The quality of distilled alcoholic beverages is affected largely by the presence of volatile compounds formed during the production of the wine or its distillate and during maturation. The quality of grape brandies is influenced by the following factors: climatological conditions, grapes, vinification, distillation and maturation. The first factor cannot be manipulated. To improve or at least to maintain the quality of a product, insight into the effect of each of the other factors is needed. The quality of malt whiskies is similarly influenced by the following factors: climatological conditions, wort production step, fermentation, distillation, maturation and blending. The mechanisms of formation of flavour compounds from wood constituents during maturation has been the subject of many studies but has not yet been fully resolved. Most investigations have been concerned with the maturation of grape brandies, some others with that of whiskies, but no reports on the maturation of rum have been published recently. Governmental institutions and other groups are interested in the development of methods by which the authenticity and origin of a product can be ascertained. Some applications to whisky and grape brandy samples will be described.
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Maarse, H., Van Den Berg, F. (1994). Flavour of distilled beverages. In: Piggott, J.R., Paterson, A. (eds) Understanding Natural Flavors. Springer, Boston, MA. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4615-2143-3_16
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4615-2143-3_16
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