The second volume of this year contains two survey articles and two book reviews.

The first survey article gives a personal perspective of the author on possible use of self-learning algorithms for a specific problem in probability, namely on Robbins’ problem. The author describes possible strategies and the structure of the problem in an entertaining style, reporting personal encounters and experiences. Various attempts and strategies for the problem are explained. One of the motivating guidelines is the question how computer simulations may assist our intuition in problem solving, but also in asking the right questions.

The second article is on elementary real and complex analysis on Abelian summability and Cesàro summability. The article contains full proofs and all of them are really accessible to everyone.

Further, you’ll find two book surveys of geometric flavor. The first is on Calabi’s collected works, which appeared in 2021. The second book review is on Bennet Chow’s recent monograph on Ricci solitons.

I hope you will enjoy reading this new volume.