According to our present knowledge, the Linear Pottery culture (LBK) longhouse evolved in the western Carpathian Basin. This chapter presents new evidence from recently investigated Transdanubian Early Neolithic sites on the emergence and spread of LBK longhouses. It also gives an account of the possible local Mesolithic and south-east European antecedents, and argues for a rather different cultural development of the east Hungarian Alföld LBK, giving the reasons why it seems to have had little direct impact on the spread of the LBK into central Europe. In discussing these processes, environmental, chronological and social issues are invoked to outline the beginnings of sedentary life in the mid-6th millennium bc central Europe.
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The arrangement of the houses around a U-shaped open area has been observed elsewhere, too: the longhouses uncovered by Piroska Csengeri on the early Alföld LBK settlement near Hejőpapi in the Upper Tisza region were arranged in a similar manner, leaving a U-shaped area open toward the waterfront (Pál Raczky, personal communication). Even without forcing the parallel, the question arises whether this represents the survival of an architectural tradition of aligning the houses relative to each other, as observed at Szolnok–Szanda. If this was indeed the case, it highlights yet another difference in the cultural antecedents of the central European and the Alföld LBK longhouses.
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I would like to thank Daniela Hofmann and Jessica Smyth for inviting me to contribute to this volume, and I am grateful for their and an unknown reviewer’s useful comments on my manuscript.
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Bánffy, E. (2013). Tracing the Beginning of Sedentary Life in the Carpathian Basin. In: Hofmann, D., Smyth, J. (eds) Tracking the Neolithic House in Europe. One World Archaeology. Springer, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-5289-8_6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-5289-8_6
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