From June 20 to 23, the Ninth All-Russia School–Conference of Young Scientists “Organic and Hybrid Nanomaterials” and the Second Youth School “Hydrogen and Metal Hydride Energy Technologies” were held at Ivanovo State University. They were attended by scientists representing the Federal Research Center for Problems of Chemical Physics and Medicinal Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Chernogolovka); Moscow, St. Petersburg, Saratov, Dagestan, Ivanovo, and Yaroslavl State Universities; Bauman Higher Technical University of Moscow; Lipetsk State Technical University; Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Moscow); the Biotechnology and Crystallography and Photonics Federal Research Centers of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow); and the following research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Prokhorov Institute of General Physics, Institute of Oil and Gas Problems, and Krestov Institute of Solution Chemistry.

Scientists from South Africa and Croatia gave online lectures. A total of 75 oral and plenary scientific reports were given.

The conference was welcomed and a report was made by the chairman of the organizing committee, RAS Corresponding Member V.F. Razumov; RAS Corresponding Member, Director of the Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis A.L. Maksimov; and representatives of the administration of Ivanovo State University.

The conference and school covered issues of new materials for nanophotonics and electronics, methods for research in nanomaterials, biomedical applications of nanomaterials, electrolyte materials containing nanoparticles, hydrogen energy, and metal hydride energy technologies.

This special issue of High Energy Chemistry contains scientific reports selected by the organizing committee of the school–conference on the problems of metal hydride technologies, nanomaterials, catalysis, etc.

The issue was prepared and published under the general editorship of Vladimir Fedorovich Razumov and Mikhail Vasilyevich Klyuev.