MXenes are a large family of two-dimensional (2D) transition-metal carbides, nitrides, and carbonitrides. The MXene family has expanded since their original discovery in 2011, and has grown larger with the discovery of ordered double transition-metal (DTM) MXenes. These DTM MXenes differ from their counterpart mono-transition-metal (mono-M) MXenes, where two transition metals can occupy the metal sites. Ordered DTM MXenes are comprised of transition metals in either an in-plane or out-of-plane ordered structure. Additionally, some DTM MXenes are in the form of random solid solutions, which are defined by two randomly distributed transition metals throughout the 2D structure. Their different structures and array of transition-metal pairs provide the ability to tune DTM MXenes for specific optical, magnetic, electrochemical, thermoelectric, catalytic, or mechanical behavior. This degree of control over their composition and structure is unique in the field of 2D materials and offers a new avenue for application-driven design of functional nanomaterials. In this article, we review the synthesis, structure, and properties of DTM MXenes and provide an outlook for future research in this field.
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B.A. acknowledges startup funding from the Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering and Purdue School of Engineering and Technology of IUPUI.
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Weichen Hong is a doctoral candidate and a research assistant in the Layered Materials and Structures Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering at Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis. He received his BS and MS degrees in materials science and engineering from the Wuhan University of Technology, China, in 2017 and 2019, respectively. His research interests include new MAX phases exploration and corresponding MXenes’ synthesis, characterization, and applications for energy storage and electronics. Hong can be reached by email at hweichen@purdue.edu.
Brian Cecil Wyatt is a doctoral candidate in the Layered Materials and Structures Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering at Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis. He received his BS degree in mechanical engineering from the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in 2019. His research includes the mechanical characterization and composition control of two-dimensional nanomaterials as well as the investigation of their interfacial properties in structural composite materials. His current research focuses on the inclusion of MXenes into lightweight metals for bioinspired structural applications. Wyatt can be reached by email at bcwyatt@iu.edu.
Srinivasa Kartik Nemani is a doctoral candidate and a research assistant in the Layered Materials and Structures Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering at Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis. He received his MS degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Toledo in 2018. His research interests include MXenes, composites, and hybrids. His current research focuses on synthesizing MXenes and developing MXene-reinforced materials for various applications. He has published articles in several journals, including Advanced Materials Interfaces and ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Nemani can be reached by email at snemani@purdue.edu.
Babak Anasori is an assistant professor in the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology at Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis. He received his PhD degree in materials science and engineering from Drexel University in 2014. He is one of the inventors of ordered double transition-metal MXenes, as a result of his postdoctoral research. His current research focuses on the synthesis and characterizations of novel MXenes and their composites. Anasori has co-authored more than 120 journal papers. He co-edited the first book on MXenes in 2019, and he is among the 2019 Global Highly Cited Researchers, recognized by the Web of Science. He is currently the chair of the Early Career Professionals Subcommittee of the Materials Research Society. Anasori can be reached by email at banasori@iupui.edu.
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Hong, W., Wyatt, B.C., Nemani, S.K. et al. Double transition-metal MXenes: Atomistic design of two-dimensional carbides and nitrides. MRS Bulletin 45, 850–861 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1557/mrs.2020.251
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1557/mrs.2020.251