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The Dynamics of Electrons in Metals: Low-Temperature Effects

  • Chapter
The Hall Effect in Metals and Alloys

Part of the book series: The International Cryogenics Monograph Series ((INCMS))


The theory of the isothermal electron transport properties of metals is concerned with the description of the motion of an electron under the combined influences of externally applied electric and magnetic fields and the internal periodic potential due to the ionic lattice. We shall find it convenient to follow Chambers1 and to classify into five categories the conditions under which the electron transport effects can be imagined to exist. These are classified according to the value of ω c τ, where ω c [defined in equation (1.15)] is the cyclotron frequency of a representative electron state in momentum space corresponding to the applied magnetic field H, and τ is the average relaxation time of an electron in a cyclotron orbit. The five categories are the following.

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Hurd, C.M. (1972). The Dynamics of Electrons in Metals: Low-Temperature Effects. In: The Hall Effect in Metals and Alloys. The International Cryogenics Monograph Series. Springer, Boston, MA.

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