- Exhibits several recently discovered links between traditional harmonic analysis and modern ideas in areas such as Riemannian geometry and sheaf theory
- Contains both deep theoretical results and innovative applications to various fields such as medical imagine and data science
- Only publication of its kind extending classical harmonic analysis to manifolds, graphs, and other general structures
- Comprised of original research and survey papers from well-known experts
Part of the book series: Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis (ANHA)
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About this book
Volume I: http://www.springer.com/book/9783319555492
Volume II: http://www.springer.com/book/9783319555553
A two volume set on novel methods in harmonic analysis, these books draw on a number of original research and survey papers from well-known specialists detailing the latest innovations and recently discovered links between various fields. Along with many deep theoretical results, these volumes contain numerous applications to problems in signal processing, medical imaging, geodesy, statistics, and data science.
The chapters within cover an impressive range of ideas from both traditional and modern harmonic analysis, such as: the Fourier transform, Shannon sampling, frames, wavelets, functions on Euclidean spaces, analysis on function spaces of Riemannian and sub-Riemannian manifolds, Fourier analysis on manifolds and Lie groups, analysis on combinatorial graphs, sheaves, co-sheaves, and persistent homologies on topological spaces.
Volume II: http://www.springer.com/book/9783319555553
A two volume set on novel methods in harmonic analysis, these books draw on a number of original research and survey papers from well-known specialists detailing the latest innovations and recently discovered links between various fields. Along with many deep theoretical results, these volumes contain numerous applications to problems in signal processing, medical imaging, geodesy, statistics, and data science.
The chapters within cover an impressive range of ideas from both traditional and modern harmonic analysis, such as: the Fourier transform, Shannon sampling, frames, wavelets, functions on Euclidean spaces, analysis on function spaces of Riemannian and sub-Riemannian manifolds, Fourier analysis on manifolds and Lie groups, analysis on combinatorial graphs, sheaves, co-sheaves, and persistent homologies on topological spaces.
- Sampling
- Frames
- Manifolds
- Time-frequency Analysis
- Space Frequency
- Data mining
Editors and Affiliations
Bibliographic Information
Book Title: Novel Methods in Harmonic Analysis
Editors: Isaac Pesenson, Quoc Thong Le Gia, Azita Mayeli, Hrushikesh Mhaskar, Ding-Xuan Zhou
Series Title: Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis
Publisher: Birkhäuser Cham
Copyright Information: Springer International Publishing AG 2017
Series ISSN: 2296-5009
Series E-ISSN: 2296-5017
Edition Number: 1
Number of Pages: VIII, 838