About this book series

Rooted in a long tradition, input-output analysis has evolved into a powerful method and tool for addressing the big questions of the 21st century. Globalisation has led to a tightly woven web of industrial and commercial connections, linking producers and consumers in every corner of world. This has resulted in accelerated global economic growth but also to environmental burden shifting between countries. To address the question how human wellbeing can be increased for a growing world population without compromising vital life support systems requires a detailed understanding of the interactions between economy, society and natural environment. With new developments in global models and databases, input-output analysis is suited more than ever to unravel these linkages, reveal dependencies and inform corporate and political decision-making. The book series puts up the milestones of research, development and applications in input-output analysis along the way deeper into the century.
Discontinued series: although this series no longer publishes new content, the published titles listed here remain available.
Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
Series Editor
  • Erik Dietzenbacher,
  • Thomas Wiedmann

Book titles in this series