1 Introduction

Let M be a closed C manifold, and let Diff(M) be the space of diffeomorphisms of M endowed with the C 1 -topology. Denote by d the distance on M induced from a Riemannian metric on the tangent bundle TM. Let fDiff(M) and Λ be a closed f-invariant set. For δ>0, a sequence of points { x i } i = a b (a<b) in M is called a δ-pseudo orbit of f if d(f( x i ), x i + 1 )<δ for all aib1.

We say that f has the shadowing property on Λ if for every ϵ>0, there is δ>0 such that for any δ-pseudo orbit { x i } i = a b Λ of f (a<b), there is a point yM such that d( f i (y), x i )<ϵ for all aib1. In the dynamical systems, the shadowing theory is a very useful notion. In fact, it deals with the stability theorem (see [1]). For instance, Robinson [2] proved that if a diffeomorphism f is structurally stable, then it has the shadowing property. In [3] Sakai showed that f belongs to the C 1 -interior of the shadowing property if and only if f is structurally stable. In this paper, we deal with another shadowing property, that is, the weak limit shadowing property which was studied by [4].

We say that f has the weak limit shadowing property on Λ (or Λ is weak limit shadowable for f) if there exists a δ>0 with the following property: if a sequence { x i } i Z Λ is a δ-pseudo orbit of f, for which relations d(f( x i ), x i + 1 )0 as i+ and d( f 1 ( x i + 1 ), x i )0 as i hold, then there is a point yM such that d( f i (y), x i )0 as i±. Note that if f has the limit shadowing property, then f has the weak limit shadowing property. But the converse is not true (see [[4], Example 4]). Denote by P(f) the set of periodic points of f. Then P(f)Ω(f)R(f), where Ω(f) is the set of non-wandering points of f, and R(f) is the set of chain recurrent points of f. Note that if f satisfies Axiom A and the no-cycle condition, then Ω(f)=R(f). We say that f has the s-limit shadowing property on Λ if for any ϵ>0, there is a δ>0 such that for any δ-limit pseudo orbit ξ= { x i } i Z Λ, there is a point yM such that d( f i (y), x i )<ϵ for all iZ, and d( f i (y), x i )0 as i±. Clearly, the weak limit shadowing property is a weak notion of the s-limit shadowing property. We say that Λ is hyperbolic if the tangent bundle T Λ M has a Df-invariant splitting E s E u and there exist constants C>0 and 0<λ<1 such that

D x f n | E x s C λ n and D x f n | E x u C λ n

for all xΛ and n0. If Λ=M, then f is Anosov. Very recently, Sakai [5] showed that if a C 1 -generic diffeomorphism f has the s-limit shadowing property on R(f), then f satisfies Axiom A and the no-cycle condition. The result is motivation for this study. The main theorem of the paper is as follows.

Theorem 1.1 For C 1 -generic f, if f has the weak limit shadowing property on R(f), then f satisfies Axiom A and the no-cycle condition.

2 Proof of Theorem 1.1

Let M be as before and fDiff(M). Let pP(f) be a hyperbolic saddle with period π(p)>0. The stable manifold W s (p) and the unstable manifold W u (p) are defined as follows. It is well known that if p is a hyperbolic periodic point of f with a period k, then the sets

W s ( p ) = { x M : f k n ( x ) p  as  n } and  W u ( p ) = { x M : f k n ( x ) p  as  n }

are C 1 -injectively immersed submanifolds of M. Let p,qP(f) be saddles. Let P(f) be the set of periodic points of f. Denote by O f (p) the periodic f-orbit of pP(f). We denote pq if the intersections W s ( O f (p)) W u ( O f (q)) and W u ( O f (p)) W s ( O f (q)). Then we know that if pq, then index(p)=index(q). Here index(p) is the dimension of the stable manifold of p, that is, dim W s (p).

Proposition 2.1 There is a residual set G 1 Diff(M) such that for any fG, if f | R ( f ) has the weak limit shadowing property, then for any saddles p,qP(f), index(p)=index(q).

To prove Proposition 2.1, we need the following lemma.

Lemma 2.2 Let p,qP(f) be saddles. If f has the weak limit shadowing property on R(f), then W s ( O f (p)) W u ( O f (q)).

Proof Suppose that f has the weak limit shadowing property on R(f). For any saddles p,qP(f), we show that W u ( O f (p)) W s ( O f (q)). For the sake of simplicity, we may assume that f(p)=p and f(q)=q. Let δ>0 be the number of the weak limit shadowing property of f such that d(p,q)<δ. We construct δ-limit pseudo orbit ξ= { x i } i Z R(f) as follows. (i) x 0 =p, (ii) x i = f i (p) for all i>0, (iii) x i = f i (q) for all i1. Then the δ-limit pseudo orbit

ξ= { , x 1 , p = ( x 0 ) , q ( = x 1 ) , x 2 , } ={,p,p,q,q,},

and it is clear that ξR(f). Since f has the weak shadowing property on R(f), there is a point yM such that d( f i (y), x i )0 as i±. Then f i (y)p as i and f 1 + i (y)q as i. Hence, y W s (p) and f(y) W s (q). Thus, W u (p) W s (q). □

The following is called the Kupka-Smale theorem.

Lemma 2.3 There is a residual set G 1 Diff(M) such that for any fG, every periodic point is hyperbolic, and the stable manifolds and the unstable manifolds of periodic points are all transverse.

Proof of Proposition 2.1 Let f G 1 , and let p,qP(f) be saddles. Suppose that f has the weak limit shadowing property on R(f). Let δ>0 be the number of the weak limit shadowing property of f such that d(p,q)<δ. Then we will drive a contradiction, we may assume that index(p)index(q). Then we know that dim W s (p)+dim W u (q)<dimM or dim W u (p)+dim W s (q)<dimM. In this proof, we consider that dim W s (p)+dim W u (q)<dimM (the other case is similar). Since f G 1 , W s (p) W u (q)=. Since f has the weak limit shadowing property on R(f), by Lemma 2.2, W s (p) W u (q). This is a contradiction. □

Let pP(f) be a hyperbolic saddle with a period π(p)>0. Then there are the local stable manifold W ϵ s (p) and the unstable manifold W ϵ u (p) of p for some ϵ=ϵ(p)>0. It is easily seen that if d( f n (x), f n (p))ϵ for all n0, then x W ϵ s (p), and if d( f n (x), f n (p))ϵ for all n0, then x W ϵ u (p). The following lemma shows that if f has the s-limit shadowing property on R(f), then the numbers of sinks and sources are finite (see [[5], Lemma 2]). From the above facts, we show that if f has the weak limit shadowing property on R(f), then the numbers of sinks and sources are finite.

Lemma 2.4 Let f have the weak limit shadowing property on R(f), and let δ>0 be the number of the weak limit shadowing property of f. For any saddle qP(f), if pP(f) is a sink or a source, then d(p,q)δ.

Proof We will derive a contradiction. Suppose that qP(f) is a saddle and pP(f) is a sink with d(p,q)<δ. For the sake of simplicity, we may assume that f(p)=p, f(q)=q. Since q is a saddle, there is ϵ(q)>0 such that if for any xM, d( f i (x), f i (q))ϵ(q) as i, then x W ϵ ( q ) s (q), and if xM, d( f i (x), f i (q))ϵ(q) as i, then x W ϵ ( q ) u (q). Then we may assume that d(p,q)>ϵ(q). Then we construct a δ-limit pseudo orbit ξ= { x i } i Z R(f) as follows. Put x i = f i (p) for i0 and x i = f i (q) for i1. Then ξ= { x i } i Z is clearly a δ-limit pseudo orbit of f, and ξ= { x i } i Z R(f). Since f has the weak limit shadowing property on R(f), there is a point yM such that d( f i (y), x i )0 as i±. Since p is a sink, d( f i (y), x i )=d( f i (y),p)0 as i. Then y=p. Since d( f i (y), x i )=d( f i (y),q)0 as i, there is k>0 such that d( f k + i (y), f k + i (q))=d( f k + i (y),q)ϵ(q) for i0. Then f k (y) W ϵ ( q ) s (q). Since y=p, we know that d(p,q)ϵ(q). This is a contradiction. □

Let p be a periodic point of f, and let 0<δ<1. We say p has a δ-weak eigenvalue provided D p f π ( p ) has an eigenvalue λ such that ( 1 δ ) π ( p ) <|λ|< ( 1 + δ ) π ( p ) . We say that the periodic point has a real spectrum if all of its eigenvalues are real and a simple spectrum if all of its eigenvalues have multiplicity one. The following lemma will play a crucial role in our proof.

Lemma 2.5 [[6], Lemma 5.1]

There is a residual set G 2 Diff(M) such that for any f G 2 ,

  1. (a)

    for any η>0, if for any C 1 -neighborhood U(f) of f, there exist gU(f) and p g , q g P(g) with the same period such that d( p g , q g )<η, then there exist p,qP(f) with the same period such that d(p,q)<η;

  2. (b)

    for any η>0, if for any C 1 -neighborhood U(f) of f, there exist gU(f) and p g P(g) with an η-weak eigenvalue, then there exist pP(f) with a 2η-weak eigenvalue;

  3. (c)

    for any η>0, if qP(f) with an η-weak eigenvalue and a real spectrum, then there exists pP(f) with an η-weak eigenvalue with a simple real spectrum.

Lemma 2.6 [[7], Lemma 5.1]

There is a residual set G 3 Diff(M) such that for any f G 3 , for any η>0, if for any C 1 -neighborhood U(f) of f, there exist gU(f) and p g , q g P(g) with the same period such that d( p g , q g )<η with different indices, then there exist p,qP(f) with the same period such that d(p,q)<η with different indices.

The following so-called Franks lemma will play an essential role in our proof.

Lemma 2.7 Let U(f) be any given C 1 -neighborhood of f. Then there exists ϵ>0 and a C 1 -neighborhood U 0 (f)U(f) of f such that for given g U 0 (f), a finite set { x 1 , x 2 ,, x N }, a neighborhood U of { x 1 , x 2 ,, x N } and linear maps L i : T x i M T g ( x i ) M satisfying L i D x i gϵ for all 1iN, there exists g U(f) such that g (x)=g(x) if x{ x 1 , x 2 ,, x N }(MU) and D x i g = L i for all 1iN.

If pP(f) is hyperbolic, then for any gU(f), there is a unique hyperbolic periodic point p g P(g) nearby p such that π( p g )=π(p) and index( p g )=index(p), where index=dim W s (p). Such a p g is called the continuation of p.

Lemma 2.8 There is a residual set G 4 Diff(M) such that for any f G 4 , if f has the weak limit shadowing property on R(f), then there is η>0 such that f has no η-weak eigenvalue.

Proof Let f G 4 = G 2 G 3 . To derive a contradiction, we may assume that for any η>0, there is a hyperbolic periodic point q g of g ( C 1 -nearby f) such that q g has an η-weak eigenvalue and a simple real spectrum. Let δ>0 be the number of the weak limit shadowing property of f such that 0<η<δ/2. For the sake of simplicity, we assume that q g is a fixed point. By Lemma 2.7, there is h C 1 -close to g and h C 1 -nearby f such that q h has 1 as an eigenvalue. By Lemma 2.7 and as in the proof of [[8], Lemma 2.4], we can construct an h l (l>0)-invariant small arc I q h of h l containing q h such that d( p h , r h )<η, where p h , r h are the end points of I q h , h l ( p h )= p h , h l ( r h )= r h and p h , r h are hyperbolic saddles and different indices. Since f G 4 , there exist p,rP(f) with the same period such that d(p,r)<η with different indices. Since f has the weak limit shadowing property on R(f), and by Lemma 2.4, p,rP(f) are saddles. Since d(p,r)<δ, by Proposition 2.1, we know that index(p)=index(r). But, since index(p)index(r), this is a contradiction. □

Denote by F(M) the C 1 -interior of the set of diffeomorphisms of M whose periodic points are all hyperbolic. In [9], Hayashi showed that if fF(M), then f satisfies Axiom A and the no-cycle condition. To prove Theorem 1.1, it is enough to show fF(M).

End of proof of Theorem 1.1 Let f G 4 , and let f have the weak limit shadowing property on R(f). If not, then fF(M). There is g C 1 -closed to f and a non-hyperbolic periodic point p g such that the point p g has an η/2 weak eigenvalue. Since f G 4 , there is pP(f) such that p has an η-weak eigenvalue. By Lemma 2.8, this is a contradiction. □