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Conclusions: Developing Anti-Racist/Non-Racist Social Work

  • Chapter
Anti-Racist Social Work

Part of the book series: Practical Social Work ((PSWS))

  • 95 Accesses


Racist social work education and practices have been inadequately challenged for far too long. The glaring injustice these perpetuate and the damage they cause to black and white people can no longer be tolerated. White people have no choice but to become anti-racist if they wish to reclaim their humanity and live in a society which accords each person their dignity. To be worth living in, such a society must be non-racist. In it, justice, caring, individual fulfilment and collective concern would reign. Anti-racist social work has a role to play in creating a non-racist society. Fulfilling this role calls for the transformation of social work and demands that its own practice espouses equality for all; fosters consumer involvement; develops provisions geared to meet people’s needs rather than ration resources; and endorses a professionalism based on caring for people instead of excluding them.

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© 1997 British Association of Social Workers

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Dominelli, L. (1997). Conclusions: Developing Anti-Racist/Non-Racist Social Work. In: Anti-Racist Social Work. Practical Social Work. Palgrave, London.

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