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The Vitreous Body

  • Chapter
Physiology of the Eye
  • 121 Accesses


This is a transparent jelly occupying, in man and most vertebrates, by far the largest part of the globe. As Fig. 1.1 shows, it is bounded by the retina, ciliary body and the posterior capsule of the lens. If the sclera is cut through round the equator, the posterior half with the attached retina comes away from the vitreous body, leaving this suspended from its firm attachments to the ciliary body and pars plana of the retina. To isolate it completely from these attachments careful cutting and scraping are necessary.

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© 1990 Hugh Davson

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Davson, H. (1990). The Vitreous Body. In: Physiology of the Eye. Palgrave, London.

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