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Implementing and Evaluating Interventions

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Injury Research


Real-world implementation of injury prevention interventions and evaluation of their effectiveness need to take into account the broad ecological context in which they are introduced. This chapter provides perspectives and guidance on (1) the design, conduct, and evaluation of studies that are concerned with the effectiveness of injury prevention and safety promotion interventions and (2) research to better understand the context for intervention delivery. It begins with an overview of why research into intervention delivery and evaluation of its outcomes is necessary for the broad field of injury prevention and control. This includes a comparison of the aims and approaches of efficacy and effectiveness studies and the recognized gap between the two. The ecological context for injury prevention is summarized and the implications for intervention delivery and evaluation are described. The chapter then covers key theoretical, conceptual, and methodological issues involved in evaluation research and introduces some of the current thinking about translation research. Particular emphasis is given to Intervention Mapping as a tool to assist in the intervention development process, Diffusion of Innovations theory to guide efforts in the planning of intervention strategies and the RE-AIM (reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, maintenance) health promotion framework and their reported applications to injury prevention interventions to date.

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Finch, C.F. (2012). Implementing and Evaluating Interventions. In: Li, G., Baker, S. (eds) Injury Research. Springer, Boston, MA.

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