Retraction Note: BMC Cancer (2022) 22:728

The Editors have retracted this article. After publication, the authors contacted the journal to request a correction to Fig. 2c, as the same images were used for EdU si-NC and EdU si-Lnc-NDRG1, and provided the raw data for validation. Further checks by the publisher found additional concerns:

Figure 5d MG63 si-NDRG1 + miR-96-5p inhibitor NC and si-NDRG1 + miR-96-5p inhibitor images (and the associated raw data) appear to overlap.

There appear to be several other instances of image overlap in the raw data files.

The Editors therefore no longer have confidence in the presented data.

Xi Chen, Hao Zhu, Guangxin Zhou and Zhen Wang agree to this retraction. None of the other co-authors have responded to any correspondence from the Editors about this retraction.