In light of the recent worldwide move to reduce dependence on coal and nuclear energy, renewable energies have taken on significant importance on a global level. Geothermal energy offers considerable future potential for heating and cooling (near-surface geothermal energy) as well as electricity production (deep geothermal energy also known as enhanced/engineered geothermal systems [EGS]), and there still remain many open questions.

To shift the topic of geothermal energy more strongly into the focus of scientific research and development, two open-access journals formed simultaneously in 2013, both focusing on the science behind geothermal energy: Geothermal Energy and Geothermal Energy Science.

As such, the editors of both journals recognized that the journals covered the same scope and would be stronger by cooperating rather than competing. The editors thus agreed to merge the journals into one to combine efforts and build on each other’s strengths. To preserve the Scopus listing already achieved by Geothermal Energy, the decision was made to keep the journal name Geothermal Energy. A new subtitle to the journal—Science, Society, and Technology—differentiates it from the former, but preserves the Scopus listing. The newly merged journal’s launch date was 01 July 2017, and the transition from the former journal to the new one was smooth and unnoticeable. All articles published under Geothermal Energy are still and always will be available at the journal website.

Geothermal Energy: Science, Society, and Technology now bears a new title, cover and has the support of both scientific institutions (UFZ, GFZ, KIT) and professional organizations, including the leading international organization in geothermal research, the International Geothermal Association (IGA), and the leading geothermal organization in Germany, the German Geothermal Association (BVG).

We are proud to present to you this new, stronger journal and, with increasing interest in and demand for renewable technologies, have high expectations for Geothermal Energy: Science, Science, and Technology.