
1 Introduction

Visual tracking is sometimes considered a solved task, but many applied projects show that robust and accurate object tracking in the visual domain is highly challenging. Thus, tracking has attracted significant attention in review papers from the past two decades, e.g. [13] and is subject of a constantly high number (\(\sim \)40 papers annually) of accepted papers in high profile conferences, such as ICCV, ECCV, and CVPR. In recent years, several performance evaluation methodologies have been established in order to assess and understand the advancements made by this large number (a few hundred) of publications. One of the pioneers for building a common ground in tracking performance evaluation is PETS [4], followed-up more recently by the Visual Object Tracking (VOT) challenges [57] and the Object Tracking Benchmarks [8, 9].

Thermal cameras have several advantages compared to cameras for the visual spectrum: They are able to operate in total darkness, they are robust to illumination changes and shadow effects, and they reduce privacy intrusion. Historically, thermal cameras have delivered low-resolution and noisy images and were mainly used for tracking point targets or small objects against colder backgrounds. Thus applications had often been restricted to military purposes, whereas today, thermal cameras are commonly used in civilian applications, e.g., cars and surveillance systems. Increasing image quality and decreasing price and size allow exploration of new application areas [10], often requiring methods for tracking of extended dynamic objects, also from moving platforms.

Tracking on thermal infrared (TIR) imagery has thus become an emerging niche and evaluation or comparison of methods is required. This has been addressed by VOT-TIR2015, the first TIR short-term tracking challenge [11]. This challenge resembles the VOT challenge, in the sense that the VOT-TIR challenge considers single-camera, single-target, model-free, and causal trackers, applied to short-term tracking. It has been featured as a sub-challenge to VOT2015, organized in conjunction with ICCV2015.

Since the first challenge attracted a significant number of submissions and due to required improvements of the dataset, a second VOT-TIR challenge has been initiated in conjunction with VOT2016 [12] and ECCV2016: VOT-TIR2016. The present paper summarizes this challenge, the submissions, and the obtained results. The aim of this work is to give guidance for future applications in the TIR domain and to trigger further development of methods, similar to the boosting of visual tracking methods caused by the VOT challenges. Likewise VOT2016, the dataset, the evaluation kit, as well as the results are publicly available at the challenge website

1.1 Related Work

In contrast to the large number of benchmarks that exist in the area of visual tracking (cf. the VOT2016 results paper [12] for several examples), TIR tracking offers few options for evaluation. For tracking in RGB sequences, the most closely related approach is obviously the VOT2016 challenge [12], as well as those of previous years [57].

An evaluation resembling VOT is offered by the online tracking benchmark (OTB) by Wu et al. [8, 9], which is however based on different measures of performance. Trackers are compared using a precision score (the percentage of frames where the estimated bounding box is within some fixed distance to the ground truth) and a success score (the area under the curve of number of frames where the overlap is greater than some fixed percentage). This area has been shown to be equivalent to the average overlap [13, 14] and is computed without restarting a failed tracker as done in VOT. For further comparisons with the VOT evaluation we refer to [7, 12, 15].

For TIR sequences, basically two challenges have been organized in the past. Within the series of workshops on Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance (PETS) [4], thermal infrared challenges have been organized on two occasions, 2005 and 2015. The PETS challenges addressed multiple research areas such as detection, multi-camera/long-term tracking, and behavior (threat) analysis.

In contrast, the VOT-TIR2015 challenge has focused on the problem of short-term tracking only. The challenge has been based on a newly collected dataset (LTIR) [16], as available datasets for evaluation of tracking in thermal infrared had become outdated. The lack of an accepted evaluation dataset leads often to comparisons on proprietary datasets. This and inconsistent performance measures make it difficult to systematically assess the advancement of the field. Thus, VOT-TIR2015 made use of the well-established VOT methodology [11].

The challenge had 20 participating methods and the following observations were made: (i) The relative ranking of methods differed significantly from the visual domain, which justifies a separate TIR challenge. For instance, the EDFT-based ABCD tracker [17] performed very well on VOT-TIR2015, but only moderately on VOT2015 (despite that EDFT [18] was among the top three in VOT2013). (ii) The recent progress of tracking methodology rendered the LTIR dataset being too simple for observing a significant spread of performance: the benchmark was basically saturated, at least for the top-performing methods. Thus, for the VOT-TIR2016 challenge, some of the easiest sequences from LTIR have been removed and new sequences that have been contributed by the community have been added. Furthermore and in parallel to VOT2016, the bounding box overlap estimation is constrained to the image region [12].

1.2 The VOT-TIR2016 Challenge

Similar to VOT-TIR2015, the VOT-TIR2016 challenge targets specific trackers that are required to be: (i) Causal – sequence frames have to be processed in sequential order; (ii) Short-term – trackers are not required to handle reinitialization; (iii) Model-free – pre-built models of object appearances are not allowed.

The performance of participating trackers is measured using the VOT2016 evaluation toolkitFootnote 1. The toolkit runs the experiment in a standardized way and stores the output bounding boxes. If a tracker fails, it is re-initialized and the evaluation is continued after some few frames delay. Tracking results are analyzed using the VOT2015 evaluation methodology [7], but without rotating bounding boxes.

The rules are as always in VOT: Only a single set of results may be submitted per tracker and binaries are required for result verification. User-adjustable parameters need to be constant for all sequences and different sets of parameters do not constitute new trackers. Detecting specific sequences for choosing parameters or training networks on similar, tracking-specific datasets is not allowed. Further details regarding participation rules are available from the challenge homepageFootnote 2.

Compared to VOT2016 [12], VOT-TIR2016 is still using a simpler annotation and no fully automatic selection of sequences (as in VOT2014 [6]). The LTIR dataset (the Linköping Thermal IR dataset) [16] has been extended by a public call for contributions and replacing simple LTIR sequences with community-provided sequences. A detailed description of the sequences can be found in Sect. 2.

Section 3 briefly summarizes the performance measures and evaluation methodology that resembles VOT2016 [12]. Since top-performing methods showed hardly any failures, no OTB-like no-reset experiments have been performed as done in VOT2016. Instead, a ranking comparison similar to the one in VOT-TIR2015 and a sequence difficulty analysis have been performed.

The results and their analysis are presented in Sect. 4 together with recommendations regarding trackers and a meta analysis of the challenge itself. Finally, conclusions are drawn in Sect. 5. In addition, short descriptions of all evaluated trackers can be found in Appendix A together with references to the original publications.

2 The VOT-TIR2016 Dataset

The dataset used in VOT-TIR2016 is a modification of the LTIR, the Linköping Thermal IR dataset [16], denoted LTIR2016. Sequences contained in the dataset were collected from nine different sources using ten different types of sensors. The included sequences originate from industry, universities, a research institute and two EU projects. The average sequence length is 740 frames and resolutions range from \(305 \times 225\) to \(1920 \times 480\hbox { pixels}\).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Snapshots from six sequences (Running_rhino, Quadrocopter, Crowd, Street, Bird, Trees2) included in the LTIR2016 dataset as used in VOT-TIR2016. The ground truth bounding boxes are shown in yellow. (Color figure online)

Although some sequences in the LTIR dataset are available with 16-bit dynamic range, we only use 8-bit pixel values in the VOT-TIR2016 challenge. This choice is motivated by the fact that several of the submitted methods cannot deal with 16-bit data. There are sequences recorded outdoors in different weather conditions and sequences recorded indoors with artificial illumination and heat sources.

Example frames from six sequences are shown in Fig. 1. Compared to VOT-TIR2015, the sequences Crossing, Horse, and Rhino_behind_tree have been removed. The newly added sequences are Bird, Boat1, Boat2, Car2, Dog, Excavator, Ragged, and Trees2.

In contrast to the novel annotation approach in VOT2016 [12], all benchmark annotations have been done manually in accordance with the VOT2013 annotation process [19]. Exactly one object within each sequence is annotated throughout the sequence with a bounding box that encloses the object entirely. The bounding box is allowed to vary in size but not to rotate. In addition to the bounding box annotations, local attributes are annotated frame-wise and global attributes are annotated sequence-wise.

Some attributes from VOT had to be changed or modified for VOT-TIR:

Changed attributes: Dynamics change and temperature change have been introduced instead of illumination change and object color change. Several cameras convert an internal constant 16-bit range into an adaptively changing 8-bit range. Dynamics change indicates whether the dynamic range is fixed during the sequence or not. Temperature change refers to changes in the thermal signature of the object during the sequence.

Modified attributes: Blur indicates blur due to motion, high humidity, rain or water on the lens instead of defocussing.

Based on the modified attribute set, the following local and global attributes are annotated:

Local attributes: The per-frame annotated local attributes are: motion change, camera motion, dynamics change, occlusion, and size change. The attributes are used to evaluate the performance of tracking methods on frames with specific attributes. The attributes allow also weighting the evaluation process, e.g., pool by attribute.

Global attributes: The per-sequence global attributes are: Dynamics change, temperature change, blur, camera motion, object motion, background clutter, size change, aspect ratio change, object deformation, and scene complexity.

3 Performance Measures and Evaluation Methodology

The performance measures as well as evaluation methodology for VOT-TIR2016 are identical to the ones for VOT2016, except for the OTB-like average overlap and the practical difference evaluation. Therefore, only a brief summary is given below and for details the reader is referred to [12].

Similar to VOT2016, the two weakly correlated performance measures, accuracy (A) and robustness (R), are used due to their high level of interpretability [13, 14]. The accuracy measurement is computed from the overlap between the predicted bounding box and the ground truth, restricted to the image region, while the robustness measurement counts the number of tracking failures. If tracking has failed, the tracker is re-initialized with a delay of five frames. In order to reduce biased accuracy assessment, the overlap measure is continued with a further delay of ten frames.

The two primary measures A and R are fused in the expected average overlap (EAO), which is an estimator of the expected average overlap of a tracker on a new sequence of typical length. The EAO curve is given by the bounding-box-overlap averaged over a set of sequences of certain length, plotted over the sequence length \(N_\mathrm {s}\) [7]. The EAO measure is obtained by integrating the EAO curve over an interval of typical sequence lengths of 223 to 509 frames. Overlap calculations, re-initialization, definition of a failure, and the computation of the EAO measure are further explained in [12].

As in VOT-TIR2015, the performance measures are only evaluated in the baseline experiment and we did not consider the region noise experiment for the same reasons as before [11]: Results hardly differed, experiments need more time, and reproducibility of results requires to store the seed.

4 Analysis and Results

4.1 Submitted Trackers

As in VOT-TIR2015 [11], 24 trackers were included in the VOT-TIR2016 challenge. Among them, 21 trackers were submitted to the challenge and 3 trackers were added by the VOT Committee (DSST, the VOT2014 winner, SRDCFir, which achieved the highest EAO score in VOT-TIR2015, and NCC as baseline).

The committee has used the submitted binaries/source code for result verification. All methods are briefly described below and references to the original papers are given in the Appendix A where available. All 24 VOT-TIR2016 participating trackers also participated in the VOT2016 challenge.Footnote 3

One tracker, EBT (A.2), uses object proposals [20] for object position generation or scoring. One tracker is based on a Mean Shift tracker extension [21], PKLTF (A.5). MAD (A.4) and LOFT-Lite (A.16) are fusion based trackers. DAT (A.8) is based on tracking-by-detection learning.

Eight trackers can be classified as part-based trackers: BDF (A.3), BST (A.14), DPCF (A.1), DPT (A.20), FCT (A.15), GGTv2 (A.7), LT-FLO (A.19), and SHCT (A.12).

Seven trackers are based on the method of discriminative correlation filters (DCFs) [22, 23] with various sets of image features: DSST2014 (A.22), MvCF (A.6), NSAMF (A.10), sKCF (A.17), SRDCFir (A.24), Staple-TIR (A.13), and STAPLE+ (A.11).

One tracker applies convolutional neural network (CNN) features instead of standard features, deepMKCF (A.9), and two trackers are entirely based on CNNs, TCNN (A.21) and MDNet-N (A.18). Finally, one tracker was the basic normalized cross correlation tracker NCC (A.23).

4.2 Results

The results are collected in AR-rank and AR-raw plots, pooled by sequence and averaged by attribute, c.f. Fig. 2. The sequence-pooled AR-rank plot is obtained by concatenating the results from all sequences and creating a single rank list. The attribute-normalized AR-rank plot is created by ranking the trackers over each attribute and averaging the rank lists.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The AR rank plots and AR raw plots generated by sequence pooling (upper) and by attribute normalization (below).

The AR-raw plots are constructed without ranking. The A-values correspond to the average overlap for the whole dataset (pooled) or the attribute-normalized average overlap. The R-values correspond to the likelihood that on \(S=100\) frames the tracking will not fail (pooled over dataset or attribute-normalized). The raw values and the ranks for the pooled results are given in Table 1.

Table 1. The table shows the expected average overlap (EAO), the accuracy and robustness (S = 100) pooled values (A, R), the ranks for A and R, the tracking speed (EFO), and implementation details (M is Matlab, C is C or C++, M/C means Matlab with mex). Trackers marked with * have been verified by the committee.

Three trackers are either very accurate or very robust (closest to the upper or right border of rank/AR plots): NCC (A.23), Staple-TIR (A.13), and EBT (A.2). Three trackers combine good accuracy and good robustness (upper right corner of rank/AR plots): MDNet-N (A.18), SRDCFir (A.24), and TCNN (A.21).

The top accuracy of NCC comes at the cost of a very high failure rate. Due to the frequent re-initializations, the NCC results are very accurate. The excellent robustness of EBT is achieved by a strategy to enlarge the predicted bounding boxes in cases of low tracking confidence. This implies some penalty on the accuracy so that EBT only achieves moderate average overlap.

The three trackers that combine good robustness and accuracy as well as further well-performing trackers are based on CNNs (TCNN, MDNet-N) and DCFs (SRDCFir, Staple-TIR, STAPLE+). SHCT combines DCFs with a part-based model and deepMKCF combines DCFs with deep features. Hence, the top-performing methods are mostly based on deep learning or DCFs.

The robustness ranks with respect to the visual attributes are shown in Fig. 3. The top three trackers of the overall assessment, EBT, SRDCFir, and TCNN, are also mostly among the top robustness ranks for the different visual attributes (exceptions SRDCFir on Dynamics_change & Occlusion and TCNN on Motion_change). The top ranks are sometimes shared with other well-performing methods: Camera_motion FCT; Dynamics_change DPT, MDNet-N, and SHCT; Empty DPT and Staple-TIR; Motion_change SHCT and STAPLE+; Occlusion MDNet-N; Size_change deepMKCF, MDNet-N, SHCT, and Staple-TIR.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Robustness plots with respect to the visual attributes. See Fig. 2 for legend.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Expected average overlap curve (above), expected average overlap graph (below left) with trackers ranked from right to left, and expected average overlap scores w.r.t. the tracking speed in EFO units (below right). The right-most tracker in the EAO-graph is the top-performing according to the VOT-TIR2016 expected average overlap values. See Fig. 2 for legend. The vertical lines in the upper plot show the range of typical sequence lengths. The dashed vertical line in the lower right plot denotes the estimated real-time performance threshold of 20 EFO units.

The overall criterion expected average overlap (EAO), see Fig. 4, confirms the top-performance of SRDCFir, EBT, and TCNN. The EAO curves show that SRDCFir is consistently better than EBT in the range of typical sequence lengths. Hence, SRDCFir gives the best overall performance exactly as in the previous challenge [11]. Still, EBT is the best performing tracker submitted to VOT-TIR2016. Regarding the EAO measure, TCNN is clearly inferior to the two top-ranked methods. The fact that EBT is better than TCNN regarding the EAO measure despite that it is inferior regarding accuracy (c.f. Fig. 2), underpins the importance of robustness for the expected average overlap measure.

Apart from tracking accuracy A, robustness R, and expected average overlap EAO, the tracking speed is also crucial in many realistic tracking applications. We therefore also visualize the EAO values with respect to the tracking speed measured in EFO units in Fig. 4. The vertical dashed line indicates the real-time speed (equivalent to approximately 20fps). Among the three top-performing trackers, SRDCFir comes closest to real-time performance. The top-performing tracker in terms of EAO among the trackers that exceed the real-time threshold is MvCF (A.6).

4.3 TIR-Specific Analysis and Results

Likewise VOT-TIR2015, we analyze the effect of the differences between RGB sequences and TIR sequences on the ranking of the trackers [11]. For this purpose, the joint ranking for VOT and VOT-TIR is generated for all VOT-TIR \(\hbox {trackers}\) (see Footnote 3), c.f. Fig. 5. The dashed lines are the margin of a rank-change by more than three positions. Any change of rank within this margin is considered insignificant and only eight trackers change their rank by more than three positions.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Comparison of relative ranking of the 24 VOT-TIR trackers in VOT. See Fig. 2 for legend

The most dramatic change occurs for BST (A.14), which ranks 23 in VOT-TIR, but 35 (out of 70) in VOT, corresponding to rank 14 within the set of 24 trackers. Other trackers that perform significantly worse in VOT-TIR are DAT (A.8, 19 vs. 31/12) and GGTv2 (A.7, 13 vs. 19/8).

On the other hand, DSST2014 (A.22, 8 vs. 43/16), MvCF (A.6, 9 vs. 42/15), SRDCF(ir) (A.24, 1 vs. 17/7), LT-FLO (A.19, 18 vs. 62/22), and NCC (A.23, 20 vs. 70/24) perform significantly better on VOT-TIR than on VOT according to the relative ranking.

Similar as for the overall performance, it is difficult to identify a systematic correlation between improvement and type of tracking methods. Tracking methods that do not rely on color (e.g. DSST2014, SRDCFir, NCC) are likely to perform better on TIR sequences than color-based methods (e.g. DAT, GGTv2).

Also the size of targets differ between VOT (larger) and VOT-TIR (smaller) and scale variations need to be modeled (e.g. DSST2014, MvCF, SRDCFir). It is also believed that the tuning of input features is highly relevant for changes of performance. Methods that are highly tuned for VOT2016 and applied to VOT-TIR2016 as they are, are more likely to perform inferior compared to methods that use specific TIR-suited features, e.g. SRDCFir (A.24). In general, HOG features seem to be highly suitable for TIR.

Finally, the dramatic difference in ranking for BST need to be investigated further, as it cannot be explained by previous arguments.

One limitation of VOT-TIR2015 has been the saturation of results: several of the LTIR sequences are so simple to track that hardly any of the participating methods failed on them [11]. Therefore, the three easiest sequences have been removed and eight new sequences have been added, c.f. Sect. 2. In the difficulty analysis 2015, only three sequences were considered challenging and twelve were easy.

If \(A_f\) is the average number of trackers that failed per frame and \(M_f\) is the maximum number of trackers that failed at a single frame, sequences with \(A_f\le 0.04\) and \(M_f\le 7\) are considered easy and sequences with \(A_f\ge 0.06\) and \(M_f\ge 14\) are considered challenging. In the extended dataset, eight sequences are challenging and nine are easy (c.f. Table 2). The average difficulty score (1.0 hardest, 5.0 easiest) is reduced from 4.0 (easy) to 3.3 (intermediate), which means that the new dataset is significantly more challenging than LTIR. This also shows in the EAO score of SRDCFir, which has been significantly higher in VOT-TIR2015 (0.70 vs. 0.364) [11].

Table 2. Difficulty analysis of sequences from VOT-TIR2015 and 2016. A score smaller than 3 means challenging, a score larger or equal four means easy. Mean difficulty VOT-TIR2015: 4.0, VOT-TIR2016: 3.3.

A major limitation of the current evaluation methodology used in VOT-TIR2016 is caused by the criterion of a failure: A failure is reported if the ground truth bounding box and the predicted bounding box do not overlap [5]. As a result, trackers that systematically overestimate the size of the tracked target in case of low confidence, are highly likely to never drop the target at the cost of a low accuracy A, c.f. Fig. 6.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Example from sequence Boat2: A report of failure is avoided by increasing the predicted bounding box to the whole image.

If a tracker succeeds to estimate the confidence for successful tracking well and increases the bounding box only in those cases, a very low failure rate can be obtained at the cost of still acceptable accuracy. The joint measure of EAO score will then be superior to methods that have much better accuracy, but slightly more failures.

In order to limit the effect of arbitrarily large bounding boxes, we suggest to modify the failure test in the following way: We require the overlap to be above the quantization level if we rescale the intersection with the ratio of the bounding boxes. Let \(A_t^G\) and \(A_t^T\) be the ground truth and predicted bounding boxes, respectively. Let further \(|A_t|\) be the size of the bounding box in pixels. The criterion for successful tracking currently used is

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{|A_t^G \cap A_t^T|}{|A_t^G \cup A_t^T|}>0 \end{aligned}$$

and the suggested new criterion reads

$$\begin{aligned} |A_t^G \cap A_t^T|\frac{|A_t^G|}{|A_t^T|}>\frac{1}{2}. \end{aligned}$$

Since the rules of VOT-TIR2016 cannot be changed retrospectively, we will not provide any results according to the new criterion within VOT-TIR2016.

5 Conclusions

The VOT-TIR2016 challenge has received 21 submissions and compared in total 24 trackers, which is a successful continuation of the first challenge. The extended dataset is significantly more challenging such that the results of the challenge give a better guidance to future research within TIR tracking than VOT-TIR2015.

The best overall performance has been achieved by SRDCFir, followed by EBT, as best performing submitted method, and TCNN. The analysis of results shows that the performance of some trackers differ significantly between VOT2016 and VOT-TIR2016. However, to be top-ranked in VOT-TIR2016 requires a strong result in VOT2016. Modeling of scale-variations and suitable features are necessary to achieve top results. The strongest two tracking methodologies within the benchmark are CNN-based and DCF-based trackers, where several trackers are among the top-performers.

For future challenges, the annotation and evaluation need to be adapted to the current VOT standard: multiple annotations and rotating bounding boxes. The failure criterion might need to be modified as suggested. Also challenges with mixed sequences (RGB and TIR) might be interesting to perform.