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The New Math and School Governance: An Explanation of the Decline of the New Math in Sweden

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Part of the book series: ICME-13 Monographs ((ICME13Mo))


The main aim of this paper is to explain why certain parts of the Swedish New Math reform failed. The secondary aim is to nuance the idea about the decline of the New Math in Sweden . The analysis is focused on governance , but also ideological, economical and sociological aspects are considered. The main sources are syllabi, official reports and textbooks . Another type of source is a database of historical textbooks in mathematics. Even though the suggested explanation to great degree concerns the Swedish context, it has a more general relevance. Previous research on New Math in other countries is mainly focused on ideological and sociological aspects of the reforms. This paper also highlights the interplay between factors related to textbooks, governance and economics. It is relevant to consider these factors in other countries as well since textbook development was a part of New Math reforms in many countries.

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Corresponding author

Correspondence to Johan Prytz .

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  • Riksarkivet (RA, The Swedish National Archives) 1

  • Archive: Nordiska kommittén för modernisering av matematikundervisningen (NK)

  • F1:11–16 Lärares rapporter om försöksverksamheten till kommittén, 1964–1967

  • RA 2

  • Archive: Skolöverstyrelsen (SÖ) 1919–1991

  • 54 Avdelningen för lärarutbildning … (L-avd) 1964–1984

  • 04 Sektionen för prov och utvärdering

  • F I bie Standardprov i matematik

  • Volume: 3, 5 and 8

Analysed textbooks, grade 1 (The textbooks which do not contain set theory are marked by *)


Authors (family names)

Year of publication

Ettans nya matematik

Hultman Kristiansson Ljung


Hej Matematik

Håstad Svensson Öreberg


Mängder och Tal

Eicholz Forssblad Malm



Billing Blomdahl Bodén


Ny matematik

Valinder Kos Holmström


Matematik A

Rosenberg Lindström Natt-o-Dag Högberg


Ettans matematik

Hultman Kristiansson Ljung


Små steg

Carlsson Jönsson


Modern matematik




Unenge Alm


*Min matematik

Kilborn Johansson Dahlström


Matematik för oss



*Räkneboken 1

Gustafsson Persson Ronnheden


Analysed textbooks, grade 4 (The textbooks which do not contain set theory are marked by *)


Authors (family names)

Year of publication

Hej Matematik

Håstad Svensson Öreberg


Matematik 1M

Nilsson Johansson Lindström



Hellström Paulsson Åberg


Ny matematik 1M

Janson Gerefalk


Mängder och tal

Eicholz O’Daffer Bergström Dannberg


Fyrans matematik

Hultman Kristiansson Ljung


Matte för alla

Amundsson Holmström Nordling Rosén


Matte för dig

Amundsson Holmström Nordling Rosén


Mia 4

Lundgren Paulsson


*Min matematik

Kilborn Johansson Lundin


Hej Matematik (new version)

Håstad Svensson Öreberg


Analysed textbooks, grade 7 (The textbooks which do not contain set theory are marked by *)


Authors (family names)

Year of publication

Högstadiets matematik (Lunda-systemet)

Kvist Larsson


Högstadiets matematik

Fredriksson Göransson Thulin


Matematik för högstadiet



Nya högstadiets matematik

Alvin Anderberg


Hej Matematik

Håstad Svensson Öreberg


Matematik 1h

af Ekenstam Wyndham


Matematik 1H

Nyman Emanuelsson Jeanson Rudolfsson


Matematik 7:1

Bentley Johansson Kilborn Åsberg


Högstadiets matematik (Lunda-systemet)

Kvist Larsson


Matematik åk 7 ht sk



Nya Hej Matematik

Håstad Svensson Öreberg


Modern matematik

Forssén Frank Olsén


Matematik åk 7s

af Ekenstam Wyndham


Högstadiets matematik

Alvin Anderberg


*Matematik åk 7 (Lunda-systemet)

Kvist Larsson


*Hej Matematik

Håstad Svensson Öreberg


*Min matematik

Kilborn Johansson Åsberg


*Matematikboken sk 7

Undvall Olofsson Forsberg


*Sjuans Matematik 1s

Alvin Anderberg


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Prytz, J. (2018). The New Math and School Governance: An Explanation of the Decline of the New Math in Sweden. In: Furinghetti, F., Karp, A. (eds) Researching the History of Mathematics Education. ICME-13 Monographs. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-319-68293-8

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-319-68294-5

  • eBook Packages: EducationEducation (R0)

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