Retraction Note: AAPS PharmSciTech 19, 1554–1566 (2018)

The Editor has retracted this article. After publication, concerns were raised regarding the images presented in Fig. 9. Specifically:

Fig. 9a and b appear to share some highly similar features (rotated 180 degrees);

Fig. 9a appears to contain duplicated features within the image.

The authors have stated that the images in Fig. 9a and b originated from the same sample before and after treatment; however, further checks by the publisher could not validate this statement.

The Editor therefore no longer has confidence in the presented data.

Fariba Goudarzi, Maryam Afsharpour and Robab Hassanvand Jamadi have not responded to any correspondence from the publisher about this retraction notice. The publisher has not been able to obtain a current email address for Asadollah Asadi.