We review the status of, and prospects for, real-time data processing for collider experiments in experimental High Energy Physics. We discuss the historical evolution of data rates and volumes in the field and place them in the context of data in other scientific domains and commercial applications. We review the requirements for real-time processing of these data, and the constraints they impose on the computing architectures used for such processing. We describe the evolution of real-time processing over the past decades with a particular focus on the Large Hadron Collider experiments and their planned upgrades over the next decade. We then discuss how the scientific trends in the field and commercial trends in computing architectures may influence real-time processing over the coming decades.
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For the purposes of this review, an event designates one nominal unit of data used in physics analysis. In collider experiments, it typically corresponds to the data produced during one crossing of the colliding beams.
In practice this means that any deviations from perfect reproducibility should be small compared to other data-simulation differences and systematic uncertainties associated with the relevant physics analyses.
In HEP, and at CERN in particular, data centre power consumption remains marginal relative to the accelerator’s own power consumption. There is nevertheless increasing pressure, which will in any case be amplified by commercial trends, to deploy applications which minimise this power consumption.
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VVG acknowledges support by the European Research Council under Grant Agreement number 724777 “RECEPT”. The authors would like to thank Alessandro Cerri (University of Sussex) for the kind permission to use Fig. 1 in this article.
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Gligorov, V.V., Reković, V. Review of real-time data processing for collider experiments. Eur. Phys. J. Plus 138, 1005 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1140/epjp/s13360-023-04599-6
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1140/epjp/s13360-023-04599-6