Narcolepsy is a disorder of impaired expression of wakefulness and rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep. This manifests as excessive daytime sleepiness and expression of individual physiological correlates of REM sleep that include cataplexy and sleep paralysis (REM sleep atonia intruding into wakefulness), impaired maintenance of REM sleep atonia (e.g. REM sleep behaviour disorder [RBD]), and dream imagery intruding into wakefulness (e.g. hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations).
Excessive sleepiness typically begins in the second or third decade followed by expression of auxiliary symptoms. Only cataplexy exhibits a high specificity for diagnosis of narcolepsy. While the natural history is poorly defined, narcolepsy appears to be lifelong but not progressive. Mild disease severity, misdiagnoses or long delays in cataplexy expression often cause long intervals between symptom onset, presentation and diagnosis. Only 15–30% of narcoleptic individuals are ever diagnosed or treated, and nearly half first present for diagnosis after the age of 40 years.
Attention to periodic leg movements (PLM), sleep apnoea and RBD is particularly important in the management of the older narcoleptic patient, in whom these conditions are more likely to occur. Diagnosis requires nocturnal polysomnography (NPSG) followed by multiple sleep latency testing (MSLT). The NPSG of a narcoleptic patient may be totally normal, or demonstrate the patient has a short nocturnal REM sleep latency, exhibits unexplained arousals or PLM. The MSLT diagnostic criteria for narcolepsy include short sleep latencies (<8 minutes) and at least two naps with sleep-onset REM sleep.
Treatment includes counselling as to the chronic nature of narcolepsy, the potential for developing further symptoms reflective of REM sleep dyscontrol, and the hazards associated with driving and operating machinery. Elderly narcoleptic patients, despite age-related decrements in sleep quality, are generally less sleepy and less likely to evidence REM sleep dyscontrol.
Nonpharmacological management also includes maintenance of a strict wake-sleep schedule, good sleep hygiene, the benefits of afternoon naps and a programme of regular exercise. Thereafter, treatment is highly individualised, depending on the severity of daytime sleepiness, cataplexy and sleep disruption.
Wake-promoting agents include the traditional psychostimulants. More recently, treatment with the ‘activating’ antidepressants and the novel wake-promoting agent modafinil has been advocated. Cataplexy is especially responsive to antidepressants which enhance synaptic levels of noradrenaline (norepinephrine) and/or serotonin. Obstructive sleep apnoea and PLMs are more common in narcolepsy and should be suspected when previously well controlled older narcolepsy patients exhibit a worsening of symptoms. The discovery that narcolepsy/cataplexy results from the absence of neuroexcitatory properties of the hypothalamic hypocretin-peptidergic system will significantly advance understanding and treatment of the symptom complex in the future.
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The authors express their thanks to members of the Emory Sleep Disorders Laboratory: Dr D. L. Bliwise, Lois Fussell, Monique Williams and Gregory Richardson, without whom this work would not have been possible. This work was supported by USPHS grants NS35345 and NS36697. Dr Rye is a member of Cephalon Inc. Speakers Bureau.
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Chakravorty, S.S., Rye, D.B. Narcolepsy in the Older Adult. Drugs Aging 20, 361–376 (2003). https://doi.org/10.2165/00002512-200320050-00005
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.2165/00002512-200320050-00005