Correction to: Behavior Research Methods

When the first and third authors analyzed the dataset for another manuscript, we noticed an error in the two neighborhood size variables and two typographical errors in the published.pdf file.

  1. 1.

    When the neighborhood sizes of the first and second characters were computed, the target words themselves were mistakenly included as neighbors, such that each of the reported values (for each word) should be smaller (by 1). Given that a constant (i.e., 1) is subtracted for all values for each variable, this does not affect the results of the reported analyses, since adding or subtracting a constant to one or both variables has no effect on the correlation between the two variables. We also verified this by repeating our analyses using the updated measures of neighborhood size. In Table 2, the corrected mean values of the neighborhood sizes of the first and second characters are 37.15 (instead of 38.15) and 43.43 (instead of 44.43). The corrected ranges of the two variables are 0–228 (instead of 1–229).

  2. 2.

    As indicated in Table 2 figure caption, there is a typo, rather than “…change of tone =  − 0.5 0.5)”, the minus sign was missing in the second 0.5, so it should be “…change of tone =  −0.5 −0.5)”. The sentence then becomes, “The three-level variable, phonological regularity, is coded as two dummy contrasts (regular = 1 0, irregular =  −0.5 0.5, change of tone =  −0.5 −0.5). Similarly, in the footnote 6, the “…change of tone =  − 0.5 to 0.5” should be changed to “…change of tone =  −0.5 −0.5”. The sentence then becomes, “Phonological regularity is a three-level variable, so it is coded as two dummy variables (regular = 1 0, irregular =  −0.5 0.5, change of tone =  −0.5 −0.5; i.e., the character shares the same syllable but not the same tone with its phonetic radical, e.g., regularity of 情cing4 vs. 青cing1)”.

The updated dataset with corrected values is posted on the Open Science Framework ( to replace the original ones, with a note indicating the changes that were made and why.