Most of the problems encountered so far have involved convex sets, or other sets with considerable intrinsic geometric structure. Nevertheless, one can study the geometry of much more general objects, for example, sets that are just closed or Lebesgue measurable, or even completely arbitrary. This chapter contains a selection of problems which, at least at first glance, are of such a general nature.
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Magic numbers
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Metrically homogeneous sets
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Maximal sets avoiding certain distance configurations
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Moving furniture around
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Questions related to the Kakeya problem
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Measurable sets and lines
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Determining curves from intersections with lines
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Two sets which always intersect in a point
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The chromatic number of the plane and of space
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Geometric graphs
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Euclidean Ramsey problems
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Triangles with vertices in sets of a given area
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Sets containing large triangles
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Similar copies of sequences
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Unions of similar copies of sets
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Croft, H.T., Falconer, K.J., Guy, R.K. (1991). General Geometric Problems. In: Unsolved Problems in Geometry. Problem Books in Mathematics, vol 2. Springer, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4612-0963-8_8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4612-0963-8_8
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