The existing approaches to and methods for bioassessment of water quality are critically analyzed. The significance of the methodological approach under the concept of ecosystem “health” as the most integral numerical method for assessing pollution effects. Comparative analysis is given to the significance of criteria based on the state of individuals, populations, and communities. The results of practical testing of the methods developed for biological assessment of water quality for some water bodies are presented. Critical levels are established based on the construction of dose-effect dependences. The basic principles for limiting surface water pollution are formulated.
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Moiseenko, T.I. Bioassessment of water quality and defining of critical levels of multicontamination for aquatic life. Water Resour 37, 773–795 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1134/S0097807810060047
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0097807810060047