum of all \(\varDelta \)s between iteration \(j+1\) and i to their known similarity values in iteration j. Thus, all the similarities calculated in the same iteration i share the same accumulated \(\varDelta \)s. As a consequence, instead of updating all “optimistic” similarities in each iteration, it is enough to keep a sub-rank for each iteration.

Finally, above described Lazy KNN search algorithm can be found as pseudo-code in Algorithm 1. As it can be seen in the pseudo-code as well, throughout the iterations, we delay the assessment of a case as a nearest neighbor in a lazy manner until we consider it as a true candidate for the kNN list.

figure a

In the formalization of the upper bound calculation and in the algorithm presented, we have assumed that the CB remains unchanged between the updates of a problem P for the sake of simplicity. To be able to tackle the changes to the CB, the algorithm can be improved easily by adding following behaviors:

  1. 1.

    If new cases are incorporated after the last update \(P^i\), their similarities to the next update \(P^{i+1}\) have to be calculated in the \(i+1^{th}\) update;

  2. 2.

    If old cases are modified and if these modifications affect the similarity calculations, these cases should be removed from the \(RANK_P\) list and their similarities to the next update \(P^{i+1}\) have to be calculated in the \(i+1^{th}\) update;

  3. 3.

    If old cases are deleted, they have to be deleted from the \(RANK_P\) list as well.

3 Experimentation

Experiments were performed on a collection of synthetically generated datasets to assess 1) the impact of the distribution of the cases in the CB, and 2) the impact of problem changes in each problem update on the gain in the number of calculations achieved by our algorithm. For \(NN_P^i\) the list of cases whose similarity was calculated at iteration i, we define the gain at an iteration i as follows:

$$ gain(P^{i}) = \frac{|CB|-|NN^i_P|}{|CB|} $$

where |A| denotes the cardinality of a set A.

Datasets with a uniform distribution of cases will probably result in higher distances among cases but smoother changes on neighborhoods. Conversely, datasets with dense but distant clusters of cases will present less advantages at the beginning, but significant gains in the long run (see Subsect. 3.2 for a more detailed discussion).

The amount of change among problem updates will determine the margin for deltas. Since we are interested in domains with cases keeping information over long periods of time, we could represent cases with many sequences of tiny updates to guarantee small deltas. However, fragmenting cases in many sequences will result in an increase of calls to the Lazy KNN search algorithm.

3.1 Datasets

To perform comparable experiments, the number of sequences was set to 10,000 and the number of problem features was set to 100 in all datasets. All the experiments were performed using a normalized euclidean similarity as the similarity measure.

To assess the gain effect of the proposed algorithm when the granularity of problem updates varies, we have played with two parameters: the number of the problem updates (U) and the maximum number of feature changes (V). For instance, since each update in a problem sequence is a case, a U = 40 would mean that there are \(10,000\times 40=400,000\) cases in the CB. And a V = 10 means that from one update to another update 10 units will be distributed randomly to increment feature values where one unit represents the minimal change for a feature value. Note that one feature slot may receive more than one unit of change. In a given dataset, V is fixed for all cases and problem updates.

To assess the gain effect of the proposed algorithm over different case base densities, we have introduced a parameter B to control the number of clusters (blobs). A total of number of 48 datasets were generated by combining the values of parameters detailed in Table 1.

To generate the datasets, we have used the blobs generator available in the scikit-learn library [5]. To guarantee the generation of overlapped blobs as B increased, the parameter \(cluster\_std\) was set to 5.0: The generator of blobs was used to obtain prototypes of cases which were later fragmented in sequences of length U with a random distribution of values satisfying V changes from update to updateFootnote 3.

Table 1. Range of values for each dataset parameter.
Fig. 3.
figure 3

Impact of the number of blobs (U = 20, V = 10).

3.2 Results with Varying CB Densities

The first study conducted was the analysis of the gains with varying case base densities, i.e. varying parameter B, and fixing parameters U and V. The behavior of the gain along U was similar on all configurations of pairs [UV].

Take as exampleFootnote 4 Figure 3 where U = 20 and V = 10. In the first half of iterations, the number of blobs is inversely correlated with the gain. However, as iterations increase, the number of blobs (more blobs imply more sub-regions in the CB) is directly correlated with gains. For datasets generated with a low number of blobs, neighborhoods tend to be less dense and cases more uniformly distributed on the problem space, therefore the change in nearest neighbors is more smooth but more constant. As a consequence, gains start higher than other datasets but remain more constant over time.

Gains on datasets generated with a high number of blobs behave differently. In the beginning many cases are similar enough and this generates the effect of having many nearest neighbor candidates, i.e. at first gains are low, but as time goes by, a subset of nearest neighbors become very close allowing high gains. In Fig. 3 we can observe this extreme behavior for dataset with B = 20.

In Fig. 3 we can see the gain for each iteration, however the accumulated gains throughout iterations are not evident. We can find summarized accumulated gains in Table 2 where we can observe that the constant gains of datasets generated with less blobs have their reward as a higher accumulated gain in the end.

Table 2. Effect of increasing the number of blobs on accumulated gain (U = 20, V = 10).

3.3 Results with Varying Problem Changes

The second study conducted was the analysis of the gains with varying problem changes, i.e. varying parameters U or V, for a fixed parameter B. Because we are using a normalized similarity measure among cases, parameters U and V are correlated. Low values of change (V) together with short problem sequences (smaller U) have a similar effect as high values of change combined with long problem sequences.

Table 3. Effect of increasing the number of iterations on accumulated gain (B = 10, V = 10).

Take as example Fig. 4 where B=10 and V=10. We can observe that datasets with less iterations depart from lower gains but are able to achieve higher gains in the end. The second observation is that when iterations are long enough (i.e. U=30 and U=40) the evolution of gains converges to the same behavior. This result is important because the main motivation of the proposed algorithm was to deal efficiently with long sequences of problems, i.e. to take advantage of cases that will be updated many times. Table 3 summarizes the accumulated gains for Fig. 4. As expected, the accumulated gain increases on datasets with longer sequences.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Impact of the amount of problem updates (B=10, V=10).

4 Discussion and Future Work

In this article, we have presented a novel approach that can significantly improve the retrieval performance of CBR systems that are designed for domains where a case is typically a sequential update to a prior case in the case base. The improvement is achieved by limiting the number of the cases that are evaluated in the exact k-nearest neighbor (kNN) search for consecutive updates of a problem. And we can reduce the number of calculations thanks to the triangle inequality property which holds for metric spaces.

When a new update of a problem is introduced as a query to the CBR system, we leverage this property to calculate the upper bound of the similarity change for all cases in the case base for which we had calculated their similarities to previous updates of the same problem. Using this optimistic similarity change, we determine which cases are true candidates for the kNN list of the current query.

We have provided a formal description of our methodology and our algorithm for the lazy assessment of the kNNs. Then we have shared the description and results of our experiments that we conducted in synthetically built domains of different problem feature and cluster characteristics. We have demonstrated gains obtained by our algorithm which avoided redundant similarity calculations to a significant degree.

We believe our method can boost the retrieval performance in domains where we deal with large case bases constituted of packages of sequentially related cases as described. We note that although our method is based on metric spaces, non-metric distance measures for which there are ways to transform them into metric measures can also make use of our method. A good example of this could be transforming the popular cosine similarity which is non-metric by nature into a metric distance [11].

At the current implementation, the actual similarity of a problem update to a case is calculated from scratch, i.e. it is treated the same as any initial problem. However, since these updates are incremental in their nature, we can make use of the previously calculated similarity of its predecessor to the same case and only calculate the contribution of change in similarity which is introduced by the current update. As future work, we are planning to implement such an incremental computation of similarity measures for yet a better improvement of retrieval performance in similar domains where this computation is relevant.

A further improvement would come by taking advantage of the footprint cases concept in CBR literature [9] in our method. Since a footprint case represents a group of cases sharing a similar competence contribution, our method can choose kNN candidates within these footprint cases instead of a larger group of candidates.