
Upon publication of the original article [1] it was highlighted by the authors that there was just one error in the manuscript in the ‘Sample size’ subsection of the Methods/Design. The current text reads:

“It is anticipated that there will be a total of 442 participants across 16 sites in this research study over a four year period. Of the 312, it is estimated that 120 will be adults with a primary diagnosis of BPD attending Adult Mental Health Services across eight study sites.......”

The correct text should have “312” replaced with “442” so that it reads:

“It is anticipated that there will be a total of 442 participants across 16 sites in this research study over a four year period. Of the 442, it is estimated that 120 will be adults with a primary diagnosis of BPD attending Adult Mental Health Services across eight study sites.......” This has since been formally noted in this Correction article.