The pulmonary system is modified in various ways over time and it is particularly vulnerable to environmental insults. Of particular interest are the implications of aging for therapy of respiratory illnesses. The changes in pulmonary structure and function due simply to aging, and changes due to diseases, should be distinguished from each other.
The great reserve function of the lung permits reasonable physical capacity in healthy individuals despite aging changes. In principle, loss of function equivalent to more than one lung is necessary to impair aerobic capacity at any age.
Elderly people are subject to the same respiratory diseases as younger adults but may manifest them differently. They may present in atypical ways such as in bacterial pneumonia, tuberculosis, and asthma, all modified by anatomical alterations or deterioration of immunological defence mechanisms.
Accumulation of toxic substances over time such as cigarette smoke or environmental pollutants may give rise to chronic bronchitis, emphysema, bronchogenic carcinoma and interstitial lung disease.
Changes in the number or function of airway receptors modulate responses to bronchodilator drugs. Chronic inflammation of the bronchial wall has blurred the distinction between traditional asthma and chronic bronchitis and emphysema, and similar drug therapy can be useful for all.
Adverse reactions to respiratory drugs such as theophylline, oral corticosteroids, and isoniazid increase with age. As more data accumulate, drug therapy of respiratory diseases in older patients will become more effective and safer.
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Morris, J.F. Physiological Changes Due to Age. Drugs & Aging 4, 207–220 (1994).
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