Human behavior in fire is at the core of all life safety projects completed by fire safety or fire protection engineers. A better understanding of how people respond to building emergencies can aid in safer building design; improved use or development of calculation tools used to ensure the level of safety afforded by these designs; and more effective emergency procedures, emergency communication systems, and pre-event emergency training for buildings and communities. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a basic understanding of human behavior in fire concepts and theory for use by engineers. The chapter contains the following aspects of human behavior in fire and other emergencies: a definition of human behavior in fire, including a discussion of the types of disciplines employed in the study of people in fires; a presentation on what human behavior in fire is not, including examples of disaster myths; an overview of the disaster-based decision-making process in fires and other emergencies; a discussion relating theory to practice (highlighting studies from fire events that support the decision-making theory); the identification of important factors that influence the decision-making process; and a conclusion highlighting what is missing in the field of human behavior in fire. Each section of this chapter will include an implications section that outlines the reasons why these ideas or theories are important for engineers to understand and incorporate.
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- 1.
This definition of human behavior in fire was first presented in the brochure advertising the 2012 Human Behaviour in Fire Symposium, developed by consensus of program committee members (Interscience Communications).
- 2.
Other terms have been used to express the pre-evacuation period, including pre-movement or pre-response.
- 3.
21 % from WTC 1 and 41 % from WTC 2.
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This chapter is dedicated to the late Dr. John L. Bryan (Prof), who authored this chapter in the previous four editions of the handbook. Dr. Bryan provided mentorship and guidance to so many in the field, including the author of this chapter. He is deeply missed. Dr. Kuligowski would like to thank all of the reviewers of this handbook chapter, including Paul Reneke, Jason Averill, Thomas Cleary, Anthony Hamins, Howard Harary, and Steven Gwynne, all of whom provided insightful comments. Also, special thanks to Elizabeth Landry for help with chapter editing and formatting.
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Kuligowski, E.D. (2016). Human Behavior in Fire. In: Hurley, M.J., et al. SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering. Springer, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-2565-0_58
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-2565-0_58
Publisher Name: Springer, New York, NY
Print ISBN: 978-1-4939-2564-3
Online ISBN: 978-1-4939-2565-0
eBook Packages: EngineeringEngineering (R0)