5033 publications

  1. Values and Political Change in Postcommunist Europe
  2. Values and Social Change in Britain
  3. Values and Stakeholders in an Era of Social Responsibility
  4. Values and Valuing in Mathematics Education
  5. Values and Valuing in Mathematics Education
  6. Values and Violence
  7. Values and Weapons
  8. Values at Work
  9. Values for a Post-Pandemic Future
  10. Values in Science Education
  11. Values of German Media Users
  12. Values of Our Times
  13. Values of the University in a Time of Uncertainty
  14. Values – Politics – Religion: The European Values Study
  15. Values, Achievement, and Justice
  16. Values, Cities and Migrations
  17. Values, Ergonomics and Risk Management in Aviation Business Strategy
  18. Values, Identity, and Sustainable Development in Africa
  19. Values, Religions and Education in Changing Societies
  20. Values, Technology and Work
  21. Valuing Agroforestry Systems
  22. Valuing Assessment in Science Education: Pedagogy, Curriculum, Policy
  23. Valuing Banks
  24. Valuing Chaparral
  25. Valuing Corporate Innovation
  26. Valuing Customer Engagement
  27. Valuing Detroit’s Art Museum
  28. Valuing Digital Business Designs and Platforms
  29. Valuing Environmental Amenities Using Stated Choice Studies
  30. Valuing Films
  31. Valuing Intellectual Capital
  32. Valuing Oil Spill Prevention
  33. Valuing Public Innovation
  34. Valuing Students with Impairment
  35. Valuing and Selling Your Business
  36. Valuing the Cost of Smoking
  37. Valuing the Environment: Methodological and Measurement Issues
  38. Valuing the Innovation Potentials of Firms
  39. Valuing the Past, Sustaining the Future?
  40. Valutazione e gestione della violenza
  41. Valve Surgery at the Turn of the Millennium
  42. Valvular Heart Disease
  43. Valvular Heart Disease
  44. Valvular Heart Disease
  45. Valvular Heart Disease in Clinical Practice
  46. Vampire Capitalism
  47. Vampires on the Silent Screen
  48. Van Loon
  49. Van Nostrand’s Scientific Encyclopedia
  50. Van Richmond naar Reid
  51. Van Vollenhoven on Indonesian Adat Law
  52. Van contractie naar actie
  53. Van der Waals Forces and Shielding Effects
  54. Van der Waals Systems
  55. Van etiket naar diagnose
  56. Van je nachtmerries af
  57. Vanadin Niob · Tantal
  58. Vanadium
  59. Vanadium
  60. Vanadium Compounds: Biochemical and Therapeutic Applications
  61. Vanadium in Biological Systems
  62. Vanadium-Based Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Energy Storage
  63. Vanadiumgruppe: Elemente der fünften Nebengruppe
  64. Vanbrugh & Farquhar
  65. Vandalism and Anti-Social Behaviour
  66. Vandalismus an Schulen
  67. Vanishing Animals
  68. Vanishing Borders of Urban Local Finance
  69. Vanishing Theorems on Complex Manifolds
  70. Vanishing and Finiteness Results in Geometric Analysis
  71. Vanity Fairs
  72. Vanity: 21st Century Selves
  73. Vapor Crystal Growth and Characterization
  74. Vapor Intrusion Simulations and Risk Assessments
  75. Vapor Liquid Two Phase Flow and Phase Change
  76. Vapor Pressure and Antoine Constants for Hydrocarbons, and S, Se, Te, and Halogen Containing Organic Compounds
  77. Vapor Pressure and Antoine Constants for Nitrogen Containing Organic Compounds
  78. Vapor Pressure and Antoine Constants for Oxygen Containing Organic Compounds
  79. Vapor-Liquid Interfaces, Bubbles and Droplets
  80. Vapour and Trace Detection of Explosives for Anti-Terrorism Purposes
  81. Vargas Llosa and Latin American Politics
  82. Vargas and Brazil
  83. Variability of Active Galaxies
  84. Variability of Air Temperature and Atmospheric Precipitation in the Arctic
  85. Variability of Late Pleistocene and Holocene Microlithic Industries in Northern and Eastern Africa
  86. Variable Density Fluid Turbulence
  87. Variable Domain-specific Software Languages with DjDSL
  88. Variable Geometry Turbine Technology for Marine Gas Turbines
  89. Variable Income Equivalence Scales
  90. Variable Lebesgue Spaces
  91. Variable Lebesgue Spaces and Hyperbolic Systems
  92. Variable Neighborhood Search
  93. Variable Neighborhood Search
  94. Variable Neighborhood Search
  95. Variable Neighborhood Search
  96. Variable Ordering Structures in Vector Optimization
  97. Variable Pitot-Triebwerkseinlässe für kommerzielle Überschallflugzeuge
  98. Variable Refrigerant Flow Systems
  99. Variable Stars as Essential Astrophysical Tools
  100. Variable Stars in Globular Clusters and in Related Systems
  101. Variable Structure Control of Complex Systems
  102. Variable Structure Systems with Application to Economics and Biology
  103. Variable Structure Systems: Towards the 21st Century
  104. Variable Structure and Lyapunov Control
  105. Variable Takt Principle
  106. Variable Vergütung im Vertrieb
  107. Variable Vergütung im Vertrieb
  108. Variable Vergütung im Vertrieb
  109. Variable Verzinsung und Kreditlaufzeit bei monetären und realen Risiken
  110. Variable and Non-spherical Stellar Winds in Luminous Hot Stars
  111. Variable structure systems, sliding mode and nonlinear control
  112. Variable-Structure Approaches
  113. Variable-Structure Systems and Sliding-Mode Control
  114. Variable-length Codes for Data Compression
  115. Variabler Takt
  116. Variance Accounting
  117. Variant Calling
  118. Variant Construction from Theoretical Foundation to Applications
  119. Varianten des Kapitalismus
  120. Variantenbeherrschung in der Montage
  121. Variantenfließfertigung
  122. Variantenmanagement
  123. Variantenmanagement aus Betreibersicht
  124. Variantenvielfalt und Logistiksysteme
  125. Variants of Evolutionary Algorithms for Real-World Applications
  126. Variation Aware Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuit Design in Emerging Multi-Gate CMOS Technologies
  127. Variation Based Dense 3D Reconstruction
  128. Variation Principle in Informational Macrodynamics
  129. Variation Tolerant On-Chip Interconnects
  130. Variation Totale d’une Fonction
  131. Variation and Morphosyntactic Change in Greek
  132. Variation et optimisation de formes
  133. Variation in Non-finite Constructions in English
  134. Variation in South Asian Languages
  135. Variation in the Input
  136. Variation institutioneller Arrangements
  137. Variation-Aware Adaptive Voltage Scaling for Digital CMOS Circuits
  138. Variation-Aware Advanced CMOS Devices and SRAM
  139. Variation-Aware Analog Structural Synthesis
  140. Variation-Aware Design of Custom Integrated Circuits: A Hands-on Field Guide
  141. Variational Analysis
  142. Variational Analysis and Aerospace Engineering
  143. Variational Analysis and Aerospace Engineering
  144. Variational Analysis and Aerospace Engineering: Mathematical Challenges for Aerospace Design
  145. Variational Analysis and Applications
  146. Variational Analysis and Applications
  147. Variational Analysis and Generalized Differentiation I
  148. Variational Analysis and Generalized Differentiation II
  149. Variational Analysis and Generalized Differentiation in Optimization and Control
  150. Variational Analysis of Regular Mappings
  151. Variational Approach to Gravity Field Theories
  152. Variational Approach to Hyperbolic Free Boundary Problems
  153. Variational Calculus
  154. Variational Calculus and Optimal Control
  155. Variational Calculus with Elementary Convexity
  156. Variational Calculus, Optimal Control and Applications
  157. Variational Continuum Multiphase Poroelasticity
  158. Variational Formulation of Fluid and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
  159. Variational Inequalities and Flow in Porous Media
  160. Variational Inequalities and Frictional Contact Problems
  161. Variational Inequalities and Network Equilibrium Problems
  162. Variational Inequalities with Applications
  163. Variational Methods
  164. Variational Methods
  165. Variational Methods
  166. Variational Methods
  167. Variational Methods
  168. Variational Methods Applied to Problems of Diffusion and Reaction
  169. Variational Methods and Complementary Formulations in Dynamics
  170. Variational Methods for Crystalline Microstructure - Analysis and Computation
  171. Variational Methods for Discontinuous Structures
  172. Variational Methods for Discontinuous Structures
  173. Variational Methods for Free Surface Interfaces
  174. Variational Methods for Machine Learning with Applications to Deep Networks
  175. Variational Methods for Problems from Plasticity Theory and for Generalized Newtonian Fluids
  176. Variational Methods for Structural Optimization
  177. Variational Methods in Electron-Atom Scattering Theory
  178. Variational Methods in Image Segmentation
  179. Variational Methods in Imaging
  180. Variational Methods in Mathematical Physics
  181. Variational Methods in Mathematics, Science and Engineering
  182. Variational Methods in Molecular Modeling
  183. Variational Methods in Nonlinear Field Equations
  184. Variational Methods in Partially Ordered Spaces
  185. Variational Methods in Partially Ordered Spaces
  186. Variational Methods in Shape Optimization Problems
  187. Variational Methods in Theoretical Mechanics
  188. Variational Methods in Theoretical Mechanics
  189. Variational Models and Methods in Solid and Fluid Mechanics
  190. Variational Object-Oriented Programming Beyond Classes and Inheritance
  191. Variational Principles in Physics
  192. Variational Principles in Physics
  193. Variational Principles in Physics
  194. Variational Principles of Continuum Mechanics
  195. Variational Principles of Continuum Mechanics
  196. Variational Principles of Continuum Mechanics with Engineering Applications
  197. Variational Prinicples in Thermo- and Magneto-Elasticity
  198. Variational Problems in Materials Science
  199. Variational Problems in Riemannian Geometry
  200. Variational Problems with Concentration