figure 1

Photograph from the family archive of L.A. Prozorova

This issue is dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding experimental physicist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ludmila Andreevna Prozorova.

For sixty years Ludmila Prozorova worked at the Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems. She owns a number of pioneering results in the field of spin dynamics in magnetic crystals. Her fundamental research on antiferromagnetic resonance, parametric excitation of spin waves in antiferromagnets and strongly nonlinear spin-wave regimes, and magnetic excitations in low-dimensional and frustrated magnets is broadly recognized by the scientific community. Her work has invariably been distinguished by originality, reliability, and brightness of results; it is representative of the major stages in the development of condensed matter magnetism, from classical antiferromagnets and spin-wave spectra to strongly fluctuating quantum systems, complex noncollinear and incommensurate structures, and nonconventional nonlinear effects. Many of her studies were published in JETP. She has brought up a cohort of students, currently working at the Kapitza Institute and other research centers and universities, and her authority among colleagues of all generations is very high. In this issue of JETP, we publish the recent studies of Ludmila Prozorova’s colleagues and students who continue work on spin dynamics and magnetic properties of matter. We are grateful to all contributors to this anniversary issue of the journal.