Correction: Chin Neurosurg J 10, 8 (2024)

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors reported that the authorship needed to be updated. They want to change the author Xinjian Yang to the main corresponding author and the author Ying Zhang to the co-corresponding author, interchanging the order of the authors Yangxin Jian and Ying Zhang. This error was caused by the negligence of the authors. XinJian Yang mainly contributed to the planning of the project and participated in writing the draft and finalizing the manuscript. The updated authorship has been provided in this Correction.

The original authorship is:

Yongnan Zhu1, Fanyan Zeng2, Jian Liu3, Shiqing Mu3, Xinjian Yang1,3 and Ying Zhang1*


Ying Zhang

The updated authorship is:

Yongnan Zhu1, Fanyan Zeng2, Jian Liu3, Shiqing Mu3, Ying Zhang1*and Xinjian Yang1,3*


Ying Zhang

Xinjian Yang

The original article [1] has been corrected.