Correction: The AAPS Journal (2024) 26:50

The original article has been updated to correct the following:

1) Dr. Divan Burger's affiliation was published incorrectly. It has been updated to Syneos Health, Bloemfontein, South Africa instead of University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa.

2) On Page 2, right column the formula was updated to include MSE in the square root which was missing in the published version. The correct equation is shown below:

$$\text{CI}=100\,\text{exp}\left(\overline{{\text{log}}_\text{e}\,x_\text{T}}-\overline{{\text{log}}_\text{e}\,x_\text{R}}\mp t_{df,a}\sqrt{m\times MSE\sum\limits_{i=1}^{i=s}\frac1{n_i}}\right),$$