Presents recent research in Web, artificial intelligence and information networking
Gathers the proceedings of the workshops of the 34th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (WAINA-2020), held in Caserta, Italy, from 15 to 17 April 2020
This proceedings book presents the latest research findings, and theoretical and practical perspectives on innovative methods and development techniques related to the emerging areas of Web computing, intelligent systems and Internet computing. The Web has become an important source of information, and techniques and methodologies that extract quality information are of paramount importance for many Web and Internet applications. Data mining and knowledge discovery play a key role in many of today's major Web applications, such as e-commerce and computer security. Moreover, Web services provide a new platform for enabling service-oriented systems. The emergence of large-scale distributed computing paradigms, such as cloud computing and mobile computing systems, has opened many opportunities for collaboration services, which are at the core of any information system. Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that builds intelligent systems and algorithms that work andreact like humans. AI techniques and computational intelligence are powerful tools for learning, adaptation, reasoning and planning, and they have the potential to become enabling technologies for future intelligent networks. Research in the field of intelligent systems, robotics, neuroscience, artificial intelligence and cognitive sciences is vital for the future development and innovation of Web and Internet applications. Chapter "An Event-Driven Multi Agent System for Scalable Traffic Optimization" is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via