1 Introduction

Feistel Networks (FN) have been used in constructing many block ciphers such as DES [1]. In the classical FN, we construct a permutation from bits to bits with round functions from bits to bits. We call it as balanced Feistel network. Figure 1 represents a 4-round FN with modular addition (modulo the size of the domain for a branch). Other well known types of Feistel networks are unbalanced FN, alternating between contracting and expanding round functions.

Although block ciphers only encrypt blocks of a fixed format (typically: a binary string of length 128), there are many applications requiring to encrypt data of another format (such as a decimal string of a given length) and to have encrypted data in the same format. For example, Credit Card Numbers (CCN) consist of 16 decimal numbers, whose 6 digits must be kept confidential. For this reason, these 6 digits are typically encrypted in digital transactions using a Format-Preserving Encryption (FPE). Recently, FPE based on FN [5, 6, 9] have been standardized [2, 3]. As an example, the FPE solution of the terminal manufacturer company Verifone encrypts about 30M credit card transactions per day in the United States alone.

In this work, we are specifically interested in FN with two branches (not necessarily balanced) with secret round functions and modular addition operation. Moreover, we are interested in small domain size over larger key space. We investigate the security when the round function is entirely unknown instead of a publicly known round function that mixes the input with a secret key (i.e. round function is , where is the round key in round). We do not assume that round functions are bijective. This applies to FF1 [6] by Bellare et al. and FF3 [9] by Brier et al. which have been standardized by The National Institute of Standards an Technology (NIST) published in March, 2016 [2]. This standard aims at a 128-bit security for any . FF3 was broken and repaired by Durak and Vaudenay [15]. Herein, we denote by FF3 the repaired scheme.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

4-round Feistel network

Since their invention, Feistel networks and their security analysis have been studied. Many cryptanalysis studies have been done to give key-recovery, message-recovery, round-function-recovery, and differential attacks on different types of Feistel networks [7, 12, 16, 18, 21, 24]. We summarize the best function recovery attacks in Table 1.Footnote 1 The complexities are given in terms of number of encryptions. In Appendix, we present a brief survey of existing attacks. So far, the best generic attack was a variant of Meet-In-The-Middle (MITM) attack.

Table 1. Round-function-recovery attacks against generic balanced 2-branch -round FN with domain branch size . (All are different constants such that .)

The most famous security result dates back to late 80’s given by Luby-Rackoff [20]. In their seminal paper, Luby and Rackoff first showed that a three round Feistel construction is a secure pseudorandom permutation from bits to bits. Moreover, they showed that for more than three rounds FN, all generic chosen-plaintext attacks on Feistel schemes require queries where is the input/output size to the round function. Information theoretically, the number of queries provides bits of information. For -round FN, we need bits of information to recover the round functions (each round function can be represented with a string of size ). Therefore, is enough to reconstruct the round function, in theory. Patarin [23] further showed that for , four rounds are secure against known-plaintext attacks (the advantage would be bounded by for ), five rounds are secure against chosen-plaintext attacks (the advantage would be bounded by for ) and six rounds are secure against chosen-plaintext and ciphertext attacks (the advantage would be bounded by for ).

As we will not necessarily assume messages in binary, we use the notation as the domain size of the round functions. We introduce some known attacks on Feistel networks with our focused properties: two branches with domain size and , with modular addition modulo and , secret random round functions which are balanced () or unbalanced but with .

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Parameters for and parameters to meet a 128-bit and a 256-bit security level.

Our Contributions. In this work, we propose the best known generic exhaustive search attack on Feistel networks with two branches and random functions with arbitrary number of rounds. We compare it with MITM. It is better for some parameters. When the data complexity varies in between the optimal (based on information theory) and the one of the codebook attack, our best time complexity goes from (MITM-based, see Eq. (2) for even) to (based on partial exhaustive search, see Eq. (8)), where is the domain size of the branch. More precisely, the optimal data complexity is . MITM works with the optimal data complexity and with time complexity (see Eq. (2)). Our partial exhaustive search attack can use any data complexity from the optimal to the one of a codebook , but it is better than MITM for . It reaches the time complexity (called ) for some constant (see Eq. (8)) using chosen plaintexts.

We plot in Fig. 2 the parameters for which we have . As we can see, for any constant and a low (including and as the NIST standards suggest), is the best attack. The same figure includes two curves that correspond to the 128-bit and 256-bit security parameters . The curves are computed with the minimum between and . It can be read that an intended 128-bit security level in FF3 with , and in FF1 with , has not been satisfied.Footnote 2 E.g., for 6-bit messages and 2-digit messages.Footnote 3

Another application could be to reverse engineer an S-box based on FN [8].

Structure of Our Paper. In Sect. 2, we review the symmetries in the set of tuples of round functions which define the same FN and we describe the MITM attacks. Our algorithm is described and analyzed in Sect. 3. Section 4 applies our results to format preserving encryption standards. Finally, we conclude.Footnote 4

2 Preliminaries

In this section, we present known techniques to recover the -tuple of round functions in FN. Note that we actually recover an equivalent tuple of round functions. Indeed, we can see that round functions differing by constants can define the actual same cipher [13, 15]. Concretely, let be a tuple defining a cipher . For every , such that and , we can define by . We obtain a tuple defining the same cipher . Therefore, we can fix arbitrarily one point of and we are ensured to find an equivalent tuple of functions including those points.

2.1 Meet-In-The-Middle (MITM) Attack

The MITM attack was introduced by Diffie and Hellman [10]. It is a generic known-plaintext attack. Briefly, consider an round encryption and corresponding decryption algorithms. We assume each algorithm uses a -bit key and we denote the keys by . Let be the plaintexts and be the corresponding ciphertexts. Let the intermediate values entering to round be for . The adversary enumerates each possible combination of the keys for the first rounds and it computes the intermediate values for each plaintexts as until round . Then, these values along with their possible keys are stored in a table (The memory complexity is messages). Then, the adversary partially decrypts the ciphertext for each value of the keys backward. Finally, the adversary looks for a match between the partially decrypted values and the rows of the stored table. Each match suggests keys for and the adversary recovers all the keys. The time complexity of the MITM attack is and memory complexity is .Footnote 5

We can apply the MITM attack to the Feistel networks with rounds and known plaintext/ciphertext pairs. In our setting, is quite small, thus we can focus on a generic FN with functions specified by tables. This is equivalent to using a key of bits. Therefore, the standard MITM attack has a time complexity of with same memory complexity. We label the time complexity as follows:


with known plaintexts. The pseudocode is given in Algorithm 1.

figure a

2.2 Improved MITM

In this section, we elaborate and extend the attack mentioned briefly in [11, 12] on -round FN. The same attack appears in [17, 18] with . We are only adapting the algorithm to our settings. We take and so that and . Consider the FN in Fig. 3 for even (When is odd, we can set so that ). We can split the - round FN in 4 parts: starting with a single round ; a -round Feistel Network called , the round with function , and finally another -round Feistel Network called .

An intuitive attack works as follows. Fix a value and consider all possible so that we obtain plaintexts. We do it times to obtain plaintexts. Hence, we have values for . We set the output of for one value of arbitrarily. For all the plaintexts, we query and obtain values. We enumerate all the functions of , and compute from by decrypting. We set if is even and set if is odd. We store each in a hash table. We then enumerate all the functions of , and compute from . For each computed values of (for even) or (for odd), we look for a match in the hash table storing values (since they have to be equal). The time complexity of this approach consists of enumerating many values and functions with memory complexity to store the hash table. Enumerating and gives tuples which are filtered by . We obtain tuples. Thus, for each filtered tuple, we can deduce input/output values for and rule out inconsistent tables to isolate the solutions . This post-filtering has a complexity . We will see that it is lower than the complexity of the rest of the algorithm. Thus, it disappears in the big-. The pseudocode is given in Algorithm 2.

figure b

In this attack, we have to guess values for , values (we have instead of because one value per round is free to select) for enumerating (we guess values in total). And, we guess values for enumerating (we guess in total). Therefore, the complexity is for is even and for is odd. We label the time complexity for described attack as:


with chosen plaintexts.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

(2u+2)-round Feistel network (with even on the picture)

3 Round-Function-Recovery by Partial Exhaustive Search

We consider exhaustive search algorithms dealing with partial functions. Normally, a function is defined by its set of all possible pairs. We call a table as partial table if it is a subset of its table. It is a set of pairs such that

If , we say that is defined and we denote . The density of a partial table is the ratio of its cardinality by . For example, corresponds to a partial table defined on a single point and corresponds to the full table. Our aim is to enumerate possible partial tables of increasing density by exhaustive search. So, we will “extend” partial functions. A partial table is an extension of another partial table if the former is a superset of the latter.

We deal with partial tables for each round function. We define -tuples of partial tables in which denotes the partial table of in .Footnote 6 We say that is homogeneous with density if for all , has density . Similarly, a tuple is an extension of if for each , is an extension of . An elementary tuple is a homogeneous tuple of density . This means that each of its partial functions are defined on a single point.

Again, our aim is to start with an elementary tuple and to list all extensions, as long as they are compatible (as defined below) with the collected pairs of plaintexts and ciphertexts . We say that a tuple encrypts a plaintext into a ciphertext (or decrypts into or even that encrypts the pair ) if we can evaluate the FN on with the partial information we have about the round functions and if it gives . We say that a pair is computable except for r’ rounds for a tuple if there exists a round number such that the partial functions are enough to encrypt for up to rounds and to decrypt for up to rounds.

We want to define what it means for a tuple to be compatible with . Roughly, it is compatible if for each , there exists an extension encrypting into . (However, it does not mean there exists an extension encrypting each to .) More precisely, we say that a tuple of partial tables is compatible with if for each , at least one of the following conditions is satisfied:

  1. (i)

    encrypts into (in this case, there is no need to extend );

  2. (ii)

    is computable except for two rounds or more (indeed, if two rounds are undetermined, we know that we can extend to encrypt to );

  3. (iii)

    is computable except for one round (numbered below) and their is a match in the value skipping the missing round: more precisely, their exists and one pair such that if , the tuple encrypts to (indeed, we know we can extend the missing round with ).

Clearly, if no condition is satisfied for , then no extension of can encrypt into , so we can prune an exhaustive search.

3.1 : Iterative Partial Exhaustive Search

Assume that plaintext/ciphertext pairs are known to the adversary. Due to the symmetries in the set of tuples which are compatible with the codebook, we can focus on the tuples which are extensions of an arbitrarily fixed elementary tuple which encrypts the pair . So, we define as the set of all extensions of encrypting the pairs , which are compatible with all other pairs, and which are minimal (in the sense that removing any entry in the partial tables of makes at least one pair not computable, for ).

figure c

We iteratively construct . For that, we take all possible minimal extensions of tuples from which encrypt the pair and remain compatible with all others. We proceed as defined by Algorithm 3.

With an appropriate data structure, we can avoid to retry to encrypt or decrypt and directly go to the next computable round (if any) in every pair. For each tuple in , we maintain a hash table in which is a list of pairs of the form or with . If is in , this means that encrypts up to round and that the input to (the output of which is unknown) is . If is in , this means that decrypts up to round and that the input to is . Concretely, this means that lists the indices of pairs who need the value of to encrypt/decrypt one more round. With this type algorithmic trick, we save the inner loop and the complexity is expected to be close to the total size of the pools: .

3.2 A Heuristic Complexity Analysis of

We heuristically estimate . First, we recall that is the subset of all minimal extensions of the elementary tuple which encrypt the first plaintext/ciphertext pairs, restricted to the ones which are compatible with all others.

We approximate by where is the number of entries in the partial tables (i.e. the number of defined points throughout all rounds) and is the number of independent equations modulo which a tuple must satisfy to be compatible. So, is the probability for a tuple to satisfy the conditions in . In other words, the possible tuples are decimated by a factor . To treat the fact that we start with only in , we decrease by (it means that entries defined in do not have to be enumerated as they are fixed) and we decrease by 2 (i.e., we consider that the pair never decimates tuples as it is always compatible by the choice of ).

Although it would be inefficient to proceed this way, we could see as follows. For all sets of elementary tuples in which encrypts the pair, we check if are non-conflicting, and check if merging them defines partial tables which are compatible with the other pairs. We consider that picking an elementary tuple encrypting the th plaintext (irrespective of the ciphertext) corresponds to picking one random input in each of the round functions. We call this a trial. An input to one round function corresponds to a ball with a number from to . A round function is a bag of balls. So, we have bags of balls and a trial consists of picking one ball in each bag. Balls are replaced in their respective bags after picking them. Each makes one trial. Consequently, we have trials. The balls which are picked during these trials are called good balls. Then, checking compatibility with the remaining pairs corresponds to making additional trials. In those additional trials, we simply look at the number of good balls to see how many rounds can be processed for encryption/decryption.

We estimate the random variable as the total number of good balls (to which we subtract the balls corresponding to the trial of ). Conditioned to a density of good balls of in round , we have . All are random, independent, and with expected value . So, .

The random variable is set to . The variable counts the number of modulo equations so that the encryption of the first plaintexts match the corresponding ciphertext. So, (the first pair is satisfied by default, and each of the other ones define two equations due to the two halves of the ciphertexts). The variable counts the number of equations coming from pairs encrypted for all but one round. So, counts the number of trials (out of the last ones) picking exactly good balls, as they encrypt for all but one round so they define a single equation. The variable counts the number of equations coming from pairs in which are fully encrypted. So, is twice the number of trials (out of the last ones) with good balls, as they fully encrypt their corresponding pair and thus define two equations each. Conditioned to a density of good balls of in round , we have

All are random and independent, with expected value . Thus,

We obtain where is adjusted such that . Hence,


with such that .

To estimate , we look at how it grows compared to . During the trial, with probability a picked ball is already good (so the density remains the same), and with probability , picking a ball defines an additional good one (so the density increases by ).Footnote 7 Therefore, on average we have

As , we deduce .

Assuming that the above model fits well with , the expected value of should match Eq. (3). However, Eq. (3) cannot represent well the expected value of as exponential with bigger exponents will have a huge impact on the average. This motivates an abort strategy when the pool becomes too big. The abort strategy has known and influenced many works [19]. The way we use this strategy will be discussed in Sect. 3.5.

Finally, the heuristic complexity is computed by


3.3 Approximation of the Complexity

For , we can write . By neglecting against , the complexity is approximated by the maximum of . We can easily show that the maximum is reached by with

We obtain the complexity


with known plaintexts. We will see later that (5) approximates well (4).

The best complexity is reached with the full codebook with


which is for some .

3.4 : A Chosen Plaintext Extension to

Finally, if is not too close to , a chosen plaintext attack variant consists of fixing the right half of the plaintext as much as possible, then guessing on these points and run the known-plaintext attack on rounds to obtain


with chosen plaintexts such that .

Discussion. For , we have and that means . Therefore, our algorithm becomes better than . Also, for , we have so is faster than exhaustive search on a single round function.

Optimization with Larger . We easily obtain that in (7) is optimal with



chosen plaintexts.

3.5 Variants of and

Optimized Algorithm. We can speed up the algorithm by adding more points in the tuples as soon as we can compute them. Concretely, if one plaintext/ciphertext pair can be “computed” except in one or two rounds, we can deduce the values in the missing rounds and define them in the tuple. Adding points reduce the number of iterations to define the next pool by .

Abort Strategy. Our complexity is not an average complexity but its logarithm is an average logarithmic complexity. To avoid having a too high average complexity, we may change the algorithm to make it abort if the pool exceeds a threshold to be defined. For instance, if our theoretical formula predicts a complexity , to make sure that the worst case complexity does not exceed , we set this to the threshold value. This will affect the success probability, which is without the abort strategy, but may be lower for any real number .

Other Improvements. We believe that we could improve our algorithms in many ways. For instance, we could take the pairs in an optimized order so that we do not have too many new values appearing in the first and last round functions. This would decrease the number of tuples to consider.

3.6 Experimental Results

We implemented Algorithm 3 with known plaintext, , , . Our algorithm always ended with a pool limited to a correct set of full tables.

With these parameters, Eq. (3) estimates to be the largest, and estimates . We checked over 100 executions, that has an average of and a standard deviation of . This is a bad news as it is quite larger than what is predicted. More precisely, each partial function in has on average defined entries, which is slightly more than the which is predicted.Footnote 8 But adjusting to in Eq. (3) gives , which is not enough to explain the high which is observed. So, our model for the random variable may be correct but may be overestimated: decimates less than expected. Although we thought would be the largest from our theory, the largest observed pool during our experiment were with logarithmic size with average . This indicates that our model for is not accurate.

All these problems find several explanations. First of all, our parameter is so small that a tiny variation of number of defined entries (supposed to be ) in each round has a dramatic impact on the number of tuples. Second, our approach takes the as uniform in all rounds and runs although there are variations. Some rounds have more than entries and some others have less. The function we analyze is not linear in . It is exponential. So, any round with more than defined entries increase the complexity quite a lot.

The good news is that using our optimized variant reduced the gap substantially. The largest becomes . Using the abort strategy with gives a success rate of and . So, we believe that our anticipated complexities are achievable with a good success probability. However, finding a good model for decimation and for the improved algorithm remains an open question.

We summarize our experiments in the Table 2. For the column is the average (logarithmically) of the largest observed pool. The logarithm is the maximum over each iteration of the average over the runs of the logarithm of the pool size. The computed average only includes successful runs, as unsuccessful ones are all on the abort threshold.

Table 2. Experimental results with parameters , , and and with parameters , , and . The column reports : the average (logarithmically) of the largest observed pool. It is compared with which is derived as the largest theoretical pool size by our theory. The column shows whether we used the optimization trick. The column indicates when we used the abort strategy, and with which bound.

4 Applications

In the standards, the supported domain size of messages in FF1 and FF3 is greater than 100 (i.e. ). For FF1 and FF3, the best attack is roughly for very low , then for larger . More precisely, we achieve the results shown in Table 3.Footnote 9

Table 3. Time complexity of the chosen-plaintext attacks () and () with query complexity for various values of and or . Computations for were done without using approximations.

For a better precision, we did the computation without approximations, i.e. by using Eq. (4) instead of Eq. (5) in Eq. (7). In any case, we have checked that the figures with approximation do not differ much. They are reported in the Table 4.

Table 4. Time complexity of the chosen-plaintext attacks () and () with query complexity for various values of and or . Computations for were done using approximations.

As an example, for FF3 with (i.e., messages have 6 bits), uses pairs (half of the codebook) and search on three points for , the entire (but one point) and , one bit of in the encryption direction, and the entire (but one point) and and one bit of in the decryption direction. This is . With , we also use and the pool reaches its critical density for . The complexity is .

We may wonder for which the ciphers offer a 128-bit security. Durak and Vaudenay [15] showed that this is not the case for FF3 with and FF1 with . By doing computations for , we extend this to show that FF3* does not offer a 128-bit security for , and FF1 does not offer a 128-bit security for .

Genuinely, we can compute in Table 5 the minimum of the number of rounds for which depending on and . Again, we computed without using our approximations. For and , we fetch the following table.Footnote 10

Table 5. Minimal number of rounds for various in order to have complexities at least or . Computations for were done without using approximations.

Even by adding a safety margin, this shows that we do not need many rounds to safely encrypt a byte (that is, ) with respect to our best attacks. However, with low , we should care about other attacks as in Table 1. Indeed, for -FN, we recommend never to take due to the yo-yo attack [7]. For other FN, we recommend never to take .

In Fig. 4, we plot complexities for or and various ranges of . The regions for we plot have a minimum for the optimal and a maximum for . The region corresponds to all complexities for .

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Time complexity of attacks against generic 8-round and 10-round FN for with minimal or making the complexity optimal, for  [15], and .

5 Conclusion

Standard Feistel Networks and its variations have created an active research area since their invention and have been used in constructions of many cryptographic systems to a wide extent. The security of FN has been studied for many decades resulting in many interesting results for cryptanalysis purpose. In this work, we analyze the security of a very specific type of FN with two branches, secure random round functions, and modular addition to analyze its security. Additionally, we consider small domains. The best attack was believed to be MITM. However, we show that partial exhaustive search can be better. Concretely, we show that the number of rounds recommended by NIST is insufficient in FF1 and FF3* for very small .

This specific FN with the described properties has been used to build Format-Preserving Encryption and perhaps will inspire many other constructions. However, the security of FN with various properties is not clear (regardless of the significant security analyses mentioned in the introduction) and has to be investigated more. Our work shows only that a caution should be taken in order to meet the desired security level in the systems.

We proposed a new algorithm based on partial exhaustive search. We observed a gap between our heuristic complexity and experiments and suggested possible explanations. However, the problem to reduce this gap is left as an open problem.