1 Erratum to: Eur. Phys. J. C (2016) 76:294 https://doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052-016-4139-0

In the original article unfortunately we missed two typos in the equation for \(I(\delta )\) at the top of the fourth page of the article. The equation should read

$$\begin{aligned} I(\delta )\approx & {} I_0\frac{T^2}{1-2R\cos \delta +R^2}\\&\times \left\{ \eta (t)^2+\frac{2\,\eta (t)\,(1-R^2)}{1-2R\cos \delta +R^2} \,\Big [\right. \psi \sin (4\phi (t)+4\phi _1)\\&\left. +\,\alpha _1\sin (2\phi (t)+2\phi _1)+\alpha _2\sin (2\phi (t) +4\phi _1-2\phi _2)\Big ]\phantom {\frac{2\,\eta (t)\,(1-R^2)}{1-2R\cos \delta +R^2}}\right\} . \end{aligned}$$

The paper, the results and validity of the discussions are in no way altered by the typos in that they are all based on the correct equation.