
Mixed embryonal carcinoma – teratoma is defined a rare kind of germ cell tumor, especially in children. Objective: a rare case report with early puberty due to mixed embryonal carcinoma – teratoma.


A 3 year 7 month old boy presented with early puberty and adrenal tumor in National Hospital of Pediatrics.


A case report.


A 3 year 7 month old boy presented with enlargement of penis, acnes, pubic hair, deep voice. He admitted with his height of +2.3SDS, penis length of 6cm, testes volumn of 4ml, pubic hair P2 (tanner). Abdoment ultrasound and CT scan showed adrenal tumor. Serum laboratory showed: 17 OHP 3,8 ng/ml, testosteron 32,3 nmol/l, cortisol 8h 433,9 nmol/l, cortisol 22h 39,2 nmol/l, glucose 3,7 mmol/l, αFP 3945,9 u/l, electrolyte normal; urine VMA 15,5 µmol/24h; bone age 5 years. Surgical showed the tumor did not originate from the adrenal. Histologica showed mixed embryonal carcinoma – teratoma. After surgeon, the signs of virilization reduce, serum testosteron become normal.


Mixed embryonal carcinoma – teratoma can be caused testosterone excretion and early puberty.

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