- Editors:
Xristine Faulkner
South Bank University, London, UK
Janet Finlay
Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK
Françoise Détienne
The French National Institute for Research in Computer Science Control, INRIA, France
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About this book
For the last 20 years the dominant form of user interface has been the Graphical User Interface (GUl) with direct manipulation. As software gets more complicated and more and more inexperienced users come into contact with computers, enticed by the World Wide Web and smaller mobile devices, new interface metaphors are required. The increasing complexity of software has introduced more options to the user. This seemingly increased control actually decreases control as the number of options and features available to them overwhelms the users and 'information overload' can occur (Lachman, 1997). Conversational anthropomorphic interfaces provide a possible alternative to the direct manipulation metaphor. The aim of this paper is to investigate users reactions and assumptions when interacting with anthropomorphic agents. Here we consider how the level of anthropomorphism exhibited by the character and the level of interaction affects these assumptions. We compared characters of different levels of anthropomorphic abstraction, from a very abstract character to a realistic yet not human character. As more software is released for general use with anthropomorphic interfaces there seems to be no consensus of what the characters should look like and what look is more suited for different applications. Some software and research opts for realistic looking characters (for example, Haptek Inc., see http://www.haptek.com). others opt for cartoon characters (Microsoft, 1999) others opt for floating heads (Dohi & Ishizuka, 1997; Takama & Ishizuka, 1998; Koda, 1996; Koda & Maes, 1996a; Koda & Maes, 1996b).
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Table of contents (24 papers)
Front Matter
Pages i-xiii
- Nuno M. Ribeiro, Ian D. Benest
Pages 17-35
- Guillermo Power, Gary Wills, Wendy Hall
Pages 37-51
- Patrick G. T. Healey, Nik Swoboda, James King
Pages 55-68
- Elizabeth Longmate, Chris Baber
Pages 69-87
- Phil Turner, Susan Turner
Pages 89-103
- Lynne Dunckley, Lucia Rapanotti, Jon G. Hall
Pages 105-120
- Ann Blandford, B. L. William Wong, Iain Connell, Thomas Green
Pages 139-156
Design Process
Front Matter
Pages 157-157
- Janet Finlay, Elizabeth Allgar, Andy Dearden, Barbara McManus
Pages 159-174
- Steve Howard, Jennie Carroll, John Murphy, Jane Peck, Frank Vetere
Pages 175-191
Haptic Interfaces
Front Matter
Pages 193-193
- Ian Oakley, Alison Adams, Stephen Brewster, Philip Gray
Pages 195-211
- Andrew Crossan, Stephen Brewster, Stuart Reid, Dominic Mellor
Pages 213-225
Memorable Systems
Front Matter
Pages 227-227
Editors and Affiliations
South Bank University, London, UK
Xristine Faulkner
Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK
Janet Finlay
The French National Institute for Research in Computer Science Control, INRIA, France
Françoise Détienne