Just for Fun!

See if you can f nd the 8 differences in each set of images.

Molecular motors, a portrait

The image illustrates our model regarding HMM (heavy meromyosin) adsorption on surfaces. Proteins adsorb in a functional “heads up” configuration on hydrophobic surfaces but both in heads up and down (not so functional) configurations on hydrophilic surfaces.

Nuria Albet Torres, Linnaeus University, Sweden

figure 1

Answers will be in April 2011 issue or on http://www.mrs.org/LookAgain_Feb11

Micro underwater thorny flower

Scanning electron micrograph of the spicules of the Herdmania momus sea sponge. These spicules are made of vaterite, a very rare and metastable polymorph of CaCO3.

Boaz Pokroy, Harvard University

figure 2

December 2010 answer key http://www.mrs.org/LookAgain_Dec10

figure 3

Images on the top were submitted to the Materials Research Society “Science as Art” competition (http://www.mrs.org/scienceasart).

Images on the bottom were modified in Adobe Photoshop for this “Look Again” activity.