Correction to: BMC Cardiovasc Disord (2021) 21:382

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors identified an error in Fig. 1, in which the markers of “MB” should be marked on the left anterior descending coronary artery but were marked on the diagonal branch. This error does not affect the result and conclusion of this article. The updated Fig. 1 is provided in this correction article and the original article [1] has been corrected.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Myocardial bridging (MB) demonstrated by invasive coronary angiography during diastole (a) and systole (b). There was a significant narrowing on the anterior descending coronary artery during systole (white arrows). The MB on the diagonal branch (red arrows) or any other branch was rare and not analyzed in this study. The length from the beginning to the end of the coronary artery narrowing was measured as MB length (c)