
The Community Mental Health Center (C.M.H.C.) of Peristeri is an urban type Center, established at 1990 in a borough at the west side of the city of Athens.

Our catchment area has a population of about 200,000 people, mainly working class. We accept all the psychological and psychiatric problems except those with diagnosis of substance use the disorder and severe antisocial personality disorder.

The purpose of this study was to find or not a connection between the persons who visited our mental health center within the last 10 years because of a suicidal attempt and a psychiatric disorder.

Materials and methods

31 patients took part in this study. Several demographic and clinical variables were examined such as: sex, age, marital status, education level and diagnosis (ICD-10).


Sex: Male 10 (32%), Female 21 (68%)

Age: 17–26: 17 (55%), 27–36: 4 (13%), 37–46: 3 (10%), >47: 7 (22%)

Marital status: Married: 11 (35%), Single: 20 (65%)

Education: Elementary: 15 (48%), Secondary: 12 (39%), Graduate studies: 4 (13%)

Diagnosis: Anxiety-Affective disorders: 15 (48%), Personality disorders: 12 (39%)

Family problems: 4 (13%)


From the results, it seems that the total number of the persons who visited our center because of a suicidal attempt presented also a psychiatric disorder.