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Mollusc-based paleoecological investigations of the Late Copper — Early Bronze Age earth mounds (kurgans) on the Great Hungarian Plain

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Central European Journal of Geosciences


The malacological material of the mound bodies (kurgans) of the Great Hungarian Plain indicates a mixed vegetation of dry and humid environments, developed on a mosaic of alkaline and chernozem soils in the period of the construction of the kurgan. The malacofauna that evolved in the upper soil horizon of the mound indicates the extremely dry environmental conditions of steppes, charaterized by the dominance of thermoxerophilous species. Dominant species of this kurgan are Chondrula tridens, Helicopsis striata, Granaria frumentum and Cepaea vindobonensis. The species composition shows that there are differences in the malacofauna of the Danube-Tisa Interfluves region compared to that of the lowlands east of River Tisza, indicated by the higher dominance of Granaria frumentum and Helicopsis striata in the former region. Following the construction of the kurgans an island-like, dry habitat developed on their surface, covered by black soil and populated by a steppe fauna, the composition of which is comparable mostly with the mollusc fauna of loess steppes and forest steppe, irrespectively of the floodplain or wind-blown sand character of the original surface.

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Szilágyi, G., Sümegi, P., Molnár, D. et al. Mollusc-based paleoecological investigations of the Late Copper — Early Bronze Age earth mounds (kurgans) on the Great Hungarian Plain. cent.eur.j.geo. 5, 465–479 (2013).

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