The paper reviews methodological aspects of identification, inventory, analysis of development, and interaction of soil heterogeneities of various genesis. It summarizes contemporary views on their origin and shows methodological approaches and peculiarities of the study. Conceptual views in the field of soil science are presented, which allow a deeper and more comprehensive approach to the assessment of the phenomenon, such as soil heterogeneity: the hierarchical organization of soil space, historical and modern (“soil memory” and “soil moment”) components of soil heterogeneity, soil succession, and their role in understanding the essence of the phenomenon under consideration. The concept of primary and secondary heterogeneities is formulated, which are defined as a universal feature that manifests itself at all levels of the organization of the soil space and is formed by the paleo- and cenotic mechanisms, respectively. The primary heterogeneity is shown to be the result of the action of pedogenesis factors, which reflects the trend of the soil to acquire an equilibrium state with the environment. Secondary heterogeneity is a consequence of the action of various natural and anthropogenic factors that bring the soil system out of equilibrium. A schematic diagram of factors and causes of primary and secondary heterogeneities is proposed and formalized, as well as a scheme of modern factors and causes leading to the emergence of secondary heterogeneity of various origins. The review emphasizes the primary role of the works of E.A. Dmitriev and his school in the creation of modern views on the heterogeneity of soils and in the development of the field and statistical methods for analyzing the assessment of this natural phenomenon, which he put forward as direct objects in a series of studies.
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Basevich, V.F. Heterogeneity of Podzolic Soils: Genesis, Methodological and Methogical Aspects of Study (Review). Moscow Univ. Soil Sci. Bull. 77, 128–136 (2022). https://doi.org/10.3103/S0147687422030024
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.3103/S0147687422030024