
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them.

— Steve Jobs

The kernel of Intel’s security and management engine provides useful tools to application developers. Wonderful applications can be created on the engine with these tools.

The engine is designed to execute applications—both natively built on the engine and dynamically loaded from the host operating system. It is not a general-purpose environment per se; however, it is designed to be a foundation for various kinds of applications, especially ones that realize security functionalities.

In order to support and engage with existing and future applications, the kernel of the engine must provide a comprehensive set of basic services and tools to fulfill requirements of upper-level modules. As the number of applications running on the engine keeps growing, the number of kernel functions has grown accordingly to accommodate new functional requirements.

This chapter introduces interesting features and interfaces of the engine’s kernel. Because security is the main usage of the engine and the main subject of this book, I will focus on the cryptography functions first. Besides general functionality, to address the specific requirements of embedded mobile systems, I will also review a number of design strategies and useful tricks for improving performance, saving power and memory consumption, and protecting privacy.

All cryptographic algorithms implemented by the security and management engine follow applicable US government and industry standards. There are some proprietary Intel security heuristics for the kernel’s hardening measures, but they are not available to applications.

This chapter begins with a quick reference to the cryptography standards and then reveals how the engine implements them in its embedded environment. The focus is on the input and output interface of the cryptographic algorithms, rather than the mathematical details of the algorithms. Readers interested in understanding how the algorithms are designed should refer to generic cryptography lectures. D. R. Stinson’s Cryptography: Theory and Practice (Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2005)1 is a good introductory textbook on cryptography.

Random Number Generation

The random number generator (RNG) is the most invoked cryptography function on the engine. Except for hash, all cryptographic algorithms use keys, which are generated by a well-designed and well-implemented RNG. The security and management engine’s firmware applications use the kernel’s RNG for generating keys and nonces (a nonce is a random number that is used only once).

The RNG is a hardware device of the engine, and the kernel firmware wraps the hardware RNG and implements interface for applications to invoke. The RNG device consists of the following components:

  • Nondeterministic random bit generator (NDRBG): This provides seeding materials to the pseudo random number generator. The entropy source consists of variations of temperature, voltage, and power. The output of the NDRBG is a derivative of the collected white noises. There is real-time health test logic associated to the NDRBG to examine the quality of its entropy output.

  • Deterministic random bit generator (DRBG) : This implements the DRBG specified in National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) special publication 800-90A,2 with the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) counter-mode option. After the (Edward) Snowden leaks, NIST strongly advised against use of the DRBG with Dual Elliptic Curve option,3 but the AES counter-mode option is still an approved and recommended DRBG.

  • Built-in selftests (BISTs) compliant with the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 140 standard, required BISTs are performed by the RNG, including power-on selftests and continuous selftests.

  • The power-on selftest is a known-answer test. During the boot of the security and management engine, the RNG feeds its DRBG logic with a hardcoded seed and checks if the resultant random number matches the corresponding hardcoded answer.

  • The runtime selftest runs whenever a new random number, 32 bits in size, is generated at runtime. It checks whether the current output number is identical to the immediately previous random number the RNG generated. If the two are equal, then the current output number is discarded and a new random number is generated.

The only kernel interface exposed for the RNG is a function for getting a random number with the size specified by the caller. The function does not restrict an upper limit of the size, as long as the caller has allocated sufficiently large memory to hold the random number. All applications share the same instance and state of the RNG. There are no interfaces for an individual application to reseed the DRBG or restart the RNG device. Reseeding and re-initialization are managed by the RNG internally according to the NIST DRBG specification. Figure 3-1 shows the interface of kernel RNG’s API (application programming interface).

Figure 3-1.
figure 1

Kernel RNG API

Message Authentication

In cryptography, message authentication, or secure hash, refers to the procedure of “compressing” a large amount of data (message M) into a smaller message digest, H. For a given hash function, the size of H is a constant regardless of the size of M. The digest H generated by a good hash algorithm would look like a random string.

M can be of variable lengths, but H has a fixed size: the number of possible M values is much greater than the number of possible H values. Therefore, there may be many different M values that correspond to the same H value. Cases where two distinct messages (M and ) correspond to the same digest (H) are called “collision.”

A message authentication scheme must be very “sensitive,” that is, the digest H for a given M should look like a random bit string; even if only 1 bit of M has changed (been altered, added, or removed), the new digest should look like a completely different random bit string, with overwhelming probability. Because of this, the digest H can be thought of as fingerprints of a human being M.

Besides the sensitivity, a good message authentication scheme must have the following important properties:

  • One-way: It is easy to calculate H from M, but it is computationally difficult to derive a message M from H. Because there may be multiple M values that map to the same H, the hash scheme must make sure that it is difficult to derive any such M from a given H.

  • Collision-free: It is computationally difficult to find two messages M and M´ that correspond to the same H. Note that the sizes of M and M´ do not have to be the same.

These two facts make the secure hash algorithm useful in many cryptography and security applications. For example, an e-mail authentication server may calculate and store the digest of your password, instead of the password itself, when you set up the e-mail account. After initial setup, when you enter your password during login, the password is hashed, and the resultant digest is compared against the digest previously stored on the server at initial setup.

The hash’s one-way property makes sure that no one, including the authentication server, is computationally capable of retrieving the plaintext password from its digest, even though the digest is leaked or known by an attacker. The collision-free property guarantees that it is practically impossible to find and use a string other than your password to authenticate to the e-mail server.

A hash function takes one input M, and generates one output, the message digest H. There is no secret, key, or randomness involved in the hash calculation. Anyone who knows M can derive H. Sometimes it is desirable to employ a key in the hash calculation, so that only with the key can the correct digest be obtained. This is called keyed-hash or HMAC (Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code). An HMAC algorithm takes two inputs, M and key K, and generates H. In this case, H changes when M or K changes.

The engine supports standard message authentication schemes:

  • MD5 (Request for Comments (RFC) 13214)

  • SHA-1 (Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Publication 180-45

  • SHA-224 (FIPS 180-4)

  • SHA-256 (FIPS 180-4)

  • SHA-384 (FIPS 180-4)

  • SHA-512 (FIPS 180-4)

  • HMAC keyed hash with the preceding underlying hash schemes (FIPS 198-16)

Figure 3-2 shows the engine’s kernel interface for hash.

Figure 3-2.
figure 2

Kernel hash API

Figure 3-3 shows the engine’s kernel interface for HMAC.

Figure 3-3.
figure 3


The output hash is 16 bytes long for MD5, 20 bytes for SHA-1, 28 bytes for SHA-224, 32 bytes for SHA-256, 48 bytes for SHA-384, and 64 bytes for SHA-512. As MD5 and SHA-1 have smaller output digests, there are well-known attacks against them that reduce security strength. NIST recommends against using MD5 and SHA-1 and recommends moving to SHA-256 and above. Intel’s security and management engine continues to support MD5 and SHA-1 for legacy and backward compatibility.

For example, a lot of network equipment deployed in the field today still utilizes SSL/TLS crypto suites that use MD5 or SHA-1 for message authentication. The Intel AMT (Advanced Management Technology) application must continue to accept them. However, new firmware applications shall not use MD5 or SHA-1. Note that HMAC-MD5 and HMAC-SHA-1 are still approved algorithms by NIST and are being used in various applications for the security and management engine.

On the engine, among these secure hashing algorithms, the most frequently invoked ones—MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, and their HMAC variants—are implemented by hardware with firmware wrappers in kernel. The others are implemented by firmware. The firmware implementation was ported from the Intel Integrated Performance Primitives crypto library.7

Hash with Multiple Calls

The kernel interface for message authentication allows the caller to set up a context and pass in the message to be hashed in more than one call. In general, this resume capability is required by applications that do not have the entire message data at once.

In an embedded environment where memory is a very valuable resource, even if the entire message can be available at once, it may still be preferable to call the hash function multiple times, in order to reduce runtime memory consumption. For example, to hash 1MB of data, an application can choose to allocate 64KB of memory and call the hash function 16 times—or allocate 1KB of memory and call the hash function 1024 times. Because a call to kernel API implies performance overhead (see Chapter 4 of this book for details), this is a tradeoff between memory consumption and runtime performance.

In any case, the engine’s kernel is stateless, and the hash context must be maintained by the application between calls. Figure 3-4 depicts the kernel interface for resume hash/HMAC. The application should start with a “first chunk” call, followed by any number (including zero) of “middle chunk” calls, and finally a “last chunk” call. For HMAC, the context returned from the first chunk call contains a “working” derivation of the HMAC key, so that the application does not need to input HMAC key again in later middle chunk and final chunk calls.

Figure 3-4.
figure 4

Kernel hash/HMAC resume API

Symmetric-Key Encryption

Symmetric-key encryption refers to schemes where both encryption and decryption processes use the same key, in contrast to asymmetric-key encryption where encryption and decryption use two different keys. The most popular symmetric-key scheme used in computing today is defined in AES published by NIST in 2001.8 The algorithm specified in AES is based on the Rijndael cipher, developed by Belgian cryptographers Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen.


AES defines three key sizes: 128, 192, and 256 bits. The kernel of the security and management engine supports all three key sizes of AES.

In general, greater key size provides stronger protection. However, it is worth noting that due to recently published related-key attacks,9 256-bit AES can be broken with a complexity of 299.5, which makes it weaker than a 128-bit AES in theory (128-bit AES may be broken with a complexity of 2126 due to bicliques). Nevertheless, to date, no known attack against any key sizes of AES is computationally feasible.

AES is a block cipher and it has a fixed block size of 128 bits. In other words, the algorithm first splits the input data (plaintext for encryption or ciphertext for decryption) into multiple blocks, each 128 bits, and then performs a cipher operation on every block. Mode of operation describes how to repeatedly apply a single-block operation to encrypt data that is larger than a block. Various modes of operation are defined for block ciphers. The kernel of the security and management engine supports the following modes of operation:

  • ECB (electronic codebook)

  • ECB-CTS (ECB ciphertext stealing)

  • CBC (cipher block chaining)

  • CBC-CTS (CBC ciphertext stealing)

  • CFB (cipher feedback)

  • OFB (output feedback)

  • CTR (counter)

For the engine, the most-used key sizes and modes are implemented in hardware, including 128-bit and 256-bit keys with ECB, CBC, and CTR modes. The other modes are implemented in firmware, with underlying basic AES encryption and decryption offloading to the AES hardware.

For block cipher, all the modes except ECB require an initialization vector (IV) of the block size as input to the encryption function. The same IV must be input to the decryption function.

For the CTR mode, the IV consists of two portions: a nonce and counter. The kernel allows the caller to specify sizes of the counter and nonce, as long as the counter is at least 32 bits and their total length is equal to the block size.

For AES, the plaintext and the ciphertext always have the same size, regardless of key size and mode of operation. The CTR and OFB modes have a nice native feature: the size of the data does not have to be a multiple of the block size. That means you can encrypt 2 or 31 bytes of plaintext using CTR or OFB, and the resultant ciphertext is 2 or 31 bytes. The other modes, other than ECB-CTS and CBC-CTS, require data size to be a multiple of 128 bits. Also note that for CTR and OFB modes, the same algorithm is used for both encryption and decryption.

The CTS variant of ECB and CBC applies smart tricks to the last incomplete block and the last complete block of data for the underlying mode, so that the data size does not have to be a multiple of the block size (but the data must be longer than one block). The CTS mode is widely used in network protocols such as Kerberos, which is supported by an Intel AMT application running on the engine.

There are certain requirements and best practices about which modes to use when designing an application and how to use them. Here are some critical rules that may not be very well known by all software engineers:

  • For better security, avoid using the ECB mode for data that is longer than one block.

  • For the CTR mode, the same key and IV combination can only be used once and must not be repeatedly used for encrypting more than one data block. If the same key and IV combination is used to encrypt more than one block of data, then the security is broken and plaintext can be easily derived from ciphertexts without knowing the key.

Let the AES key be k and IV be iv. In a typical chosen-plaintext attack scenario, the attacker chooses plaintext block p (128 bits) and calls a problematic AES-CTR oracle that uses a constant k and iv. The oracle outputs ciphertext c. According to the CTR mode definition,

c := AES(k, iv) XOR p

where AES(k, iv) denotes the ciphertext for AES block encryption with plaintext iv using key k, and a XOR b denotes result of bitwise exclusive disjunction operation for two bit strings a and b of the same size. Notice that

AES(k, iv) = c XOR p

The attacker knows both p and c. His goal is to derive the plaintext p´ for another block of ciphertext c´ he receives by eavesdropping. Without figuring out k or iv, p´ can be easily calculated as follows:

p' := AES(k, iv) XOR c' = c XOR p XOR c'

  • For the CBC mode, the IV must be “unpredictable.” Unpredictability means not only that the IV cannot be a constant when encrypting multiple pieces of data, but also that an adversary must not be able to control or know the IV before the encryption happens. In practice, it is recommended to randomly generate IV for each piece of data to be encrypted.

Let the AES key be k. Consider a chosen-plaintext attack on a problematic AES-CBC oracle that uses predictable IV. The attacker has managed to acquire values of the iv and the first ciphertext block c (128 bits), and his goal is to guess the plaintext p. According to the CBC mode definition,

c := AES(k, iv XOR p).

The attack is allowed to submit his chosen plaintext p´ and have the oracle perform AES-CBC encryption using the same key k. Because IV is predictable, the attacker knows the value of the IV, denoted iv´, which will be used in his encryption request. Let p_guess represent the attacker’s “guessed” value of p. He calculates p´ and submits to the oracle:

P' := iv XOR iv' XOR p_guess.

The oracle performs encryption as follows and outputs c´:

c' := AES(k, iv' XOR p')

    = AES(k, iv' XOR (iv XOR iv' XOR p_guess))

    = AES(k, iv XOR p_guess).

With c and c´ in hand, the attacker just needs a simple comparison. If c = c´, then p = p_guess. Otherwise, a new p_guess is chosen and p´ submitted. The attacker repeats his guess until c´ matches c. It may look an unscalable brute force effort. However, for many applications (for example, a social security number), the number of possible plaintext values is small and it is not infeasible to exhaust all possibilities. Using random IV thwarts this attack.


For the CTR mode, the same key and IV combination can only be used once. For the CBC mode, the IV must be unpredictable.

Before performing encryption or decryption, the AES key is first expanded using the Rijndael key schedule to generate “round keys” that are used in encryption and decryption. Most software libraries of AES provide a function for initializing and expanding the AES key into round keys. For encryption/decryption calls, the round keys are passed in, in lieu of the original AES key, to avoid repeating key expansion operations. However, this trick is not implemented by the security and management engine. Thanks to dedicated hardware, the key expansion is not a bottleneck for performance.


In addition to AES, for backward compatibility, the kernel of the security and management engine also supports DES (data encryption standard),10 an older standard for encryption that was replaced by AES.

DES has a fixed block size of 64 bits, and key sizes of 56 (DES), 112 (two-key 3DES), and 168 (three-key 3DES) bits, respectively. 56-bit DES is considered insecure because the key size is too small, but 3DES is still being used by many devices in the field today. The security and management engine supports DES and 3DES in ECB, CBC, and CTR modes. They are all implemented by firmware.

Figure 3-5 illustrates the kernel API for symmetric key encryption/decryption.

Figure 3-5.
figure 5


Asymmetric-Key Encryption: RSA

Today, RSA11 is the most widely deployed asymmetric-key encryption scheme. RSA stands for the last names of Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman—the three cryptographers who first invented and published the algorithm back in 1977.

For symmetric-key cryptography like AES or DES/3DES, the encrypter and decrypter must both know the same key beforehand. If the encrypter and decrypter have no prior knowledge of each other but want to communicate securely, how do they agree on the key?

Consider a real-world scenario. When making the first purchase on Amazon using your new smartphone, how does the phone transmit your credit card number and order information securely to Amazon’s server so eavesdroppers on the open Internet cannot see? The solution is offered by asymmetric-key cryptography, where the encryption method uses one key, called a public key, and the decryption method uses another key, called a private key. A public key and a uniquely corresponding private key form a key pair, and they both belong to the decrypter.

The public key is not a secret. It is published and available to anyone who wishes to send encrypted messages to the decrypter. The private key is known to only the decrypter and it must be kept secret. Only the decrypter who knows the private key is able to decrypt a message encrypted with its public key. Hence, asymmetric-key cryptography is also known as public key cryptography.

During an online purchase, your smartphone first encrypts your credit card number with Amazon’s public key and then transmits the encrypted card number. Since only Amazon knows the private key, it is the only entity that can decrypt the message and retrieve your card number. Eavesdroppers on the network can’t decrypt the data.

In reality, what is encrypted using Amazon’s public key may not be your credit card number, but an AES key randomly generated by your smartphone. After the encrypted AES key is transmitted to and decrypted by Amazon, your phone and Amazon can use AES to protect the credit card number and other order information. But why bother to use AES if public key encryption works? The reasons are speed and power. Symmetric-key cipher is always much faster and less resource-consuming than asymmetric-key cipher. Therefore, the latter is often only used for encrypting symmetric keys for AES and HMAC, and not the bulk data. At a high level, the interactions between the client and the server are shown in Figure 3-6.

Figure 3-6.
figure 6

Asymmetric key encryption and decryption

One may question how the client can be confident that the public key indeed belongs to the server it intends to connect with, and not a man-in-the-middle. The trust is established by the PKI (public key infrastructure) system rooted to a CA (certification authority) that is trusted by both the client and the server. The book Active Platform Management Demystified—Unleashing the Power of Intel vPro Technology (Intel Press, 2009)12 elaborates details on PKI and how the AMT application running on the security and management engine implements PKI.

The security and management engine implements the following functions for RSA, compliant with the PKCS #1 standard issued by the RSA Laboratories:

  • Key pair generation

  • Key pair validation

  • Raw encryption and decryption

  • Encryption and decryption with PKCS #1 v1.5 padding

  • Encryption and decryption with OAEP padding

Key Pair Generation and Validation

The kernel’s key pair generation for k-bit RSA, where k is an even integer, exercises the following steps:

  1. 1.

    The first step of generating an RSA key pair is to generate two big prime integers of length k/2 bits each.

To generate a big prime number, first generate a random number and then run a primality test against the random number. The primality test ensures that the candidate has an acceptably high probability of being a prime. For k-bit RSA key pair generation, the kernel generates two distinct big random numbers. For each of the two numbers, set the most significant two bits to 1 and the least significant bit to 1. Setting the most significant two bits to 1 ensures that the product of the two numbers is exactly k bits and not fewer than k bits. Setting the least significant bit ensures the number is odd, because an even, big number cannot be prime.

  1. 2.

    Run a simple primality test on the two numbers (prime candidates), respectively.

The simple primality test works as follows. The smallest 2048 primes are hardcoded in firmware. The security and management engine hardcodes only 2048 primes, but if space allows, then hardcoding more prime numbers would speed up the key generation further, because composite candidates can be eliminated sooner.

Divide the candidate by every one of the 2048 primes, one after another, and save the 2048 remainders. If any of the 2048 remainders is 0, then the candidate is composite. However, do not give up on the candidate yet. Instead, add 2 to every one of the 2048 remainders respectively, and divide the 2048 updated remainders by the 2048 corresponding small primes. Keep adding 2 to the remainders until a certain numbers of additions have been performed, or all 2048 divisions result in nonzero remainders. If a certain number of additions of 2 have been made and still some of the 2048 remainders are 0, then eliminate this candidate and generate a new random number as a candidate.

  1. 3.

    Run a comprehensive primality test against the candidate.

The security and management engine uses the Miller-Rabin primality test.13 Notice that depending on the length of the prime candidate, the number of rounds of Miller-Rabin tests varies. For example, for a 1024-bit candidate, at least three rounds of Miller-Rabin tests must be run to ensure that the error rate (falsely identifying a composite to be a prime) is14 less than 2–80. If the candidate is found a composite, then generate a new candidate.

  1. 4.

    After two probable prime numbers p and q are generated, calculate their product

          n = p * q

Note that n has k bits in it. n is called modulus.

  1. 5.

    Choose a value for the public exponent e. e must be smaller than (p-1)*(q-1) and coprime to (p-1)*(q-1); that is, the greatest common divisor of e and (p-1)*(q-1) must be 1.

The speed of the encryption operation is determined by e and the number of nonzero bits (this is also called Hamming weight) in the binary representation of e. Prime 65537 is a popular choice for e, as it has only two nonzero bits in its binary representation. 3 and 17 used to be popular choices but they are considered not strong enough by many applications today owing to published cryptanalysis.15

If you choose a prime such as 65537 as e, then divide (p-1)*(q-1) by e. If it is exactly divisible, then e and (p-1)*(q-1) are not coprime, and a new p or q must be generated.

  1. 6.

    Calculate d, the multiplicative inverse of e, such that

          d·e º 1 mod (p-1)*(q-1).

d is a k-bit integer calculated using the extended Euclidean algorithm.

  1. 7.

    If the application requests, calculate the following private key components for the Chinese Remainder Theorem. These key components are all k/2-bit long. Using them in the decryption operation proves to be more efficiently than using the k-bit d.

          d_P := d mod (p-1)

          d_Q := d mod (q-1)

          q_inv := q -1 mod p

Among all of the preceding values, the public key consists of n and e. The private key consists of n, d, p, q, d_P, d_Q, and q_inv. NIST recommends using at least 2048-bit n, which provides equivalent security strength of 112 bits. The security and management engine supports RSA key sizes of up to 4096 bits for encryption and decryption. For key pair generation, the engine supports up to 2048 bits. Most applications running on the engine and in the mobile computing industry today use 2048-bit RSA.

The key pair generation is an expensive and lengthy operation. Generating a 2048-bit key pair takes an average of 30 seconds on the security and management engine. Most of the generation time is spent on searching for prime numbers p and q.

The simple primality test described in step 2—although not a standard step in the key generation process—is a very useful trick to expedite the prime number search. On the security and management engine, this step improves the search time for a 1024-bit prime by as much as 65%. The following illustrates its pseudo code.

Algorithm X-Y: Preliminary Primality Test

Input: prime candidate

Output: if candidate may be a prime, updated candidate (if it may be a prime)

SmallestPrimes[NUM_OF_SMALL_PRIMES] = {/* hardcode smallest NUM_OF_SMALL_PRIMES primes here */}

Remainders[NUM_OF_SMALL_PRIMES] = {0}

delta = 0

for i from 0 to NUM_OF_SMALL_PRIMES-1

  remainders[i] = candidate % SmallestPrimes[i]


for i from 0 to NUM_OF_SMALL_PRIMES-1

  If ((Remainders[i] + delta) % SmallestPrimes[i] == 0)

    delta = delta + 2

      If delta < MAX_DELTA /* upper limit of delta before giving up this candidate */}

        goto Loop


        return COMPOSITE

candidate = candidate + delta


The logic under Loop is based on the following theorem:

Theorem: If x = k*p+r, then x%p = r%p.

Proof: x%p = (k*p+r)%p = ((k*p)%p + r%p)%p = (0 + r%p)%p = r%p.

Taking advantage of this simple theorem, instead of the large candidate x, the prime search uses the small sum r of the remainder and delta in the modulus operation. This trick significantly reduces computation time.


To find a big prime number from a random number, always run the preliminary primality test (prime sieve) and adjust the random number, if possible, before running the Miller-Rabin test.

The key pair generation is a blocking call. Because it takes several seconds to return, under certain circumstances, applications may prefer to abort the key generation before its completion. The kernel API provides an optional callback and abortion capability. The application may pass in a pointer to a callback function. The kernel, while performing the key pair generation, will periodically call back and see whether the application wants to stop the generation. The callback option is especially useful when a power event, such as a shutdown, happens in the middle of a key pair generation, in which case the application must not block the power event and must abort the generation as soon as possible.

Some applications running on the security and management engine need a RSA key pair during service enrollment or provisioning that is initiated by an end user. A key pair will be generated during the enrollment or provisioning operation, and the user has to wait for a key pair generation to complete. Obviously, having a customer waiting for 30 seconds or longer is not a user-friendly design.

To improve the user’s experience, every time the kernel boots, it voluntarily generates a certain number of 2048-bit RSA key pairs and stores in a cache in memory. When an application invokes key generation, a pregenerated key pair is returned immediately, and then the kernel generates a new key pair in a low-priority thread to fill the cache.


Consider pregenerating RSA key pairs to improve the user’s experience.

The kernel’s RSA key generation API is shown in Figure 3-7. The figure shows the scenario where the key generation runs to completion. Figure 3-8 shows the scenario where the generation is aborted.

Figure 3-7.
figure 7

Kernel RSA key pair generation completion flow

Figure 3-8.
figure 8

Kernel RSA key pair generation abortion flow

The key pair validation tests whether p and q are probable prime numbers and verifies the relationships among the key components passed in by the application (see Figure 3-9).

Figure 3-9.
figure 9

Kernel RSA key pair validation API

Encryption and Decryption

For encryption, first represent the plaintext as a big number m such that 0 <= m < n, and then calculate ciphertext c as

c := m e mod n

c must be smaller than n. For decryption, first check whether c is smaller than n. If so, recover plaintext by calculating

m := c d mod n

It is obvious that the encryption, usually performed by a client such as a smartphone that has limited computational resources, is much faster than decryption, because e is a small integer, whereas d is a big integer as long as k bits.

For kernel’s RSA decryption function, if the caller passes in private key elements d_P, d_Q, and q_inv, then the kernel will use a more efficient way to calculate m from c:

m1 := c d_p mod p

m2 := c d_q mod q

h := q_inv·(m1 – m2) mod p

m := m2 + h·q

Using the Chinese Remainder Theorem, all modulo operations are with modulus p or q, which is half the size of modulus n, hence resulting in better performance.

The “raw” RSA encryption without any padding is vulnerable to several known attacks. For example, if m is so small that m e < n, then c = m e mod n = m e and m can be easily calculated by taking the eth root of c. For mitigation, m should be padded with a carefully designed scheme so that the padded plaintext does not fall into ranges that are exposed to attacks. Because the plaintext message has to be padded before encryption, it must be somewhat smaller than k bits. PKCS and OAEP are the two best-known padding schemes. The security and management engine’s kernel supports these two padding schemes.

Figures 3-10 and 3-11 demonstrate the APIs for RSA encryption and decryption, respectively.

Figure 3-10.
figure 10

Kernel RSA Encryption API

Figure 3-11.
figure 11

Kernel RSA decryption API

Digital Signature

The digital signature is realized using public key cryptography, where the signer (the only entity that is able to generate the signature) signs a message with its secret private key and the verifier (anyone) verifies the signer’s signature with the signer’s public key.

As seen earlier, plaintext and ciphertext, when treated as integers, in RSA encryption/decryption must be smaller than n in value. However, there should not be such a length restriction on the message to be signed. Therefore, the hash function is used to convert a long message to its small-size digest. What is being signed is the digest instead of the message itself. The two properties of the hash function—collision-free and one-way—make sure that the message cannot be forged, and signing the digest is as good as signing the message.


The k-bit RSA signature generation follows these steps:

  1. 1.

    Calculate h = hash(m).

  2. 2.

    Apply padding scheme to h and result in k-bit value, em.

  3. 3.

    Calculate signature s = em d mod n or use the Chinese Remainder Theorem. This is a RSA raw decryption operation, though some literatures call it “private key encryption.”

The Kernel API for RSA signature generation is depicted in Figure 3-12.

Figure 3-12.
figure 12

Kernel RSA signature generation API

RSA signature verification follows the following steps:

  1. 1.

    Calculate em' = s e mod n. This is a RSA raw encryption operation, though some literatures call it “public key decryption.”

  2. 2.

    Examine whether em' is formatted correctly according to the padding scheme. If the formatting of em' is wrong, then reject the signature.

  3. 3.

    Extract the message digest portion h' from em' according to the padding scheme.

  4. 4.

    If h'== hash(m), then accept the signature; otherwise, reject the signature.

The Kernel API for RSA signature verification is depicted in Figure 3-13.

Figure 3-13.
figure 13

Kernel RSA signature verification API

The signing uses a private key, and the operation is slower. Signing is usually performed by a server with strong computational resources. The signature verification uses a public key and is usually performed by a client such as a mobile device.

The most popular signature-padding schemes are PKCS#1 and SSA-PSS. The kernel of the security and management engine supports both schemes.


The digital signature scheme based on elliptic curve cryptography (ECDSA) is becoming more and more popular thanks to its high security strength and smaller key sizes compared to RSA. ECDSA is especially suitable for mobile embedded devices where the following are true:

  • Storage and memory space is limited

  • The entire key data may not be available at once

An elliptic curve has the following definition:

y 2 = x 3 + ax + b

where a and b are predefined constants. Conceptually, an elliptic curve looks like Figure 3-14.

Figure 3-14.
figure 14

Elliptic curve and point addition

The ECDSA curves supported by the security and management engine are the curves defined for prime finite fields (“P curves”) in NIST’s DSS standard.16 Within a finite field, all coordinates are smaller than modulo p, where p is a large prime defined in the standard. The exact shape of the curve is determined by domain parameters, including a and b. A point on the curve is denoted as (x, y), where x and y are in [1, p-1] (that is, this is on a finite field). A special point called “base point” G, also a domain parameter, is defined for a given elliptic curve.

The point addition is a basic operation defined on elliptic curve. Figure 3-14 demonstrates point addition of two points, P1 and P2. To calculate the sum of two points P1+P2, first connect them with a straight line and then extend the line to meet the elliptic curve at the third node. The opposite point to the x axis of the third node is the sum of P1 and P2.

To add a point P to itself, draw a tangent line at the point and let the line meet the curve at the second node. Then the opposite to the x axis of the second node is the double of P.

Multiplication on an elliptic curve is realized by repeated additions. If a point P is added to itself k–1 times, then it becomes a scalar multiplication: an integer k multiplied by a point, denoted as Q = k * P. Notice that Q is also a point on the curve.


For a big integer k, it is easy to calculate Q=k*P from k and P, but it is very difficult to derive k from Q and P.

Key Pair Generation and Validation

The mathematical foundation of ECC as an asymmetric key cryptography is the difficult problem of deriving k from Q and P in Q = k*P. The ECDSA key pair is defined by taking advantage of this important property. The private key PrivKey is a big number, between 1 and n-1 inclusive.Footnote 1 The private key is generated randomly. The corresponding public key is a point PubKey on the curve such that

PubKey = PrivKey * G

Obviously, the key pair generation of ECDSA is much faster than that of RSA, as the private key is just a random big number. On the other hand, the private keys p and q of RSA must be prime numbers, which takes significantly more resources to obtain. On the security and management engine, generating a 256-bit ECDSA key pair takes about 10 milliseconds, which is imperceptible from an end user’s perspective. The engine does not implement a key pair cache for ECDSA.

A major advantage of ECDSA over RSA signature is its smaller key size (hence smaller storage space required) with strong security protection. The security strength of ECDSA is half of the size of the private key. So a 256-bit private key would provide 128-bit equivalent security as symmetric key cryptography. For comparison, the 2048-bit RSA provides only 112-bit of security.

This chapter does not describe the complete steps of ECDSA signature generation and verification. Instead, critical elliptic curve point operations used in ECDSA are explained, and optimization strategies for them are discussed in detail.

Scalar Multiplication

The scalar multiplication is the most intensive step in ECDSA signature generation and verification. The add-and-double algorithm is used to calculate k*P.

  1. 1.

    Represent k in its binary form with digits 0 and 1.

  2. 2.

    Start from result of “0” and scan the binary representation of k from left (most significant bit) to right (least significant bit).

    • For a bit that is 0, double the result. Move to the next bit.

    • For a bit that is 1, add point P to the result and double the updated result. Move to the next bit.

  3. 3.

    The resulting point after processing the rightmost bit is the final result.

Table 3-1 shows the computation of 198*P using the add-and-double algorithm. The first row in the table shows the binary representation of the scalar (198). The second row shows the result of the doubling operation from the row immediately to its left. The third row shows the result of the addition operation if the first row shows 1 in the column.

Table 3-1. Calculation of 198P Using Add-and-Double Algorithm

It is easy to see from the calculation that the scalar multiplication does not require the knowledge of the entire k before calculation can begin. Calculation can start as soon as some bits of k are available, and continues simultaneously while the rest of k is received. The portion of k that has been processed can be deleted from memory. The parallel processing can save substantial time for mobile devices. The RSA signature scheme does not have such flexibility.

Let the bit length of k be m and the number of 1s in the binary representation of k be w. The scalar multiplication of k*P requires m–1 point doublings and w-1 point additions. Note that doubling is in fact addition. On average w = 0.5*m, Therefore,

m + w -2 = 1.5*m -2

point additions are required for calculating k*P.

Window Method

To reduce the number of point additions and speed up ECDSA arithmetic, one may apply a precomputation trick, namely, the “window method,” to the scalar multiplication. Instead of treating the binary representation of k as an m-bit string, the window method treats it as ceiling(m/t) Footnote 2 “windows,” where each window is made up of t consecutive bits (i.e., the width of a window is t bits).

  1. 1.

    Split the binary representation of k into windows of t bits. If m is not divisible by t, then pad (t-(m mod t)) zeros to the left of the most significant bit of k, before splitting the binary representation of k into windows.

  2. 2.

    Precompute 2*P, 3*P, …, (2t-1)*P and store results in memory. The number of required precomputations is (2t-2).

  3. 3.

    Start from result of “0” and scan binary representation of k from left to right.

    • For a window that is 0, calculate (2t)*P' where P' is the result of previous column. Move to the next window.

    • For a window that has value of v, calculate (2t)*(v*P + P'). Move to the next window.

  4. 4.

    The resultant point after processing the rightmost column is the final result.

For example, the binary expression 11000110b of integer 198 can be split into four windows, with a window size of 2:


Here, window value 11b corresponds to 3P. Window value 10b corresponds to 2P. They must be precomputed before the scalar multiplication starts. Table 3-2 explains the calculation of 198P with windows size 2.

Table 3-2. Calculation of 198P Using Window Method with Window Size 2

For window size of t = 2, a quadrupling (multiplying by 4) is performed when moving to the next column. A quadrupling is equivalent to 2 point additions (first calculate 2*P' = P'+P', then 4*P' = 2*P'+2*P'). In general, for window size of t bits, t additions are required when moving to the next column.

For window size of t = 2, there are 2 t possible values of a window. For windows with a nonzero value, an addition operation is required. On average, (2 t -1)/2 t of all windows are nonzero.

To ramp up, using the window method to calculate k*P, there are three steps that need additions:

  • Precomputation

    • A = 2 t -2

  • Additions for processing a column

    • B = ceiling((2 t -1)/2 t * ceiling(m/t)-1)

  • Additions when moving to the next column

    • C = (ceiling(m/t)-1) * t

The total number of additions is A+B+C.

Table 3-3 compares total numbers of additions with different choices of t for m = 256 (256-bit is one of the most commonly used ECDSA key sizes).

Table 3-3. Numbers of Addition Operations for m=256

From the comparison, it is obvious that for m = 256, the optimal window size is 4 (emphasized in bold in the table). The number of precomputations increases exponentially with t. When the window is wider than 4 bits, the precomputation cost starts to outweigh the benefit of saving of additions during the scalar multiplication.

Dual Scalar Multiplication

Besides the “single” scalar multiplication Q = k*P, the ECDSA signature verification also uses a “dual” scalar multiplication:

Q = k1 * P1 + k2 * P2

The dual scalar multiplication can be implemented by first performing two independent single scalar multiplications and then a point addition. However, this is not as fast as utilizing a smaller trick with a trivial precomputation cost of P1+P2.

Table 3-4 shows the computation of 197*P1 + 172*P2 using the precomputation trick.

Table 3-4. Calculation of 197*P1 + 172*P2 Using Precomputation Trick

For two scalars k1 and k2, there are four possibilities of their bit value combination, {0, 0}, {1, 0}, {0, 1}, and {1, 1}, corresponding to points 0, P1, P2, and P1+P2, respectively. P1 and P2 are already available; P1+P2 must be precomputed.

  • For a column that is {0, 0}, double the result. Move to the next bit.

  • For a column that is {1, 0}, add P1 to the result and double the updated result. Move to the next bit.

  • For a column that is {0, 1}, add P2 to the result and double the updated result. Move to the next bit.

  • For a column that is {1, 1}, add P1+P2 to the result and double the updated result. Move to the next bit.

The resultant point after processing the rightmost column is the final result.

Let the bit length of k1 be m1 and that of k2 be m2; let the Hamming weight of k1 be w1 and that of k2 be w2. Using the traditional add-and-double algorithm without precomputing P1+P2, calculating k1*P1+k2*P2 requires

(m1-1 + m2-1) + (w1-1 + w2-1) + 1 = m1 + m2 + w1 + w2-3

point additions. On average, w1 = 0.5*m1 and w2 = 0.5*m2. In the ECDSA signature verification, m1 = m2. Let m1 = m2 = m. The total number of additions becomes

m1 + m2 + 0.5*m1 + 0.5*m2 - 3 = 1.5 (m1 + m2) - 3

                              = 3*m - 3

Using the method introduced in Table 3-4, one has to perform m-1 doublings and on average 0.75*m - 1 additionsFootnote 3 during the scalar multiplication. Beforehand, one addition is needed for precomputing P1+P2. Treating doubling as addition, the total number of required additions is

(m - 1) + (0.75*m - 1) + 1 = 1.75*m - 1

When m is large, the trick saves approximately

(3 - 1.75) / 3 * 100% = 41.7%

of addition operations, with a tiny tradeoff of storing point P1+P2 in memory. Thus this is a very useful trick to speed up ECDSA on embedded systems.

The window method can also be applied to the dual scalar multiplication, in which case a window will have a height of 2 for k1 and k2. However, the amount of precomputations and memory consumption increases considerably with the increase of the window size.

Hardware Acceleration

To speed up RSA and ECDSA calls, the security and management engine has implemented hardware logic for the following big number arithmetic:

  • Multiplication

  • Addition

  • Subtraction

  • Modulo

  • Exponentiation and modulo (using Montgomery multiplier)

Other Cryptography Functions

Besides the functions described earlier, the kernel supports a number of other algorithms:

  • ECDH (elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman) key agreement

  • AES-CMAC message authentication

  • RC4 stream cipher

  • DSA (digital signature algorithm)

The design principle of the kernel is to support any cryptography algorithms that are required by at least one application. Depending on the data throughput expectation of the application and available gate areas in hardware, the requested cipher may be implemented either wholly in firmware or partially in hardware.

To save valuable resources in the embedded system, cryptography algorithms that are not used by any applications are not included in the system.

Secure Storage

In addition to cryptography, the kernel of the security and management engine supports other infrastructural functionalities that are needed by applications.

A partition of the SPI flash chip is reserved for storing the security and management engine’s nonvolatile data. As the flash size is very limited, the files cannot be too large. Generally speaking, the storage is intended for keys and credentials, such as device private keys, AMT passwords, and so on. It is not designed for storing bulk data such as video frames or network traffic.

The kernel’s storage manager lets applications choose what protections are required by individual files:

  • Encryption: 128-bit or 256-bit AES, in CTR mode

  • Integrity: HMAC-SHA-1 or HMAC-SHA-256

  • Anti-replay: To mitigate a physical attack of replacing the file with a previous version of the file

  • No protection: The file will be stored in plaintext without integrity or anti-replay protection

During boot, the kernel derives a 128-bit AES key and a 256-bit AES key used for file encryption and decryption. The kernel also derives an HMAC key used for HMAC-SHA-1 and HMAC-SHA-256. These keys are referred to as storage keys. The storage keys are derived from security fuses that are random and unique for each instance of the part and burned into the security fuse block during manufacturing. Because the storage keys are different on every part, even if a file is copied from one part to another, it will fail the HMAC integrity check and will not be accepted by the firmware.

Although all files on the security and management engine use the same storage keys for protection, the storage manager in the kernel enforces access isolation so that a process is not able to access files that belong to other processes. The owning process of a file can also configure its file properties so the file can be shared with other specified processes with read and/or write privileges.


For engineering firmwareFootnote 4 running on preproduction parts,Footnote 5 developers use debuggers that allow halting the processor, stepping through source code, and reviewing variable values and memory contents.

On production parts, however, the debug port is disabled by a fuse and only production-signed firmware images can execute. How to debug an application on production parts with signed firmware? The security and management engine offers two ways—debug messaging and special production-signed firmware—to facilitate debugging on production parts.

Debug Messaging

The kernel exposes a function that lets a calling application send messages through the engine’s LAN interface to a debug console. Applications can call this kernel function at interesting spots and milestones. This is similar to debugging using printf in software development. Applications must be careful not to send out sensitive information. A timestamp will be appended by the kernel for all messages.

Special Production-Signed Firmware Based on Unique Part ID

Production-signed firmware has the capability of overwriting the “debug port disabled” fuse and enabling debug port on production parts. Of course, generic released firmware that is production-signed must never open the debug port—otherwise, it would be a critical vulnerability.

To enable engineers to debug on production parts, Intel may sign special firmware with a production RSA key. The special firmware

  • Boots normally when running on the specific production part on which the debugging will be performed.

  • Halts when running on all other production parts.

  • Enables the debug port.

  • Has a special version number such that attempt of updating from a released firmware to this special firmware will fail. That is, the debug engineer must physically flash this special firmware to the flash chip on the specific part.

The security fuses that are random and unique for each part are used to derive not only the storage keys but also a 128-bit value used as the unique part ID. Although the ID is unique, it does not pose privacy concerns because the part itself is the only entity that knows the value.

Obviously, the special firmware must hardcode the unique ID of the specific production part. During boot, the special firmware reads the unique ID from the part it is running on and compares with the hardcoded ID. If they match, it continues to boot and enables the debug port; otherwise, it is considered an attack. The firmware clears memory and halts the processor immediately.

But this method requires the knowledge of the unique ID of the part before the special firmware can be created. It means the released firmware must have an interface for outputting the unique ID to the host. Does this interface introduce privacy concerns? To avoid raising such concerns, the security and management engine invents a trick of randomization for the unique ID. With this trick, the value sent to the host is never the real unique ID, but a saltedFootnote 6 randomization of it. The host receives a different randomized ID every time it retrieves the ID from the released firmware, even if it is the same hardware part.

Algorithm 3-1 explains the procedure of generating a salted part ID. The algorithm is implemented on released firmware.

Algorithm 3-1. Salted Part ID Generation on Released Firmware

Input: unique ID uid (128 bits)

Output: salted ID sid (128 bits)

random_string = get_random(32 bits);

hash = SHA-256(uid || random_string);

sid = leftmost 96 bits of hash || random string;

The logic in the special production-signed firmware for checking the salted ID is detailed in Algorithm 3-2.

Algorithm 3-2. Checking Part ID on Special Production-Signed Firmware

Input: unique ID uid (128 bits), salted ID sid (128 bits)

Output: matched or mismatched

random_string = right most 32 bits of sid;

hash = SHA-256(uid || random_string);

if (left most 96 bits of hash == left most 96 bits of sid)

  return matched;


  return mismatched;

In both algorithms, SHA-256 can be replaced by another one-way function such as HMAC, in which case uid can be used as a message and random_string can be used as the HMAC key. The algorithms are meant to demonstrate the idea, and the sizes of variables can be changed depending on platform.

After the debug engineer retrieves the salted part ID from his production part, he notifies the build engineer of the salted ID. The build engineer then hardcodes the salted ID, creates the special firmware, and signs it with a production RSA key. The signed firmware image is sent to the debug engineer, who then flashes to his part and launches the debugger, just like on a preproduction part.

It is worth noting that, by the security policy, a production part contains top secrets that even debug engineers are not supposed to access—for example, an EPID (Enhanced Privacy Identification, see Chapter 5 of this book for details) private key. The special firmware erases all such secrets from memory before enabling the debug port. Debugging critical features such as EPID must be done with test keys and not real production keys.

Once debugging is completed, the part used for debug should be destroyed. The special production-signed firmware should be destroyed also.

Secure Timer

There is a protected real-time clock in the engine. Applications can use the clock through two kernel APIs:

  • Start timer: An application calls this function to initialize/reset its timer. A new timer is created and it immediately starts to run. A handle will be returned to the caller for identifying the timer in the future.

  • Get current timer value: An application calls this function with a timer handle to retrieve the current value of the specific timer. The current value shows the number of seconds that have elapsed since the start timer function was called.

Notice that the secure timer in the kernel shows time that has elapsed, but does not provide current date/time information. This is because the kernel has no secure way of receiving the date/time from a time server outside of the embedded system.

Applications are responsible for getting current UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) time from a trusted external time source. For example, EPID clients use X.509 certificates for authentication and key establishment. The EPID manager firmware must validate the client’s certificate before serving the client. To make sure the certificate has not expired, the firmware must always know the current date/time.

To get the current date/time information, the EPID manager requests a real-time OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) response from a trusted OCSP server, which was endorsed by Intel. The response contains the current date/time. The EPID manager saves the date/time (baseline) in a file in the kernel’s secure storage and calls the kernel’s Start timer function that starts the timer. Later, when the EPID manager is verifying the validity period of a certificate, it calls the Get current timer value function and calculates the current date/time by adding the kernel’s returned value to the baseline. The EPID manager requests a new real-time OCSP response every 30 days to calibrate its timer.

Host-Embedded Communication Interface

Almost all applications on the security and management engine need to communicate with software programs running on the host. The link between the host and the engine is called a host-embedded communication interface, or HECI.

There is a HECI driver that runs in ring 0 of the host operating system and manages the HECI device on the PCI bus. Individual software programs must call the HECI driver to send messages to and receive responses from the embedded engine. On the embedded side, the kernel implements a HECI driver that is the counterpart of the HECI driver on the host. It manages HECI connections for all embedded applications. The host application and its corresponding embedded application must agree on the same unique HECI client ID beforehand. The client IDs are hardcoded in both software and firmware. The host application and the embedded application must also agree on structures of predefined messages so that the sender and the recipient can understand each other. Incorrectly formatted messages should be rejected gracefully and should not cause crashes.

The HECI interface per se is not secured. No encryption is performed on messages in transit by the HECI drivers. If required, the applications must apply appropriate protection, such as an encryption and integrity check, to the messages before transmitting them.

Due to bandwidth considerations, the HECI channel is designed to carry short and simple data, rather than bulk data such as network traffic or video and audio frames. The maximum size of a HECI message is configurable per product, depending on the worst-case usage model, and ranges between 1KB and 12KB. Firmware applications usually use HECI to receive control commands from the host and to send back status information to the host. For example, an EPID client sends a HECI message to the EPID manager firmware to establish a secure session; the firmware then responds with its ephemeral Diffie-Hellman public key.

Figure 3-15 shows the HECI message data flow among software applications, the host HECI driver, the embedded HECI driver, and embedded applications.

Figure 3-15.
figure 15

HECI architecture overview

Reception of messages is signaled through system interrupts. The embedded HECI driver is a dispatcher that delivers messages received from the host to the right recipient applications. The separation among different HECI clients is realized by the task isolation mechanism described in Chapter 4.

Direct Memory Access to Host Memory

The security and management engine is equipped with direct memory access (DMA) devices that allow firmware to access (read and/or write) the host’s memory space by referencing its physical addresses. The kernel exposes an API for select applications to perform DMA operations between memory of the host and the embedded system.

Applications may use DMA to exchange large amounts of runtime data with the host. For example, AMT network traffic, video and audio frames, and so on. Such data is too large and too slow to transmit over the HECI interface.

Although DMA is certainly a convenient way to transmit data between the host and the embedded system, it grants the embedded engine with arguably dangerous privileges and creates security concerns. Vulnerability in the engine, if found by hackers, may be exploited to attack the host’s memory.

At the Black Hat conference in 2009, Alexander Tereshkin and Rafal Wojtczuk demonstrated an attack that exploited a flaw of the management engine.17 The attack manages to read and write arbitrary host memory, with certain exceptions, through the embedded DMA engine from a root kit. See Chapter 4 for more descriptions of the attack.

Although the design flaw exploited by the attack is not in the DMA component, the DMA engine is a key factor that makes the attack possible. To minimize the abuse of DMA, the firmware architecture should apply tighter control and exercise the security design principle of least privilege. Today, the security and management engine enforces stringent restrictions for applications accessing the host memory:

  • The kernel’s DMA API is only open to applications that have justifiable need to access host memory. The white list of applications that are permitted to DMA with the host is hardcoded in firmware and cannot be changed at runtime.

  • For those allowed applications, the kernel enforces minimum privileges (read only from host, write only to host, or read and write). That is, an application that only needs read access is forbidden from writing to host memory.

  • A small and isolated component in the kernel is responsible for determining whether DMA access requested by the calling application is legitimate, and if so, the range of host memory addresses to be accessed by the application. During development and validation, very thorough and comprehensive review and testing is performed on this component in the attempt to make it a bug-free component.


  1. 1.

    Stinson, D. R., Cryptography: Theory and Practice, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2006.

  2. 2.

    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators, , accessed on November 17, 2013.

  3. 3.

    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Supplemental ITL Bulletin for September 2013, , accessed on November 17, 2013.

  4. 4.

    Rivest, R., “The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm,” RFC 1321, April 1996, , accessed on March 18, 2014.

  5. 5.

    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Secure Hash Standard (SHS), , accessed on November 17, 2013.

  6. 6.

    National Institute of Standards and Technology, The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC), , accessed on November 17, 2013.

  7. 7.

    Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP), , accessed on February 23, 2014.

  8. 8.

    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), , accessed on November 17, 2013.

  9. 9.

    Biryukov, Alex and Dmitry Khovratovich, “Related-key Cryptanalysis of the Full AES-192 and AES-256,” Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2009/317, 2009, , accessed on November 17, 2013.

  10. 10.

    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Data Encryption Standard (DES), , accessed on November 17, 2013.

  11. 11.

    RSA Laboratories, PKCS #1 v2.1: RSA Cryptography Standard, , accessed on November 17, 2013.

  12. 12.

    Kumar, Arvind, Purushottam Goel, and Ylian Saint-Hilaire, Active Platform Management Demystified—Unleashing the Power of Intel vPro Technology, Intel Press, 2009.

  13. 13.

    Rabin, M. O., “Probabilistic algorithm for testing primality,” Journal of Number Theory, 1980, 12 (1), pp. 128–138.

  14. 14.

    Damgard, I., P. Landrock, and C. Pomerance, “Average case error estimates for the strong probable prime test,” Mathematics of Computation, 1993, 61, pp. 177–194.

  15. 15.

    Bleichenbacher, Daniel, “Chosen Ciphertext Attacks against Protocols Based on the RSA Encryption Standard PKCS #1,” CRYPTO ’98, pp. 1–12.

  16. 16.

    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Digital Signature Standard (DSS), , accessed on November 17, 2013.

  17. 17.

    Tereshkin, Alexander and Rafal Wojtczuk, “Introducing Ring -3 Rootkits,” Black Hat USA, July 29, 2009, Las Vegas, NV.