Retraction Note: BMC Complement Altern Med 15, 315 (2015)

The Editor has retracted this article because of significant concerns regarding a number of Figures presented in this work, which question the integrity of the data. Specifically:

  • Image overlap has been found in Figure 3A between images with different data labels: Normal HUVECs and LPS+valsartan; as well as LPS+Calycosin and LPS+valsartan

  • It appears that Figure 7c B-actin blot has unexpected similarity to Figure 7A actin blot, although this image has been flipped and edited.

In addition, there are inconsistencies between Figure 7 and the underlying data. The Editor therefore no longer has confidence in the integrity of the data in this article.

Author Yue-Hua Jiang agrees to this retraction. Corresponding author Wei Li has stated on behalf of all co-authors that they agree to this retraction.