In this chapter ideas originally presented in Service Worlds (2004) are elaborated and developed into a more nuanced understanding of the complex symbiotic relationships that exist between manufacturing and service functions. Economic geographers have researched service industries, employment and functions going back to the early but they, and service research ers in other disciplines, have ignored manufacturing companies for too long on the grounds that there is something distinctive about the service relationship. Many manufacturing firms have been transformed into service firms; firms that create and provide product and service bundles. This realization coincides with the movement to construct a new discipline of service science and is a welcome opportunity to engage with that debate. It is timely to develop a multi-disciplinary, service-informed understanding of the manufacturing sector that highlights the service aspects of manufacturing and simultaneously reveals the difficulties of classifying activities as either services or manufacturing. Ultimately, we must move beyond the traditional bipolar division of the economy and begin to focus on value creation and production processes. This involves a shift towards understanding the ways in which manufacturing and service functions are combined to create value in the evolving Service World or, perhaps, in the new manuservice economy.
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Bryson, J.R., Daniels, P.W. (2010). Service Worlds . In: Maglio, P., Kieliszewski, C., Spohrer, J. (eds) Handbook of Service Science. Service Science: Research and Innovations in the Service Economy. Springer, Boston, MA. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-1628-0_6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-1628-0_6
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