It has been revealed that, despite the absence of a government landscape policy in Russia, the regulation of several spheres of economic activity includes requirements for the sustainable use of landscapes. The landscape concept is applied to manage resource-oriented types of activity in Russia. Environmental protection, as well as preserving Russian natural and cultural heritage, are the key activities. It is found that the use of approximately 40 types of landscapes classified under different criteria are regulated by Russian legislation. Only three of them are legally approved: landscape, natural landscape, and anthropogenic landscape. Federal legislation governs landscape management for almost all types of economic activities listed in this work. At the interregional and regional level, the focus is on the use of geosystems in tourism, agriculture, and natural and cultural heritage conservation, as well as environmental protection. At the local (municipal) level, the landscape concept is used to manage urban planning, zone settlements, classify lands, and assess their cadastral value. Integral geosystems (rather than individual natural and cultural-historical resources) are objects for management within the framework of the functioning and development of specially protected natural areas, as well as the protection of cultural heritage. The objectives of their use are mainly mentioned in strategic documents. It is pointed out that the number of features in the governmental regulation of geosystem use in Russia is related with several principles of landscape planning: a hierarchical nature (management of the geosystems at all levels, from federal to municipal), commitment to the ecological aspects of regional policy (landscape management is basically used for environmental protection), and reliance on the ecological framework of the territory (the establishment and management of specially protected natural areas for the conservation of unique and typical natural complexes which form a part of the ecological framework).
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Fetisov, D.M., Solovchenkov, S.A. The Concept of Landscape in Russian Legislation. Geogr. Nat. Resour. 43, 101–107 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1134/S1875372822020020
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1134/S1875372822020020