The implementation of a wide range of high-efficiency solar cell concepts is based on nanostructures with configuration-tunable optoelectronic properties. On the other hand, effective nano-optical light-trapping concepts enable the use of ultra-thin absorber architectures. In both cases, the local density of electronic and optical states deviates strongly from that of a homogeneous bulk material. At the same time, nonlocal and coherent phenomena like tunneling or ballistic transport become increasingly relevant. As a consequence, the semiclassical, diffusive bulk picture may no longer be appropriate to describe the physics of such devices. In this review, we provide a quantum-kinetic perspective on photovoltaic device operation that reaches beyond the limits of the standard simulation models for bulk solar cells. Deviations from bulk physics are assessed in ultra-thin film and nanostructure-based solar cell architectures by comparing predictions of semiclassical models with those of a more fundamental description based on nonequilibrium quantum statistical mechanics.
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This work has benefited from fruitful discussions within COST action MP1406 — MultiscaleSolar.
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Aeberhard, U. Quantum-kinetic perspective on photovoltaic device operation in nanostructure-based solar cells. Journal of Materials Research 33, 373–386 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1557/jmr.2017.468
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1557/jmr.2017.468