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Habitat requirements of the Charetum intermediae phytocoenoses in lakes of western Poland

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The study presents habitat and phytosociological analyses of the Chara intermedia phytocenoses, rare described in Europe. 16 physico-chemical water parameters were analysed, coming from the samples taken in 20 phytocenoses of 13 lakes located in western Poland. The analysed community appeared in naturally shallow lakes representing last stages of the disappearance of glacial water basins. The study attempts to estimate the bioindicative value of the charophyta meadow Charetum intermediae in relation to its habitat. A particular attention has been paid to the determination of the habitat trophic condition, and to the concentration of elements connected with the hardness of water and the content of humic substances. The study shows crucial habitat gradients of the C. intermediae association, taking into account also the species composition of phytocenoses.

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Gąbka, M., Owsianny, P.M., Burchardt, L. et al. Habitat requirements of the Charetum intermediae phytocoenoses in lakes of western Poland. Biologia 62, 657–663 (2007).

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