Retraction to: Respiratory Research (2018) 19:85

The Editors-in-Chief have retracted this article. After publication concerns were raised about two of the figures, specifically:

  • In Figure 3a, the MPST blot for non-smokers appears to be the same as the CBS blot for smokers.

  • In Figure 5a, the beta-actin blot for smokers appears to be the same as the beta-actin blot for smokers in Figure 3c in a previous article [1].

An investigation by Imperial College into the integrity of these images was unable to reach a conclusion as it was established that the raw data and images from this study are not available for examination; it was therefore recommended that the article be retracted.

Bernadett Tildy, Alberto Papi, Paolo Casolari, Gaetano Caramori, Karen Limbert Rempel, Andrew J. Halayko, Ian Adcock and Kian Fan Chung agree with this retraction. Mark Perry has not responded to correspondence from the Publisher about this retraction.