Correction: BMC Med 20, 147 (2022)

After publication, it came to the authors’ attention that 143 individuals from ALSPAC G0 and 24 in ALSPAC G1 were incorrectly coded as “unemployed” pre-pandemic in our manuscript [1].

The following are a list of corrections to the original manuscript:

  1. i.

    We said: Across most studies approximately 3% of participants were no longer employed during the pandemic (8% in ALSPAC G0). Stable unemployment ranged in prevalence between 1% (GS) and 9% (ALSPAC G0).

    This should read: Across most studies approximately 3% of participants were no longer employed during the pandemic (10% in ALSPAC G0). Stable unemployment ranged in prevalence between 1% (GS) and 6% (MCS).

  1. ii.

    We said: These analyses indicated that furlough was associated with increases in fruit and vegetable consumption (RR=1.22; [1.04-1.43]; I2=52%), time spent exercising (RR=1.19; [1.04-1.35]; I2=75%) and hours of sleep (RR=1.62; [1.39-1.90]; I2=80%) relative to stable employment.

    This should read: These analyses indicated that furlough was associated with increases in fruit and vegetable consumption (RR=1.22; [1.04-1.43]; I2=52%), time spent exercising (RR=1.19; [1.04-1.36]; I2=76%) and hours of sleep (RR=1.63; [1.39-1.91]; I2=80%) relative to stable employment.

  1. iii.

    Figure 1 has been updated:

Fig. 1
figure 1

Percent distribution of change in employment status during the pandemic by study.

  1. iv.

    Results in additional files 1, 3 and 4 have been updated.

The corrections in this erratum do not influence any original conclusions in this study. We apologize for any inconvenience or misunderstanding that the errors may have caused.