Recent advancements in education scholarship have introduced Item Response Theory (IRT) models to address treatment heterogeneity at the assessment item level. These models for item-level heterogeneous treatment effects (IL-HTE) enable detailed analyses of treatments that may have varying impacts on individual items within an assessment. This article offers a comprehensive tutorial for applied researchers interested in implementing IL-HTE analysis in R, utilizing the lme4 package. Using empirical data from a second-grade reading comprehension assessment as a running example, this tutorial emphasizes model-building strategies, interpretation techniques, visualization methods, and extensions. By following this tutorial, researchers will gain practical insights into utilizing IL-HTE analysis for enhanced understanding and interpretation of treatment effects at the item level.
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On an educational test, \(b_i\) is most often interpreted as item easiness. Item easiness is the negative of what is usually called item difficulty in the IRT literature. Because lmer syntax allows most easily for the estimation of item easiness parameters, and our examples are drawn from education research, we will proceed with the item easiness terminology.
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Gilbert, J.B. Modeling item-level heterogeneous treatment effects: A tutorial with the glmer function from the lme4 package in R. Behav Res 56, 5055–5067 (2024). https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-023-02245-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-023-02245-8